Simple hairstyles for long hair to herself: photos, ideas

If a girl has long, beautiful, healthy and well-groomed hair, then she just needs to wash them, dry, comb, and you can go with such a hairstyle anywhere. But sometimes you want to diversify your image, especially since you can make a lot of original, fashionable and uncomplicated hairstyles out of long hair. In this article, we will talk about how to make beautiful simple hairstyles for long hair, including on your own.

Emphasize beauty

Of course, long, straight, well-groomed hair in itself is a magnificent hairstyle, but when you want to further decorate the image and focus on beautiful hair, girls usually make curls. And there is a fashion for curls: now these are long, soft, flowing waves that start at about the chin, and straight hair above.

To create such a simple hairstyle for long hair in the form of wavy curls, you need to wash and dry your head. This is the basic rule before creating any hairstyle, it will be easier to do so, and stale hair does not look aesthetically pleasing. Prepare hair curlers or electric tongs and fixing and protective equipment. The larger the diameter of the electric tongs (curling iron), the larger the resulting curls will be. First you need to apply a protective agent against heat treatment of the hair, then fixes it so that the curls stay longer. Each lock of hair should be twisted in a spiral.

hairstyles for long hair quickly and easily

It is convenient to use soft curlers for wavy curls. Before wrapping hair should be slightly wet, but only slightly. Curlers, wound on excessively wet hair, after removal will not give the effect of curls.

Fancy curls

There are also some unusual ways to make curls without using curlers or curling irons. For example, a wavy simple hairstyle for long hair can be made using only your own hands and hairpins. You just need to apply styling foam to all hair, then, having separated the strand of the required thickness, wrap it on your finger (or two or three fingers for the size of curls).

Fix each strand with a hairpin, wait half an hour for the foam to dry, or blow dry the resulting rings with a hairdryer. Then gently dissolve the hair and lightly fix the result with varnish.

Many girls know that hair looks very beautiful after braided braids and for a change you can walk in curls after braided braids, beautifully designed with a hair clip.

Another unusual way to curl hair is to use twisted flagella. Make an unusual curly hairstyle for long hair quickly and easily. To do this, you need to divide the hair into several equal zones (the thicker your hair, the more zones will turn out), apply foam and twist into a tight braid, which then wrap around yourself and fasten with a hairpin or elastic band. You need to walk around with flagella for at least a couple of hours, you can even go to bed if you feel comfortable, and in the morning we dissolve each tourniquet and hit everyone with a new haircut.

The beauty of braids

The use of various weaving techniques is still relevant. It seems that girls are not going to give up the convenience and attractiveness that give different types of braids.

simple hairstyles for long hair photo step by step photo

From simple home hairstyles to long hair using braids, you can choose a headband. To do this, from the strands behind the ear, braid two thin and tight pigtails on both sides. Then, on the hair combed back, you need to throw pigtails across the whole head from one side and the other. The result was a rim of four braids. Pull the ends of the braids with invisibility on each side.

Consider another simple hairstyle for long hair with braiding. Divide the hair in a parting (it does not matter, left or right). On the side where the bulk of the hair is thrown, we begin to weave the braid according to the type of spikelet, taking strands from the forehead itself and capturing new strands from only one side - from the parting. Weave back to the crown of the head, then stop and spin the entire length of the hair with an ordinary braid, secure with a transparent elastic band.

If necessary, you can add volume to the braid with pulling movements. In the end, you should get a beautiful braid, passing from the forehead and falling to the side.


Creating a romantic image, a girl with long hair must definitely try to braid them. A simple hairstyle for long hair itself in a romantic style can be styled as braids.

For example, you get the original braid, if weave it from three braids. To do this, divide the hair into three equal parts and braid a not-so-tight braid from each, braid one of the three braids obtained, and secure with a transparent elastic band. For volume, you need to stretch the strands evenly throughout the braid.

beautiful simple hairstyles for long hair

A braid in French inverted looks very cute and romantic. At first it may seem difficult to weave, but having trained, you can easily master it. Such a braid can be made both in the center of the head and by starting to weave on the right or left side.

Take three strands and wind the side ones under the central strand, grabbing new strands, so move through your whole head. Fasten with an elastic band and, if desired, collect the ends of the hair into a bundle using hairpins.

The tail, but not that

Speaking of simple hairstyles for long hair, you can not go past the tails. It is not necessary to think that everything is limited only to the ponytail; recently, their creation is also diverse.

A beautiful simple hairstyle for long hair can be made from two inverted tails. For her, you need to comb your hair and collect it above the level of the ears. Next, make a regular tail out of this part of the hair, securing it with a transparent elastic band. Then in the hair over the elastic in the center you need to make a hole and stick the tail there. Then, a little lower, we collect the same part of the hair that is the same on the thicket (we leave only the hair growing above the neck) and make another tail of the same type. In the center of the twisted tail (lower or upper), you can optionally insert a hair ornament.

A simple hairstyle for long hair in the form of a beautiful tail will look extraordinary. For it, you need to slightly curl the ends of the hair, then select a part of the curls on the crown and comb them at the roots. Then cover the bouffant with front strands (if you like, you can part in the center to the bouffant). On the back of the head, collect the hair in a ponytail and secure with an elastic band. It can be either in the center of the neck, or lower, at the neck. On top of the elastic, you can wrap your own lock of hair, securing it with a hairpin.

Knots, but not marine

Have you ever tried to tie long hair in a knot? Try it, maybe you will like such an original simple hairstyle for long hair (photo step by step below).

Prepare a clear elastic and styling mousse in advance by applying it over the entire length of the hair. Then divide the curls at the neck into two equal parts and tie a regular knot in half. Fix the resulting tail with an elastic band and sprinkle the entire structure with varnish a little.

simple hairstyles for long hair photo

Another option is interesting weaving braids from nodes. Before starting, you should also apply mousse to the hair, then comb them back. Separate part of the strands above the level of the ears, divide them into two bundles and tie them together once.

A little lower, we grab the next part of the hair, grabbing the ends from the first knot, tie the second knot. So, like a French braid, we go through the whole head, there can be 3-5 knots. At the end, fasten the hair with an elastic band and, if desired, hide the ends inward, under the neck.

Simple, beautiful and comfortable

Hair gathered in a bun looks very feminine and cute. It can be assembled from braids or use a special volumetric sponge.

And we advise you to try this version of the beam: make a low tail at the neck, rotate it through its own center (inverted tail, see above). Next, you need to substitute your finger (for the volume of the bundle) and continue to turn the tail several times until the length of the hair ends. Fix the resulting elongated roller with studs and sprinkle with varnish.

Well, a horse’s tail wrapped around itself is considered a classic bunch. For such a simple hairstyle for long hair (photo), you can apply a lot of options for jewelry from ribbons, bows, braids, decorated hairpins, hairpins, etc.


Elegantly and concisely looks shell, which can be collected from long hair. It is suitable for both young girls and older women. Since the shell gives rigor to the image, you need to do it for visits to relevant events.

simple hairstyles for long hair to herself

Before creating it, stock up on a few pins. Collect the combed hair as if you were going to make a low tail near the neck, and twist the entire length of the hair into a bundle. Then lift the tourniquet from the neck to the crown and hide it inside the hair, fixing it with the hairpins over the entire height.

A more voluminous shell can be created on the hair slightly combed at the roots. Additionally, you can decorate such a light hairstyle with curls of your own curls and decorative ornaments.

Twist the harnesses

If you are tired of braiding braids, try a great alternative to them - a hairstyle with various plaits. The easiest option is to twist the same strands behind the ear from two sides and connect them on the back of the head. Curl a little hair ends and a gentle look is ready.

The braid from the plaits will look unusual. To create it, make the tail at a level convenient for you, divide it into two parts, twist the tourniquet from each part, and then twist the two resulting bundles together and fix the lower ends with a transparent or decorated elastic band.

With the help of hairstyles from harnesses, you can turn into an ancient Greek goddess. Consider a step-by-step simple hairstyle for long hair from bundles. Before you make it, you need to apply a styling tool on all curls.

We take a strand from the temple and twist it, moving to the neck. Add new strands to the tourniquet. You need to do this on both sides and secure each harness with studs in several places for reliability. The curl remaining in the center of the neck can be left, or it can also be rolled inward.

Wonderful evening

When girls or women have to attend an important evening event, they ask themselves: what can be simple evening hairstyles for long hair?

Answering this question, we advise you to turn to the classic retro look and make a beautiful high bun of hair.

If you have wavy hair by nature, it is better to align them with a hair iron before starting a hairstyle. Then, at the top, collect all the hair in a ponytail and direct it forward to make a large loop of hair. Fasten it with an elastic band, wrap the ends of the tail around the elastic, using studs to fix it. Spread a fan-shaped loop by attaching side strands to your head with hairpins or hairpins.

simple evening hairstyles for long hair

To study, to work or in a cafe

Another simple hairstyle from long hair is suitable for special occasions, as well as for everyday affairs. Make a straight parting over the entire head and on the sides of the back of the head construct two tails. Pass each tail through the hair for an elastic band (inverted tail). Weave not very tight braids from the tails, and wrap each braid around itself like a gulka, fixing each with hairpins. For volume, pull the strands evenly out of each braid.

The resulting two unusual cones of hair can be decorated with a decorative hairpin and thereby create an evening option, and for everyday life leave this hairstyle without decorations.

Cute bow

Recently, it has been fashionable to make bows from one's own hair, which are very suitable for young girls. To create such a bow you do not need skills.

simple hairstyles for long hair photo step by step

At the heart of such a simple hairstyle for long hair (making it yourself is not difficult) is a regular tail on the crown. Direct it forward (to the forehead) and fix the loop formed with an elastic band. Dividing the loop with your fingers in half, we already get a semblance of a bow. Now we direct the tip of the tail back and share our bow halves with it. So that the hairs from the "knot" of the bow do not stick out, they need to be greased with hair gel and fixed with hairpins. An unusual girl's hairstyle is ready and quite suitable for study or leisure.


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