Hot hair scissors: haircut features

A visit to a beauty salon is a good solution not only if you need to change the haircut. Quite often, those who have problems with curls come here. Hot hair scissors allow you to restore the broken structure and eliminate split ends . Customer reviews of hairdressers confirm the effectiveness of the procedure if necessary, "treatment" of damaged strands.

The history of thermal cutting

hot hair scissors
It is believed that hair polishing or hot scissors was invented in the 20th century. However, as historical information shows, ancient Egyptian masters used a similar technology to care for curls. Naturally, at that time there was no access to an electric tool. Therefore, to complete the haircut, the scissors had to be heated over the fire, quickly cutting the strands. The procedure took several hours. However, hot hair scissors allowed to obtain excellent results.

The ancient Slavs also used the method. According to historians, it was the idea of ​​cutting hair with hot scissors that made it possible for girls to make their traditional braids extremely long and dense.

Currently, high-performance and safe electric scissors are used to perform haircuts. Most models are complemented by instruments that open up the possibility for fine adjustment of the temperature of the instrument.

What are hot scissors?

hair polishing or hot scissors
Electric shears with the effect of heating the cutting parts were developed at one time by the German company Jaguar. The main task of the company’s specialists was the creation of a tool that would have a therapeutic effect on the hair directly during the haircut.

Hot hair scissors are not a single item. To ensure the thermal cutting process, a whole range of devices is used. First of all, the scissors are connected to a network adapter, which in turn is connected to a mini-computer or a functional control unit. All kinds of razors, thinning cutting elements can be included in the kit, which are also connected to the network or battery.

Operational Features

hot hair scissors reviews
How do hot hair scissors function? To avoid negative results of the procedure and ensure safety, it is necessary to understand the principles of using the tool.

Hair is usually divided into several categories: normal, thin, thick and dyed. Based on this, hot hair scissors are heated to a certain temperature:

  • thin hair - from 100 to 130 ° C;
  • normal - 130-150 o C;
  • thick - not lower than 150 ° C;
  • in the presence of perm or dyed hair - from 80 to 110 about C.


cut hair with hot scissors
How safe is cutting hair with hot scissors? Reviews of visitors to beauty salons who have already managed to go through the procedure show that the use of the tool completely eliminates the possibility of burns. It's all about the presence of a edged protection that protects against contact with hot metal, not only the skin of the client's hairdresser, but also the hands of the master himself. Only the cutting surfaces are heated here. The remaining parts remain a little warm. To ensure reliable insulation of hot structural elements, special heat-resistant materials are used.

Types of Hot Shears

Two hot scissor options are currently available:

  1. Stationary - the bulk of the models is represented by devices that are connected to the mains using a flexible cord several meters long. For such shears for thermal cutting, only one cutting blade is heated. It is convenient to control their on and off using a single button. Clicking on the latter also provides a change in temperature conditions.
  2. Mobile - operate from a built-in battery. Heating modes are changed using a mini-computer, mounted on the belt of the wizard. Most models offer the opportunity to simultaneously heat straight and thinning shears. Moreover, the computer sets both instruments a different heating temperature.

What is the effect of cutting with hot scissors?

hair cutting with hot scissors
Essentially, hair is a core with nutrients inside it. The outer part is protected from external influences by a shell in the form of small scales. When the hair is healthy, beneficial elements are stored in the middle, which allows curls to look healthy and attractive. When the structure is weakened, the outer flakes exfoliate. As a result, the strands acquire a dull appearance, the effect of split ends appears.

Shearing damaged hair with conventional scissors is a frankly ineffective solution, since it does not restore it and leaves open sections. The use of a hot tool literally “seals” the nutrients inside the hair. The result is the elimination of their fragility and dryness. Subsequent proper care makes the hair shiny, makes it possible to restore the correct water balance.

However, there are pros and cons to hot hair scissors. The fact is that with a lack of nutrients in the hair structure and the absence of comprehensive care for curls, sealing the ends only leads to their weakening.

Hot Hair Scissors: Pros

hot hair scissors pluses
The procedure is resorted to, first of all, if necessary, to eliminate the effect of split ends, the overall healing of the hair, the restoration of curls of former attractiveness and natural shine. Thanks to the use of hot scissors, all of the above problems are eliminated naturally in a few months, even when it comes to processing the most groomed curls.

Cutting hair with a tool makes it possible to obtain additional volume. This property is especially relevant for owners of weakened, thin hair. Soon after the procedure, the girls begin to notice how much easier it becomes to create curvy hairstyles. Among other things, high-quality thermal cutting allows you to significantly accelerate hair growth.

Cons scissors hot scissors

hot hair scissors pros and cons
The obvious drawback of thermal cutting is the impressive cost of the procedure. As a rule, treating curls with hot scissors is several times more expensive compared to trimming the ends in a traditional way. Naturally, there is the possibility of buying a device for independent work. However, the result of such actions in most cases is deplorable, since only professional masters are able to choose the optimal temperature, based on the condition of the curls.

High cost would not be decisive if one haircut was required for complete hair restoration. However, as practice shows, the effect of a complete restoration of the hair structure is achieved only when they are sequentially processed for several months.

A comparative minus of the procedure is the need for special care for curls. After performing a heat cut, quality restoring masks are mandatory. Moreover, the use of all kinds of ploques, hair dryers, straightening irons, which can injure healthy strands, is excluded.

Thermal cutting is a lengthy procedure. The craftsmen have to spend several hours on the thorough processing of each large strand. Owners of thick and thick curls are forced to endure even longer.

In general, everyone who decided to resort to cutting with hot scissors needs to be prepared both for a significant expenditure of energy, money and time, and quite impressive expenses for subsequent hair restoration.


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