What are river rapids: overcoming water obstacles

Among the supporters of outdoor activities after walking tourists, the first place is occupied by the “watermen”. Only those who rafted along the rivers, imagine what river rapids, waterfalls, complex channels are, and are fully close to nature. Rafting along the water arteries requires not only high-quality equipment and the ability to swim, but also good physical preparation.

what are rapids

What can be rafted on

Before you understand for yourself what river rapids and other water obstacles are, a beginner needs to determine the type of transport. There are several of them:

  1. Kayaks . Single narrow swimming facilities that require prior training in their management and the ability to independently make decisions in extreme situations.
  2. Kayaks . Most often - double; in sports races and team - up to four people. Rowers are located one after another.
  3. Catamarans . Fully consistent with the ideas about them: two boats are connected to each other. Usually they are transplanted by water people who have passed along the routes of the third category (but many do not go over).
  4. Rafts . Multiple (from 2 to 6) inflatable ships. Since 2003, rafting in Russia has been recognized as a separate sport, but it is often commercial in nature - rafts are used for rafting non-athletes along calm rivers. Naturally, unprepared people on a trip will not know what river rapids are.
    overcoming water obstacles

A beginner tourist passes the first routes along the most simple rivers, in a team and certainly under the supervision of an instructor.

Route difficulty classification

The international registry divides rivers as follows:

1 category. A simple route with a mild course and rare shallows.

2 category. Moderate complexity: the presence of primitive obstacles; in separate sections of the route, increased flow velocity.

3 category. Complex rivers. Numerous obstacles, some of which are quite high and can block the view. The line of movement is traced from the influx. Only starting from this category, water-boat tourists begin to realize what river rapids are and how they should be “conquered”. However, on such rivers they only learn to overcome various obstacles; You can say these are the last of the relatively easy routes.

4th category. Increased difficulty. The direction of movement in the threshold is not obvious, perhaps their preliminary examination is required. The movement of water is powerful, it is necessary to continuously maneuver.

5th category. Extremely difficult route. Preliminary reconnaissance is mandatory, obstacles are continuous, include waterfalls.

6th category. Extremely complex rivers. Available only to professionals.

threshold categories

In the Russian classification, the first two categories of thresholds are combined and are considered simple, accessible to a beginner. The third is classified as medium difficulty, the fourth is intended for regularly trained athletes. The rest is for professionals.

What are river rapids in terms of water tourism

Single stone protrusions by athletes are not considered obstacles. Thresholds are areas with water fall, high-speed current, closely located rock fragments - plus the so-called "standing waves". Overcoming water obstacles, from the point of view of water workers, begins with the level of difficulty, when the distance between them is minimal for passage, and the water flow is significantly increased. Experienced tourists determine the proximity to the rapids by the sound and the change in the speed of the current.

Features of passing obstacles

How exactly to pass the thresholds depends on the type of court on which the tourist is rafting. He must take into account the dimensions and draft of his craft, the speed of the current and the presence of turning jets, which can turn him and hit an obstacle. Most often, an uncomplicated obstacle, when the fairway is easy to see, pass like a whip. On more complex thresholds, maneuvering is required. Most routes, starting from the fourth category, require a stop for reconnaissance.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38139/

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