How many years can I get a bank card? Requirements, features, experience of other countries

To receive a payment card, the applicant must meet a number of bank requirements. Depending on the type, class, purpose of the card, there are restrictions on age, social status, income, creditworthiness and other criteria. Such requirements are stipulated both by the legislative acts of the country and the domestic policy of the issuing bank. This article will reveal the definition of this financial instrument and help answer the question of how many years you can get a bank card from Sberbank and other financial institutions of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

Payment card: definition, types and purpose

A plastic card

A bank card is one of the types of modern means of payment. By appointment, there are two types: debit and credit. "Debit" allows its owner to manage personal finances within the free balance of the account. It is used to receive various payments, make payments and transfers, withdraw cash abroad, etc. A credit card provides access to a renewable limit - borrowed money to banks. For this service, a banking organization charges a percentage and sets the conditions for repayment of the debt: term, additional fees, penalties for violation of obligations, etc. To draw up a card with a credit limit, the bank can check the source and size of official income, as well as the credit history of the applicant.

Age qualification when opening a debit card in Russian banks

To find out how many years you can get a bank card, we turn to Russian law. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that the right to dispose of property is acquired from young children from 6 years old with the consent of a parent or guardian. However, in practice a different picture is observed: not every Russian bank is ready to issue a payment card at such a young age. Most often, a "children's" card is issued as an additional to the main card. The expenditure of funds on such a card is fully monitored in Internet banking, where it is also possible to set a limit on cash withdrawals.

Child with a payment card

With the receipt of a passport at the age of 14 in the Russian Federation, children acquire partial independence - they can officially engage in labor activities and receive remuneration for their work. From this age, minors can open a payment card without the consent of relatives or guardians. The choice of payment cards for commercial banks in this age segment is much wider.

You can find out how many years you can get a bank card from Sberbank, VTB and other credit organizations from the following table. All data listed below is current as of January 2019.

BankMinimum age years
Sberbankadditional - 7
main - 14
"Alfa Bank"additional - 7-14, the main - 14-17
Raiffeisenbankadditional - 6-14, main —14-17
VTBadditional - 14, main - 18
Tinkoff Bankmain - 14

How many years can I get a credit bank card in Russian banks?

Child and payment card

In order to approve a credit card, the applicant must be creditworthy, financially independent and aware of all the responsibility that rests with him in the process of using the borrowed funds of the bank. This explains the increased requirements of banks to open a credit card. Information on how many years you can get a bank card with a limit is presented in the table below.

BankAge threshold, years
Tinkoff Bank18
"Alfa Bank"18

How many years can I get a bank card in Belarus

In the Republic of Belarus there is a legislative practice similar to the Russian Federation in the field of the right to dispose of property among minors, including cash. In order to find out how many years you can get a card in this country, you need to study the market of plastic means of payment. So, for children from six years old, Belarusbank offers to open an additional card to the existing one with a birth certificate, and for teenagers from 14 years old - a separate account with a card. Another Belarusian financial institution, Belinvestbank, has a similar offer: a "children's card" as an additional to the parent's account can be issued to children under 14; from 14 to 18 years old, when presenting a passport - a debit card with your own account. Under similar conditions, you can open a card for minors in RRB-Bank, Belagroprombank, Technobank, etc. Payment cards with a credit limit are issued after the age of 18.

Payment card

Age restrictions for opening a card in banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan

To find out how many years you can get a bank card in Kazakhstan, you need to refer to the offers of banks in this country. For example, in a subsidiary of Sberbank in the Republic of Kazakhstan for children from six years old, you can open a “Children's card” tied to the main account, and from 14 to 18 years old - already an “adult” card with their own unique personal account. To open a Kaspi Gold debit card with Kaspi Bank with its own account, the applicant must be at least 16 years old. In most other banks in Kazakhstan, for opening a main card for minors from the age of 14, a birth certificate, the presence of a legal representative and his consent are required; from the age of 18 - only an identity document. A credit card in the Republic of Kazakhstan can be issued upon reaching adulthood, but the banks of this country most often set a 21-year milestone for this purpose.


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