The best materials for eyelash extensions. Starter kit for eyelash extensions

Almost every woman dreams of long and attractive eyelashes. Cosmetics like twisting mascaras with tweezers save only partially. In addition, they must be used periodically to maintain volume.

Over the past ten years, the service for eyelash extensions has become extremely popular in beauty salons. But today, a similar procedure can be organized at home. The main tool here are starter kits for eyelash extensions. For those girls who received too pale and rare cilia from nature, this was a real salvation.

Today, such materials are presented in a wide assortment, and if experienced consumers have long been determined for themselves ideal solutions, then newcomers are tormented by the pangs of choice and ask a variety of questions: “And what is the thickness of eyelashes for extensions, what tools are best to use and what to pay special attention to ? " It is also worth noting that if one beauty went to the next set with a bang, then it is not a fact that he will suit the second. But first things first.

Let's try to figure out how to find the optimal tool for the implementation of this enterprise. We will also find out how thick eyelashes are for extensions, where it is better to buy materials and which manufacturers to focus on. So let's get started.

The benefits of fake eyelashes

One of the main advantages of such eyelashes, in addition to a spectacular and expressive look, is the ability to visit swimming pools, saunas in all its glory and engage in active sports without fear. If you used high-quality materials for building, eyelashes will remain in place.

what is the thickness of eyelashes for extensions

The next plus is the time saved on makeup. In this case, there is no need to dye mascara or curl them. In addition, some quite successfully correct the shape and shape of the eyes in this way.

But it is worthwhile to warn that even the best materials for eyelash extensions will be useless if you do not have enough experience. The result largely depends on the agility of the hands of the master. So be prepared to try and make mistakes until you achieve the desired effect.

Eyelash Extension Supplies

Here we find out what we need to organize this procedure. For different masters, the list of necessary tools may vary. We will consider the classic starter kit for eyelash extensions. The latter will be more than enough for home use. For professional masters, the list will be noticeably longer.

eyelash extension starter kit

Material List:

  1. Artificial eyelashes themselves. They can be from different materials and vary in length and thickness. What thickness are eyelashes for extensions, we will consider below.
  2. Tweezers. Needed to pick up cilia and set in place. The best option would be a tandem of curved and straight tweezers.
  3. Glue (resin) for eyelashes. It is both transparent and dark. It is necessary for fixing the material to natural eyelashes. The compositions differ from each other mainly in terms of setting speed.
  4. Debonder, he's a remover for removing eyelashes. This is a special fluid that is used to remove build-up material.
  5. Cosmetic tape. It comes, as a rule, from silicone and is needed to protect the lower hairs from gluing and damage.
  6. Primer. This is a special chemistry that allows you to remove the remnants of cosmetics and degrease eyelashes. As a result, the hairs adhere better, and the wear period is significantly increased.
  7. Capacities for liquid components. It can be special caps or other containers where glue can be diluted, and a remover for removing eyelashes.
  8. Toothpicks and cotton buds. Used to separate hairs and remove random drops of resin.

Some experts use jade stone as containers for glue. The latter repels heat and remains cold for a long time. As a result, the glue does not harden and remains longer in its working consistency.

Hair thickness

Consider how thick eyelashes are for extensions. On sale you can find a variety of options, but all manufacturers still adhere to the established framework. The thinnest options range from 0.1 mm, while the voluminous, and at the same time heavy ones, range from 0.25 mm.

eyelash remover

A classic and universal solution is 0.15 mm thick. This option is as close as possible to natural hairs. All products thicker than 0.15 mm make the look deeper and are designed more for solemn events than for daily wear. They are characterized by increased severity and short-lived.

Hair length

What thickness are eyelashes for extensions, we found out, now we will deal with the length. Experts recommend looking after artificial hair no longer than their own by more than 4 mm. Lashes above the norm will look unnatural and somewhere even vulgar.

quality eyelash extension materials

In addition, many masters note that it is not worth making eyelids with artificial hairs of the same length. It is best to start with short cilia increasing them to the corner of the eyes. On sale you can find hair with a total length of 4 to 25 mm.

Which eyelash curl to choose?

This indicator is usually denoted by Latin letters. Each type of bend adds some distinctive effect.

which curl of eyelashes to choose

Types of bends:

  • D - one of the most popular and spectacular types for gala evenings;
  • CC (L, U) - creates a “doll” effect (long and wide eyelashes);
  • C - adds a little expressiveness to the look;
  • B - a barely noticeable effect of bending;
  • J - straight hair with almost no deformations.

For ordinary workdays, the best option would be a bend of type C: moderately attractive and effective, but without any theatricality or vulgarity.

Varieties of Artificial Hair

If we talk about the best materials for eyelash extensions, then among professionals mink, sable and silk hair are enviable. The former are distinguished by the most natural exterior and how foreign bodies are almost invisible.

glue resin for eyelashes

Sable eyelashes performed well in creating volume and bringing some kind of theatrical effects. This material is quite hard and heavy, so that its wear is noticeably lower than that of the same mink.

Silk products are a universal option. Cilia are light, but at the same time expressive. With the help of silk hair, you can arrange almost any volume on the eyelids. Separately, it is worth noting that in the manufacture of the above artificial eyelashes, mink and sable fur are not used.

Top material manufacturers

This information will be useful not only to novice masters, but also to customers. The latter, paying attention to the brand, will already roughly know what result they expect. If the best materials for eyelash extensions are used, then a positive effect is ensured. While with Chinese consumer goods, the result can be disastrous. Consider the most popular material manufacturers among professionals.

Dolce vita

This is a permanent leader in his field. Dolce Vita brand produces the highest quality cosmetics and the best materials for eyelash extensions as well. The company's products are distinguished by a high level of performance and boast an impressive amount of flattering reviews from professional cosmetologists and makeup artists.

The main production facilities are located in South Korea. In addition to the eyelashes themselves, the company produces all the components associated with this procedure: gels, adhesives, primers, removers and more. The starter kits of this brand diverge like hot cakes, even despite the decent cost of materials.

Irisk professional

This brand is familiar to all professional cosmetologists and makeup artists. The brand produces artificial eyelashes for every taste. In the assortment of the company you can find products of any length, thickness, color, as well as with different coatings (matte, glossy) and decor like rhinestones.

eyelash extension supplies

The products are quite expensive, especially professional kits, so they won’t work for a pen test. It is worth buying only after you fill your hand on more accessible materials.


The eyelashes of this brand can boast primarily of its hypoallergenic composition. If you experience any skin problems in contact with synthetics and chemicals, then MACY products will be your best option.

In addition, if we summarize the reviews of professional makeup artists and cosmetologists, we will see that the eyelashes of this manufacturer last on average a week longer than other analogues. And this despite the gentle hypoallergenic composition.

Separately, it is worth noting the Vivienne series of this brand. The main advantage of these products was a wide variety of colors, from classic dark to the most original. Moreover, such eyelashes do not create additional problems for the master.

3D Beauty International

This is an American brand that uses its proprietary 3D-Lashes technology for multi-level 3D extensions in the manufacture of artificial eyelashes. The technique of applying and fixing is quite complicated, so for beginners such options are not suitable.

In the assortment of the company you can see classic sets for eyelash extensions, which are also positively answered by cosmetologists and makeup artists.


Another brand originally from South Korea, which recently appeared on this market. The company's products received a lot of flattering reviews from professional cosmetologists and makeup artists. It is also worth noting that the starter kits for eyelash extensions from Verona differ quite affordable price.

The manufacturer specializes mainly in the production of silk eyelashes. “Mink” and “sable” are also found on the shelves of the brand, but only with rare exceptions.

Where to buy materials and kits?

Let’s figure out how much eyelash extension materials cost and where it is better to buy them. Professionals strongly recommend that you refuse to visit small shops that sell everything and everything. Materials of such a plan lie forever - one of the most sensitive areas of our body. And anyhow, what components can harm or even burn thin skin.

It is best to buy kits and individual materials at specialized points of sale and proven offline and online stores. So you protect yourself from fakes. The latter are literally teeming in the domestic market.

More or less high-quality and inexpensive materials can be bought in the region of 1000 rubles. Here we have manufacturers from China and neighboring countries. Naturally, one does not have to rely on any stunning effect when using such materials.

Decent sets for household needs cost about 3-4 thousand rubles. The local materials can already be called high-quality, and the eyelashes will not peel off the next day after the procedure. Professional sets start at a price mark of 7-8 thousand rubles. All of the above brands just fall into this category.

Such materials are of high quality and safe composition. You can see them mainly in beauty salons in the hands of experienced masters. It is the premium segment that is most often faked. So when choosing you need to be extremely careful.


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