How to glue eyelashes to be beautiful?

How many of you girls did not look at Malvinaโ€™s long eyelashes with open envy as a child? Whatever we did to make our own eyelashes grow well: we washed them with shampoo for hair growth, used various means to strengthen our eyelashes, and smeared them with hot castor oil and even burdock oil. However, nothing has changed: as they were not long enough, they remained so. What to do in this case? The first thing that comes to mind is building up. However, this is a rather expensive procedure, in addition, it will hopelessly spoil the eyelashes. And sleep in the pillow for several months will turn into a taboo. A more compromise and harmless option is to glue false eyelashes. By the way, every self-respecting beauty should be aware of how to glue eyelashes. After all, there are so many advantages: they can be removed when you want, and they are inexpensive. To know about their use is simply necessary: โ€‹โ€‹a moment may come when you want to charm the prince from a fairy tale with the wave of your luxurious eyelashes. The main thing is to know how to glue eyelashes correctly, otherwise false hairs will be noticed by everyone without exception.

To begin with, we want to warn you: gluing a strip of eyelashes is not necessary on the skin of the eyelid, but on the native hairs, otherwise you will not succeed. The glue that is used in this case is designed specifically for this procedure, so it does not harm either the eyes or the eyelashes themselves.

How to stick eyelashes so that they last as long as needed? It's simple: take tweezers, high-quality glue for eyelashes, tweezers for curling, a toothpick and artificial hairs themselves. Before gluing eyelashes, thoroughly wash your eyes from cosmetics, otherwise this may prevent the glue from acting effectively. After that, you need to take out the first strip from the box with tweezers, gently evenly apply glue to the strip itself with a toothpick. And then press the strip to the growth line of your eyelashes. Repeat the same procedure with another strip.

You can twist your own hairs before gluing eyelashes . Then the invoices will be less noticeable.

By the way, if you want to use the same strips for the second and third time, then you need to remove them as carefully as gluing eyelashes. First put two swabs moistened with hot water on your eyes and hold them for 15 minutes. After that, coat the gluing line with oil, it can be olive or peach. Make sure that neither water nor oil gets into the mucous membrane of the eye - this can lead to irritation. And only after that, with neat and smooth movements, peel off your eyelashes, in no case do not tug or tear: you risk spoiling your own!

There are several precautions on how to glue false eyelashes. It is advisable not to buy this type of product in the markets: it is not known what quality it is and whether the glue offered in the kit will harm your eyes. It is better to go for a product of this kind to a specialized cosmetics store where quality will be guaranteed to you by an eminent manufacturer: after all, we are talking about eyes, it is better to pay more, but be sure that eyelashes and glue are of high quality and will not harm your health.

In order not to look like a doll with a silly cow look, try not to choose too extreme a length for false eyelashes. It will be unnatural, funny and vulgar. Naturalness is now in fashion: look for an option that will look like real eyelashes: the hairs should be uneven and of medium length. Be naturally beautiful, and try to use makeup that will hide your little trick as much as possible. For this, either wide cat arrows or smoky eyes are suitable. Use dark, fateful tones.

Now that you have learned how to glue eyelashes, you have every chance to compete with Malvina! As the saying goes, "clap eyelashes, and take off!"


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