Vitamins from gray hair: an overview, features and photos

The main reason for graying hair is a lack of melanin. Over time, its synthesis in the body slows down, and the hairs lose their color. To preserve the natural color of hair and to prevent the appearance of gray hair, home-made beauty recipes and pharmacy preparations allow. In the article, we will consider why curls change color and what vitamins from gray hair should be consumed.

Why does gray hair appear?

The substance responsible for a particular hair color is called melanin. The percentage of its content in hair follicles in blondes is lower, while the appearance of gray hair in owners of dark hair is observed earlier. With a decrease in the amount of melanin, the hair acquires a characteristic gray color. Adherents of oriental medicine claim that the pathology in the functioning of the kidneys is the cause of the premature appearance of gray hair. Also, the cause may be an increased level of hydrogen peroxide in the hair flakes. This substance is capable of being destroyed by the enzyme catalase. Along with age-related changes, the rate of production of this enzyme decreases. As a result, hydrogen peroxide accumulates in the structure of the hair and discolours it from the inside.

The most common causes of graying include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • lack of B vitamins in the body;
  • deficiency of tyrosine, an important component of protein;
  • malnutrition, vegetarian food,
  • abuse of alcohol, strong coffee, smoking as a result of which the vessels are narrowing;
  • excessive consumption of salty foods;
  • long exposure to the sun, without protection;
  • washing your hair with hot water;
  • poor stress resistance, strong emotional stress;
  • depressive state;
  • the presence of certain diseases associated with the endocrine system, thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract, liver dysfunction.
vitamins from gray hair

B vitamins

If you do not know which vitamin is responsible for gray hair, we hasten to answer the question. These are elements of group B, A, E,

In order to suspend the aging process of hair, they are often prescribed. Let's consider group B in more detail:

  1. Vitamin B 1 - thiamine - is responsible for the tone of hair and the health of hair follicles. Contained in whole grain cereals.
  2. Vitamin B 2 - riboflavin - is involved in the blood supply to the scalp.
  3. Vitamin B 3 - nicotinic acid - helps to strengthen the follicles and makes the hair color saturated. It is found in excess in mushrooms and cheese.
  4. Vitamin B 5 - pantothenic acid - serves as a preventive measure for the appearance of gray hair, accelerates the growth of hair.
  5. Vitamin B 6 - pyridoxine - nourishes the scalp at the cellular level, is involved in the fight against dandruff.
  6. Vitamin B 7 - biotin - it is recommended to use when gray hairs are outlined as a result of experienced stress or depression. It helps strengthen the nervous system, maintains a healthy color and shine of curls, eliminates the sebum of the skin. Contained in legumes, dark green vegetables, apples, tomatoes, corn, peaches, soybeans, champignons.
  7. Vitamin B 8 - Inositol - strengthens hair roots, prevents hair from graying. Vitamin A is found in kiwi, melon and prunes.
  8. Vitamin B 9 - folic acid in combination with vitamin B5 - suspends the aging process of hair.
  9. Vitamin B 10 - para-aminobenzoic acid - prevents hair aging, improves the absorption of proteins by the body and neutralizes the effects of harmful elements on the hair roots.
  10. Vitamin B 12 - cyanocobalamin - restores tissue, which makes it indispensable in the fight against brittleness and dullness of hair, under the influence of the environment.

Vitamins B1, 3, 7, 10 can be obtained in the required amount if dairy products are consumed. Almost all of the listed elements are found in yolks, lean meats, veal liver, fish, and fresh vegetables. Vitamin B 2 in excess - in peanuts, B 10 - in potatoes and mushrooms. You can buy vitamins from gray hair in a pharmacy.

vitamins from gray hair photo

Other vitamins and minerals

In addition to B vitamins, other nutrients play an important role in the health and external beauty of hair:

  • Vitamin E - tocopherol acetate - a natural antioxidant that protects cells from aging and destruction, saturating with oxygen.
  • Vitamin A - retinol - normalizes the production of sebum, nourishes hair follicles, participates in recovery processes, accelerates cell renewal, and in combination with vitamin E stabilizes oxidative processes in the body.
  • Zinc strengthens the hair and strengthens the follicles.
  • Calcium eliminates brittle hair, promotes their accelerated growth.
  • Selenium improves blood flow to the hair follicles.
  • Magnesium protects hair from stress factors.

Below we consider the complexes of vitamins from gray hair.

Anti-gray products

We examined what vitamins affect gray hair. Now we will determine where they can be obtained from. Proper balanced nutrition has a beneficial effect on the health of the skin, nails and hair. To do this, in your daily diet, you should include such dishes as:

  • eggs
  • lean meats;
  • seafood;
  • whole grains;
  • dairy and dairy products;
  • calf liver;
  • carrot fresh;
  • parsley and parsnip;
  • fruits: apricot, cherry, cherry, pear, bananas;
  • vegetables: tomato, cabbage, beets, pumpkin;
  • flax-seed.

The listed products are recommended to be combined with cheese, beans, nuts, shrimp. At the same time, you should limit the consumption of components that accelerate age-related changes in the body. These include: fatty and fried foods, starch, alcohol, sugar and salt.

Rules for taking vitamins

The vitamins that a person receives from food are harmless, because the body takes as much as he needs, and removes the rest. If we talk about supplements and vitamin complexes that are on sale, then if the dosage and the rules of admission are not followed, it can be harmful. To avoid this, you should follow the rules of admission and take into account the features of the vitamin from gray hair:

  1. Injections are administered only after consultation with the doctor.
  2. Vitamins in the form of tablets are taken strictly in accordance with the instructions.
  3. It is not recommended to take vitamins inside and simultaneously apply them to the skin.
  4. It is not necessary to combine taking antibiotics with vitamins, since the former do not allow them to be properly absorbed.
  5. Vitamins are taken in a course of 1-2 months, then you should take a break for several weeks.
  6. Taking different vitamins, be sure to consider their compatibility. Some of them are able to neutralize the effect of others.

Perfectil Plus Luxurious Hair

Consider the most popular vitamins from gray hair. Photos of drugs are presented in each section.

Perfectil Plus is used as a separate dietary supplement for adults. It is an additional source of essential vitamins, micro and macro elements, bioflavonoids and amino acids. It normalizes and maintains the optimal condition of hair, nails and skin, significantly increases the level of saturation of the hair follicles with the necessary substances for the natural growth and nutrition of hair.

It is not recommended for use as a substitute for good nutrition. Before use, you need to consult a doctor.

vitamins to prevent gray hair

The drug is drunk once a day with meals, washed down with plenty of water. The tablet should not be consumed on an empty stomach and chewed, exceed the permitted dosage. When using other medications, you should consult your doctor. The presence of increased sensitivity to one of the components of the product, including fish or soy, is better to replace the drug with another similar agent.

Use during pregnancy or lactation is possible, but only with the permission of a doctor.

Melan +

Continue our review of vitamins from gray hair β€œMelan Plus”. This tool is well established as a drug that serves as a preventive measure for gray hair and eliminates gray hair. With a course admission, it completely stops the appearance of gray hair and stimulates the development of lost and lifeless bulbs. Suitable for all types of hair and is used at any age.

The tool with natural ingredients against gray hair and to restore the structure of the hair is made separately for men and women. Preparations differ in composition and manufacturing method. "Melan Plus" is an environmentally friendly ingredients collected from herbs, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, selected in the right ratio. Without hormones, chemical additives and preservatives. The tool does not cause allergies, irritations and other adverse reactions. Take 2 tablets once daily with meals.

gray hair vitamins reviews


Another vitamin to prevent gray hair is Pentovit. The drug has a complex effect, which is due to several components in its composition:

  1. Vitamin B1 is actively involved in the processes of neuromuscular stabilization and the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
  2. Vitamin B6 normalizes the functions of the central and peripheral nervous system. Participates in many metabolic processes of the body.
  3. Vitamin B12 normalizes the liver and nervous system, improves metabolic processes, and is directly involved in the synthesis of amino acids.
  4. Folic acid, as well as vitamin B12, is involved in the synthesis of amino acids and nucleic acids.
  5. Nicotinamide is indispensable in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, oxygen saturation of tissues.
what vitamins from gray hair

"Pentovit" for children from 12 years old and adults are allowed to take 2-4 tablets three times a day with meals. When prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of diseases, the drug is taken in a certain dosage. Minimum course admission is 3 weeks.

An overdose of "Pentovit" is fraught with the appearance of hypervitaminosis, increased concentration of B vitamins in the body, dizziness, dyspepsia, migraine, insomnia, palpitations, numbness of the upper and lower extremities.

Paba by Now Foods

The Paba supplement company was founded in 1968 and produces exclusively quality products in accordance with GMP standards. Paba or para-aminobenzoic acid prevents the oxidation of cells, contains B vitamins, without GMOs. Take 1 capsule daily with meals.

Vitamins for hair against gray hair are for adults only. It is not recommended to take it simultaneously with medicines that contain sulfonamide, or if you are allergic to one of the components. For pregnant and lactating women, a doctor's consultation is required before using Paba. Diseases of the kidneys and liver may be a contraindication to use.

vitamins from gray hair in a pharmacy

Now Foods Fo-Ti

The drug has many healing properties for human health and longevity. It is made on the basis of the plant Highlander multicolor, which has been used since ancient times in China. Among other things, the drug is widely used to stimulate hair growth, strengthen follicles and prevent early graying of hair.

The supplement is taken 2 capsules twice daily.

The drug is for adults only. Pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as people suffering from liver diseases, should consult a specialist before use.

what vitamin is responsible for gray hair


This is another vitamin to prevent gray hair. This drug is considered a multivitamin and contains mineral salts. "Selmevit" is prescribed for the treatment of hypovitaminosis, increased fatigue, increased physical and mental stress. The drug contains 11 types of vitamins and 9 minerals to provide a therapeutic effect.

Adults and children over 12 years of age, "Selmevit" should be taken once a day, after meals, with plenty of water.

As a rule, the drug is well tolerated by patients, but in some cases an allergic reaction in the form of a rash or itching may occur. When they appear, it is better to stop taking the drug, replacing it with an analog.

vitamins for hair against gray hair

Salon treatments

Modern beauty salons offer their customers a variety of procedures to strengthen hair follicles and slow down the aging process. They are selected based on the age of the client and the reasons for early graying.

Among such manipulations are:

  1. Mesotherapy Subcutaneous administration of vitamin injections.
  2. Laser Therapy The procedure, as a result of which the damaged structure of the hair is recreated, the synthesis of melanin is accelerated, the blood supply to the follicles improves.
  3. Darsonvalization. Under the weak influence of current on the scalp, blood circulation improves, the functioning of melanocytes is supported.
  4. Ultrasound therapy. It improves metabolism in the hair structure, restores their health, strengthens follicles.


The appearance of gray hair is a natural age process. However, premature graying is a rather unpleasant fact that can be delayed by taking a number of preventive measures:

  1. Healthy food. Eat more fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and crops. Limit junk food.
  2. Care for your hair. Apply quality care products, do not abuse the staining.
  3. Protect hair from ultraviolet rays, wind, cold and heat.
  4. Avoid bad habits.

Reviews about vitamins from gray hair can be found different. They are united by one thing: people note that all drugs are aimed at a comprehensive improvement of the body. That is, specifically from the problem of gray hair, there is no remedy. But at the same time, consumers like the effect. They noticed that hair and nails became much stronger, a natural shine appeared. The ends of the curls less split.


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