Children's car boosters: a review, at what age can I use? Does the booster apply to child restraint systems

The market for baby products is extremely huge. Even 20-30 years ago, not so much our compatriots knew about such an abundance, there weren’t even many products in the world that were tightly included in the daily routine of modern parents. In addition, manufacturers tirelessly invent something new. Often their goal is simply to profit from gullible mothers and fathers who want to give their baby all the best and generally possible, but there are quite useful and necessary things among their know-how. Do boosters (child car seats) apply to them ? Find out all the information about this from the article!

car boosters

About product

To begin with, it’s worth figuring out what kind of animal it is - a booster for children. The baby has to be planted in the car almost immediately after his birth. In the conditions of modern life, when a mother can’t always afford to be on maternity leave for a long time and goes to work, when she has to take her child to kindergarten or school after half a city, when it takes several hours to get to a good shopping and entertainment complex, and the children should be in all these cases, with parents in the car, adults are simply obliged to provide their offspring with a comfortable stay in the car.

Special children's automobile boosters and chairs will help in this. And if the latter do not cause anyone any questions, everyone knows what it is and why they are needed, then the booster is an accessory that has appeared on the domestic market relatively recently. In fact, this is one of the modifications of the car seat, a more lightweight version of it. The booster for children in the car is a special seat that helps to lift the child in a standard passenger seat.

booster for children in the car

Who needs a booster?

There are many accessories that facilitate the upbringing of babies, but not really needed by them and their parents. Immediately make a reservation that the booster does not apply to them. First of all, this is the seat, which ensures the safety of the child in the car along with the car seat, however, with some reservations. In this case, readers may have a reasonable question: does the booster belong to child restraint systems? Yes, it does.

The instructions for this product clearly indicate that this is so. However, the SDA does not specify this as a separate clause, nevertheless, lawyers recommend that, in case of any misunderstanding with the police, refer to chapter 22.9 in the code of traffic rules. It states that children can be transported in a car using other restraint systems, which include a booster.

child car seat

Protection or convenience?

A long trip in the car can be a serious test for both the child and his parents. It is especially difficult for both of them if the baby has nothing to do on the way. When a child is small and not tall enough to look out the window, adults sometimes put a regular pillow on the seat. As they say, fishlessness and cancer are fish, but such a move is at least unsafe. Boosters are children's car seats, which were created just in order to raise a child, as well as provide his protected movement in the car.

The standard height of the seat belts in the car is designed to fasten an adult, while for children the upper belt is located in the “worst” place - in the neck, which in case of an accident threatens the child with serious injury. The booster also helps to position the child on the seat in such a way that it will be conveniently and reliably fixed during movement, and the stand itself will not slip off the main seat of the car.

is a booster considered a child seat

Booster vs car seat?

Now readers may have a very logical dilemma regarding what to purchase: a classic children's car seat or a booster. In fact, everything is very simple. Older children (at least after three years) can be installed in the car last. Newborns and babies who have not celebrated their third birthday can only be planted in a special car seat.

The main difference between these two types of seats is the presence or absence of their backs. In the car seat, it is provided, as well as the headrest and high side panels. In addition, it has special autonomous seat belts. Due to this, it is safer. According to the SDA, children in the car seat can be positioned in the car not only in the back seat, but also in front. The booster does not allow such liberties, the child will be allowed to sit only for the driver.

Does the booster apply to child restraint systems

Seat types

If a child has grown up and becomes cramped in a classic car seat, you can safely remove it and replace it with an alternative seat. Of course, you should first pay attention to boosters. Children's car seats are not much different from each other. The traditional model is a fairly rigid pillow about 10-15 cm high, its width is about 45 cm, and its depth is 35-37 cm.

The overwhelming majority of boosters are equipped with small armrests; different models may have a different front end in their design. There are seats with a gentle edge, which ensures the most comfortable position of the child’s legs, but there are also options where the back side is sharply “chopped off”. Such boosters are best purchased for older children, as the baby may be uncomfortable to sit on such a model.

From the standard boosters, specimens differ in which there are cup holders or backpack seats on the sides. These models are much more expensive than usual (about 6 thousand rubles), but are more convenient in transportation and storage.

children's boosters from 15 to 36 kg


There are also some differences in the method of fixing the seats in the passenger compartment. Options are easier to fix with a seat belt, which runs in special grooves of the booster.

However, there are more advanced models equipped with Isofix or Latch systems, they are considered more reliable.

Child options

A little higher, we have already indicated that a child can use such a car seat only after he reaches the age of three, however, there is also a caveat about when the baby is allowed child boosters. From 15 to 36 kg are the boundaries of the child’s weight, within which manufacturers guarantee the safety and comfort of children on the seats.

There is also a growth restriction - it should not be less than 120 cm. Why is such a border established? For the safety of small passengers. If the child is lower, then the car belts will be located higher than necessary (in the area of ​​the abdomen, neck, face), and this is exactly what the booster should not allow. The age of the child, according to the instructions of the manufacturers, cannot be less than three years. You can use the booster until adolescence (12 years).

booster baby age

Manufacturers, general overview of models

So who makes boosters? First of all, these are such giants-manufacturers of children's goods as Chicco, Happy baby, Heyner, Sparco. The domestic market is represented by products created both in Russia itself, and in Europe or China.

What should I look for when buying, what parameters and features are common among boosters?

  • dimensions (seat depth, its width and height, as well as weight);
  • fastening system;
  • the shape of the seat and armrests, their height and ergonomics;
  • the presence of internal belts (they are provided for a very small number of models), cup holders, cover;
  • passenger age;
  • the quality of the upholstery (the fabric should not cause irritation, it is good when it is pleasant to the touch, easy to clean, breathable);
  • appearance (design for boys, girls, unisex, lack or presence of a picture).

Also, potential buyers should know that a good quality booster consists of four layers: a metal base frame, plastic, a softening layer (most often foam rubber) and external upholstery.

What do parents say?

For many years, discussions have been held at many forums over whether the booster is considered a child seat, how much its acquisition is justified at all, and whether it is worth the price. Answering all these questions is quite simple. No, the booster is not a chair, it is only part of it. It is very inferior to the traditional car seat for children in terms of ensuring the safety of the child. But! A grown-up baby may simply refuse to sit in a chair closed on three sides, and therefore it is better to change it to a booster than not to use anything at all. In addition, if the seat is selected based on the weight, height and complexion of the baby, it will provide him with comfort and convenience during the trip, and his parents - peace of mind for the safety of the precious child. And this is the answer to the question of the appropriateness of such an acquisition.

As for whether the booster is worth its money, parents unequivocally answer that yes - it's worth it. The price of the issue on average varies between 2–3 thousand rubles, which is now a completely trifling amount, in addition, mothers and fathers note that it is easy to store the seat - it takes up little space. Installation, removal, transportation of the booster is also not a hassle, due to its lightness and practicality.


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