The secret to the popularity of hot scissors haircuts

Today, the mysterious "hot haircut" girls are ready to offer in almost every beauty salon. The demand for this procedure is extraordinary, because it allows not only to achieve a stunning aesthetic effect, but also has a therapeutic effect on the cut and weakened ends of the hair. Most often, she is interested in long-haired visitors who are familiar with the cross-section and brittle hair.

What are the advantages of hot manipulation of curls? Firstly, with its help lifeless strands can be given lightness and volume, which will positively affect the hair styling process. Secondly, if you use it regularly, hair growth will accelerate slightly. Thirdly, a hot scissor haircut is indispensable for those girls who often subject their curls to dyeing and curling, as a result of which their ends look dried out. You can learn more about this procedure at the link . The fundamental difference compared to the standard haircut is that it provides only for the renewal of hair, while the cut remains open. Over time, this leads to splitting of the flakes and exposure of the hair structure, after which it becomes defenseless against environmental factors that adversely affect its appearance. But the “hot haircut” provides for the “soldering” of each hair in the place of the cut, which protects it reliably and allows not to lose its healthy appearance for as long as possible.

How does the “mystery” of manipulating curls go? During the haircut, the master uses special scissors with a heated blade, the temperature of which is selected individually for each client in accordance with the type of his hair and their condition. Curly and thick curls need high temperatures, while low rates are optimal for emaciated strands. Haircut is carried out by twisting curls into bundles in order to remove the cut ends. Hairdressers often use a hot razor to make complex haircuts.

Remember that the procedure will be effective only if the haircut is performed by a professional hairdresser. After all, if the master does not have sufficient experience, moistens your hair during the procedure and does not comply with the technology, such a haircut will not only not make your curls beautiful, but also harm them.


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