The most powerful magnet in the world: features, properties and characteristics

In our world there are many different things whose origin has a completely scientific explanation. But despite this, they still cause a lot of controversy and tremendous interest in many people. One of such painful issues is the use of the most powerful magnets. There are many magnets in the world, each of which is unique in its own way. But which one is the most powerful?

Powerful magnet

Unusual and powerful magnet star

A magnetic neutron star called the 1806-20 Gamma Repeater is the most powerful magnetic object in the universe. It suppresses sufficient magnetic force to slow the locomotive from a quarter million million miles (the path from Earth to the Moon).

At the moment, only ten such unusual objects have been discovered. With a magnetic field of 100 billion Tesla, the star eclipses the Earth. Earth's magnetic field is 0.00005 Tesla. It is unlikely that any man-made device will ever come close to the power of this most powerful magnet from outer space.

Gamma Repeater 1806-20

The most powerful American magnet

The most powerful magnet developed in Florida represents a technical frontier in the order of construction of a space station and is an engineering feat. Researchers from the state of Florida (USA) are currently recording using a hybrid magnetic system, commissioned in the nineties. A powerful magnetic system, weighing 35 tons, has a magnetic field a million times the magnetic field of the Earth.

Large magnet

Unusual magnet or giant horseshoe

Hearing such a name, a huge horseshoe immediately comes to mind. However, in this case, we are not so-so. This is a universal magnetic system from Florida. It consists of two huge curved magnets working together. The outer layer is the most powerful magnet with supercooling and superconductivity. He has no equal among similar devices ever created by man. The magnet is constantly cooled with superfluid helium to temperatures close to absolute zero. In the center of the system is a huge resistive magnet.

Some interesting points from the test

This huge resistor magnet is a device located in the center of an integrated device. But, despite its size, this supermagnet is rarely used. The thing is that a very small test site was allocated for its tests. Because of this, the test objects are tiny and do not exceed the size of the tip of a regular pencil.

Magnet in Florida

Moreover, during testing, the test sample must be cooled to a certain temperature. To do this, it is lowered into a special cylindrical tank with coolant.

The use of magnet in medicine

Any most powerful magnet will easily find its application in medicine. The use of these devices can solve the problem of modernization of modern medical equipment.

For example, in Florida is the largest magnet used for tomography. This 24-ton giant allows you to explore the brain and spinal cord, revealing not only various diseases, but also injuries that were once received by the patient. The higher the magnetic field, the more accurate the results. At the University of Brain, it is believed that the use of heavy duty magnets will help in studies of brain and spinal cord injuries.

the most powerful magnet

Interesting facts of magnets in medicine

As part of one of the projects, it is planned to use functional visualization of living cells with the help of a powerful magnet. During the experiment, scientists will learn how much brain tissue is damaged over time and how drugs can affect it.

MRI technology, which also has a place for magnets, uses a powerful magnetic field to align the cell nuclei of the body. In this case, one magnet is stationary, and the other rotates the nucleus and generates a signal. It is what computers read. Then they process and transform the received signal into a three-dimensional visual image.

Do magnets affect a person?

The increasing medical use of magnets raises the obvious question: are magnetic fields good or bad for the human body? In recent years, there has been much debate about the effects of life near high-voltage power lines.

electromagnetic field

But since the strength of the magnetic field drops quite quickly, someone living just 50 feet from the power line is likely to experience no more than two milliGauss. In the latest study, there was no reason to believe that this level of exposure could be detrimental to the body.

Neodymium magnets: what and how

These magnets are very powerful. They are strong and fairly safe, but heavy. Some of them can weigh hundreds of kilograms. These are original pieces from a magnetic alloy endowed with super-powerful traction. Such devices can be clad in an additional steel case, which will increase their weight and grip. They can also be devoid of such an additional shell. Accordingly, they will have less grip and weight.

Thanks to the power and strength of such devices, it became possible to lift loads with a weight of up to 1000 kg.

What are search magnets for?

The most powerful search magnets are small-sized devices used to search for valuable metal objects and objects. Such finds always have historical significance and are important for various research companies, archaeological societies and other lovers of antiques.

search magnet

As a rule, they consist of powerful neodymium magnets, rubber and steel cases, other components. The dimensions of the devices are quite compact, so they can be carried in hands. You can use them not only on the surface, but also in wells, swamps, rivers. They can be bilateral and one-sided, and also differ in their weight and power.

Powerful and strong neodymium magnets

There are permanent magnets that can have the same attractive strength as the most powerful neodymium magnets. They are called AlNiCo magnets. Such devices are usually created on the basis of aluminum, cobalt and nickel. In the manufacture of larger magnets , casting and its complex shapes are used.

According to experts, these types of magnets have excellent thermal characteristics. Thanks to this, they have found their application in the production of automotive brake systems ABS, products with reed switches (for example, fuel supply sensors) and guitar pickups.

As you can see, magnets are an important part of our life. They are used in various fields of our activity and for different purposes.


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