How to fulfill a dream: visualization of desires, psychological methods and ways to achieve your goals

Life is beautiful, especially when there is something to strive for. People have dreams and fantasies that bring them into a state of ecstasy. But dreaming is one thing, and fulfilling your desires is another. Esotericists have an opinion that all our desires already exist, but somewhere on the “other side” of consciousness. To learn how to fulfill a dream, you need to open the "doors" of consciousness so that dreams can go free. After all, a dream chooses a person herself and shows him the path that will lead to its implementation.

Correct algorithm

achieve your goals

As you know, thought is material. If this is clearly understood, then all doubts must be discarded. What you want should be clearly presented. Otherwise, the resulting uncertainty of choice. The universe will send you random, distorted desires.

It is necessary to visualize your desires, to present your dream to the smallest detail. People who fulfill their desires do not sit still. They act according to the planned plan, which is constantly in their head. This is the correct algorithm that will lead to the achievement of the goal. To get as close as possible to what you want, we suggest you use the wish-fulfillment algorithm developed by psychologists.

Open towards

happy girl on a walk with a dog

The first thing a dreamer needs is a clear concept of what you want. It is important to delve into the bowels of your consciousness and see the exact goal. Sometimes it’s important to simply fulfill a child’s childhood dream, and not succumb to the imposed opinion of the crowd. After all, many desires are not really true.

Imagine a child dreaming of a true friend. He wants his parents to give him a puppy. Adults, with their practicality, thought and decided that a bicycle would be better than a dog. The duty of “big” people is to help “small” people, so that they learn to dream and open up to their desires.

In adults, unlike children, everything is a little more complicated. For example, a girl dreams of a large breast size, and a man dreams of an expensive car. It seems there is no catch. Normal dreams of thousands of people. However, what is the purpose of these desires? The girl believes that large breasts will help her arouse interest in men. She dreams of meeting true love, that same, one and only. A man also wants to attract female attention and enjoy respect among friends.

But it’s not a fact that big breasts and the presence of a car will bring the happiness that these people hope for. Need to be specific. Do you want love? So, desire it, and not deceiving things that will be simply useless in achieving a true goal. The bottom line is that you need to learn to distinguish patterned desires from sincere ones. After all, the right dream fulfills desires.

What is the difference, or how to understand your dream?

Girl immersed in her dreams

The recipe for understanding is simple. To do this, immerse yourself in your dream. Feel if it brings satisfaction. Just make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and imagine that you have already achieved what you want. What do you feel? What emotions do you feel?

If there is a clear feeling of joy, a surge of energy and euphoria, then this is yours. This is exactly what you need for happiness. Otherwise, there will be no feeling of delight. It turns out only forced joy. This is a desire for show, imposed by someone from the outside. For a person, this is not a dream, but only a way for someone to prove something. In a word, nonsense.

Visualization of the conceived

Girl makes a plan

For the materialization of the desired, the smallest details are important. You make the perfect sculpture with your own hands. It is important to the smallest detail. You are a sculptor of your desires. Do not neglect this point, because visualization takes on real forms. The subconscious mind receives a model that it must strive for in order to receive joy and pleasure.

In this case, you can’t trifle. Click on all the “buttons” of your imagination to fully feel what you want. If you are dreaming about popularity, for example, becoming a singer or a talk show host, then imagine that you already are. Millions of people listen to your songs, many people watch your show. You inspire them with your creativity, bring joy to this world.

How to fulfill the dream of a lifetime, if it is an invented person? The ideal of your chosen one is not so easy to find. This will help visualization. It’s not enough just to count on the fingers the virtues that a person should possess. You need to imagine him in the flesh. How do you live with him, kiss, hug, talk. Do you understand? You bring it to life. Like in that song: "I painted you."

Letter to your wishes

Letter to your wishes

In order to fulfill the dream of a child or adult, there is a great way. A written appeal to your desires deepens the connection and strengthens the belief in the plan. As in terms of visualization, details are important here. Imagine only the good, write with a sense of joy.

Remember that the Universe gives you what you want. And our desires sometimes unconsciously come and go. Never joke with words and do not belittle your dignity. Complain less and think positively. It is clear that for some people this is not easy. Try to overpower yourself and go to the bright side.

Letters must use positive language. For example, if you want to find a loved one, do not write: "Let him not be an alcoholic and do not hit me." It will be correct to write: "My husband / wife is a gentle and kind person." Describe qualities in a positive way. After all, the Universe “hears” specific requests.

Self-hypnosis is the way to advance

Confident and happy girl.

Dreaming is always nice, but for many this all breaks off. Internal self-esteem and the negative attitude “I can’t”, ““ I am not worth it ”prevent me from reaching my goals. How to fulfill a dream if you yourself do not believe in it? You need to drop all doubts and believe in yourself. Give yourself an adequate assessment and understand what prevents you from moving towards what you want.

Belief in yourself is the best way to achieve your goal. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you need to speak and think only positively. Never say bad words to you. They are like scars. If it is difficult to approach such a question from an adequate perspective, then become a psychologist for yourself. Take a piece of paper, describe your plan "How to fulfill a dream." Mark the resources that you can really use to achieve it. See what is missing. From here begins the reference point.

How to achieve the desired?

You have learned to think positively, and it’s great. Everyone has different goals, and it takes a different time to reach them. Someone can do it in a week, and someone will take years. You yourself understand that, sitting in poverty, you cannot become a millionaire in a month (though, who knows). However, do not be naive. It will not be possible to fulfill the dream as quickly as possible without a detailed plan and awareness of the timing of its implementation.

It is realistic to believe that the period for the implementation of the plan may be delayed if a minimum of effort is made. A person must live a dream and put his strength and energy into it. It will be right to divide large (long-term) goals into several stages. To do this, it is advisable to have a personal diary in which you need to celebrate your goals and record your progress.

On the way to a dream, man must live. After all, the road itself to the desired is real life. When you get what you worked for so long, all you need to do is remember that path. And this will be the most interesting time in your life.


The path to the dream is winding and difficult. But you must relentlessly follow the road that will lead to happiness. Achieving great goals requires a lot of effort and time. But you know what you are trying for. Let the guiding star on your horizon not fade! Let the dream come true!


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