Martini "Bianco" how to drink? What is served with the Bianco martini?

Martini "Bianco" is a fairly common alcoholic drink, which is very popular among a large number of people. It is interesting that you can drink this drink in various variations. What is a Bianco martini? How to drink this drink? What is customary to submit to him? You will learn the answers to these questions by reading this article.

martini bianco how to drink

Martini - what is this drink?

It is probably impossible to find a person who has never heard of a martini, but not everyone has an idea of ​​what this drink is all about and how to use it. Even fewer people are aware of what is served with the Bianco martini and other varieties of such a wonderful drink.

At the moment, there are many stories about where the martini came from. Some believe that this drink appeared in the city of Martinez, others - that we all owe the appearance of martini to bartender Thomas D., who allegedly invented it back in the distant 19th century.

Now, martini is a fairly popular drink worldwide. It is a brand of vermouth, which is produced in Italy. It can be used both in its usual form and as part of a variety of cocktails.

martini bianco reviews

Varieties of martini

The most popular varieties of martini are:

  • "Rosso" - it is characterized by a caramel red color and a slightly bitter aftertaste.
  • “Bianco” is a white vermouth with the smell of vanilla.
  • "Rosato" - pink vermouth, containing in its composition various spices, and for its production uses red and white wine.

The most popular among all varieties is the Bianco martini. How to drink this vermouth will be described below. As a rule, this drink is more preferred by the representatives of the charming half of humanity, however, there are men who like the taste of “Bianco”.

Martini composition

The composition of absolutely any variety of this drink includes only dry wine, a huge number of different plants, such as chamomile, orange, mint, St. John's wort, yarrow, coriander and many others. One of the main ingredients of vermouth is wormwood, due to which the same "Rosso" has its own unique and slightly bitter taste.

Since the most popular variety of martini is Bianco, it is further recommended that you consider in detail the composition of this particular drink. The composition of the Bianco martini includes dry white wine with sugar, while tincture of herbs and vanilla, in fact, give this vermouth a refined and unique taste.

How to Serve Bianco Martini

It should be said that on the Internet about Martini "Bianco" reviews can be found various. Everyone prefers to drink this drink in his own way. In general, vermouth is ideal for various cocktail parties, romantic dinners or receptions, where the main thing is not a drink or food, but communication and a pleasant pastime. Martini of any kind, including Bianco, is recommended to be used as an aperitif, that is, before meals.

Martini “Bianco” is recommended to be served moderately chilled, but in no case should you try to freeze it so that the bottle starts to become covered with hoarfrost. Of course, in the hands of warming vermouth also does not make any sense. The appropriate temperature for drinking this drink ranges from 10-15 degrees. It is recommended to drink martini at this temperature, otherwise its taste and aroma may simply not open.

what is served to martini bianco
Serve Martini "Bianco" can also be with ice, slices of fruit or berries. The disadvantage of this method of use is one - it is the fortress of Vermouth. Almonds, pistachios, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, cheese, olives, salted crackers and other light snacks can be served together with Bianco.

Martini is usually served in small glasses with a slice of lemon or orange. Sometimes Bianco can be served in glasses that are intended for whiskey.

Martini "Bianco" - how to drink this drink and with what?

Vermouth can be used in various variations. Classic are considered Bianco martini with juice or water. Grapefruit or cherry juice is the perfect complement to Bianco. Such a combination is to the liking of the representatives of an incomparable half of humanity, since for most of them the taste of the drink seems harsh. Plus, in this case, intoxication does not come immediately.

the composition of martini bianco
Men are another matter. For most of them, on the contrary, the taste of vermouth does not seem saturated enough, therefore it is allowed to mix this drink with liquors, vodka, gin and rum. Of course, intoxication from such a mixture will come much faster, but you can get tremendous pleasure from all this.

Today there are many cocktails, one of the ingredients of which is the Bianco martini. How to drink and how to make such cocktails? We will talk about this further.

Recipes of some cocktails with Bianco vermouth

The Orange Martini cocktail is quite easy to make, so you can safely make it even at home. To make a cocktail called “Orange Martini” you will need:

  • 100 ml of vermouth called "Bianco";
  • 200 ml of orange juice;
  • slice of orange for decoration;
  • a pair of ice cubes.

Next, consider the method of preparing the Martini with Tequila cocktail. Everything here is also simple:

  • 30 ml martini;
  • 60 ml of tequila;
  • as a decoration - a slice of lemon;
  • a pair of ice cubes.

Easy to prepare and a cocktail called "Jasmine." To enjoy its taste, you need:

  • 20 ml "Bianco";
  • 50 ml chilled green tea;
  • 20 ml of vodka;
  • for decoration - a slice of lemon and 5 grams of ginger.

martini bianco with juice
The Marionette cocktail is much more complicated, since it requires a sufficiently large amount of alcoholic drinks to make, which are not always at hand. To prepare this cocktail, you must mix:

  • 50 ml of vermouth Extra Dry;
  • 50 ml "Bianco";
  • 10 ml of white rum;
  • 10 ml of banana liquor;
  • a couple of ice cubes;
  • 30 ml of orange juice.

Another wonderful and quite strong cocktail is Vesper. To prepare it you will need:

  • 15 ml of vodka;
  • 40 ml gin;
  • 5 ml vermouth "Bianco";
  • 5 ml of vermouth called Extra Dry;
  • a pair of ice cubes;
  • as a decoration - a small slice of lemon.

In principle, you can experiment with cocktails, there is no need to dwell on any one. The main thing is not to overdo it. Martini “Bianco” is a completely versatile drink that will appeal to both men and women.


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