How to make apricot wine at home

Apricot wine is a very tasty and interesting product, if consumed in moderation. It’s good for home-made cooking that to drink with it is quite problematic, since the output usually results in a small amount of this tasty, fun-filled drink. And indeed, with regard to its taste characteristics, they are at their best.

Apricots in themselves are very pleasing to our language receptors. And if you add alcohol here, your mood improves. Apricot wine is a real firework of pleasure.

Apricot Wine

But how to make this delicious drink? In principle, the recipe is simple. It is important to adhere to it so that the cooking process is as effective as possible. Anyway, if you do not adhere to these tips, then the probability of getting wine at the exit will be minimal.

How to make wine from apricots at home: basic rules

Apricot wine at home

Get ready for one truth. The preparation of a product such as apricot wine is a rather difficult process. There are a huge number of points to consider. It is enough to remember and work them out, after which it will already be doing much easier. It’s hard to master any skill from the very beginning, and then it’s already easy. So this process can be called difficult only for beginners. How to make wine from apricots at home?

  1. The fruits must be ripe. The spoiled ones are not suitable for us, since they give a not very pleasant aftertaste, and this will not be useful for health.
  2. Fruits must be picked from the tree. If they are lifted from the ground, the result is a rather unpleasant aftertaste of what they lay on. The quality of the wine in this case will be very low.
  3. Apricots should not be washed, as they have yeast. Without them, apricot wine may not work. You have to add them artificially, which will ruin the quality. Before making wine from apricots, you should carefully think about what you need to do.
  4. In addition, we do not add bones to the wort. Some do this, but the bones contain hydrocyanic acid, which in the best case will cause headaches, and in the worst - death. Then the question "how to make homemade wine from apricots?" will be fatal.

These are the rules. They are quite simple, but it is important to adhere to them. The process of preparing this drink is much more complicated. But if you carefully read the instructions, then everything will be fine here.

What ingredients are useful to us?

How to make apricot wine

To make a natural homemade apricot wine, you need only apricots, water and sugar, which is necessary for further processing into ethyl alcohol. There is nothing complicated in the ingredients. Sometimes additional resources are needed to prepare the starter culture. But this is only necessary if the fruits are bad enough so that they refuse to roam.

What is important to understand: if you take really juicy and sweet apricots from a tree, then there will be no problems with fermentation. If not, then you have to cook the raisins from the raisins. Such a starter, as a rule, does not greatly interfere with the taste of apricot wine.

Apricot Homemade Wine Recipe

Apricot Homemade Wine Recipe

The recipe for making wine from apricots consists of a large number of items. But if you practice them several times in practice, then everything should be quite easy and such things are remembered very well.

  1. We wipe the fruits with a rag and then remove the seeds from them. Some people throw peel, but this should not be done. Firstly, there is yeast that helps wine to roam. And secondly, color, taste and aroma are provided for the most part by them.
  2. Knead the peeled apricots until a homogeneous porridge is obtained. After that, we transfer it to a container with a large volume.
  3. Then we add warm water there (it will be very good if you have a thermometer for measuring the temperature of the liquid. A value from 25 to 30 degrees will be considered optimal in this case). The resulting mix well.
  4. The container should be wrapped with gauze, put in a warm place without lighting. You should also mix the wort several times a day so that it wanders rather than sour. If within twenty hours there is foam and hissing, then the cooking proceeds normally.
  5. The resulting juice should be drained from the precipitate. We need to filter the pulp with gauze, and add juice and sugar to the liquid.
  6. After that, pour the resulting mixture into a large bottle. You can fill in no more than two-thirds, so that there is a place for carbon dioxide. After that, we install a water seal and put it in place with a temperature of 16 to 30 degrees for about a month.

It will be a good sign that it has stopped wandering. A sign is the clarification of the wort and the fact that the water seal stops gurgling.

Final measures

How to make homemade apricot wine

After all this, we need to again drain the young wine from the sediment through a special tube into another bottle or container. And finally, the bottle should be tightly closed with a cork, after which we put it in a warm dark room for about 2-4 months. During this time, the wine is infused and gains new flavoring features. After that, you can decide what to do next. If there is such a desire, then the drink can be bottled. If not, leaving in the bottle is also a good option. This will not affect the taste.

Cultural Rules

It is important to understand that you need to consume wine culturally. Just because you cooked it yourself does not mean that it has less alcohol. Moreover, quite often it happens that there is even more alcohol in home-fermented products than in those products that are sold in stores. So you should be extremely careful if you want to drink such wine. What to do to make it pleasant to drink? Everything is simple here. It must be remembered that consumption in quantities greater than 100 grams per hour is simply meaningless. And you can get drunk.


We figured out how to make homemade wine. The recipe is simple. The only problem is where you can find a place in an ordinary apartment building so that it is stored for two or even four months before use. But this problem is completely solvable. You just need to apply a little resourcefulness. And all, the kingdom of wine will be at your disposal. You can even sell the resulting drink and not drink it. Homemade wine is included in the price.


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