Big money loves silence: the author of the phrase and its meaning

People know everything about money: how to earn a lot and how to save. Nevertheless, there are only a few rich people, and they do not like to talk about money. Especially about their own. "Money loves silence." The author of this phrase is said to be the American billionaire Rockefeller. How true this is is unknown. Another important thing is that this principle has been valid at all times in which money exists.

money love silence, author

John Rockefeller

The founder of the dynasty, William Rockefeller, is a native of Germany. He was known as a petty fraudster and horse-thief, constantly hiding from justice in various states. He abandoned the family when his son John, the future founder of the US oil empire, was 10 years old.

Since childhood, John had an incredible love for money and its accumulation, so at the age of 18 he was sent to a trading school, where he studied for several months, getting acquainted with accounting and basic knowledge of commerce. John began his journey to wealth with sales. His initial capital was $ 800, which he successfully invested in trade. Then he completely switched to the processing and sale of kerosene, having felt a lot of money here, despite the fact that the partners dissuaded him from this step. He broke with them and bought the company, as he trusted his intuition.

At 50, he was the owner of the oil empire and the richest man in the world. It was then that he retired, leaving two of his sons to deal with the affairs of the empire. He is credited with many winged expressions, which were his guidance in life. Rockefeller's motto was his father's words: "Never take into account the crowd." He is also credited with the expression: "Money loves silence."

money love silence

Why does money love peace and silence?

Money gives a person the freedom to choose everything that he wants, raise to an unattainable height, give power, protect in life. The illusion of omnipotence appears, but it should be remembered that wealth cannot replace everything for man. Money is needed only in order to use all the benefits and not think about them, taking them for granted. They say that this is what rich and successful people do.

Only those who do not have money constantly think about money. The obsessive idea of ​​where to get them, literally drives people crazy, leads to crime and suicide. It is heavy thoughts about the lack of funds that firmly close their receipt. 'Cause money loves silence and do not tolerate stress and pressure. They need to send only positive emotions.

Energy of money

Money is a longed-for desire of almost any person. They dream of them, they are waiting for them, for their sake they make any sacrifice and even murder. But despite this, they do not go to everyone. What is the matter?

From the point of view of metaphysics, money, like everything in the world, lives according to its own laws that are unique to them. They move, which means they have a certain energy, which, as is known from physics, does not appear from anywhere and does not disappear anywhere. From this we can conclude that cash should work. They give birth to their own kind, energy is amplified, so they go to where they are more comfortable.

Chinese wisdom says: "Do not say if this does not change the silence for the better." And talking about wealth is a waste of energy that goes into the void. Why does money love silence? Because they do not like empty dreams and conversations that take energy. They are waiting for work that multiplies them, makes them stronger.

big money love silence

Why are fools lucky?

You can often see that a person is smart, hardworking and decent, but for some reason poor. Mind and wealth do not always coexist. This does not mean that all the rich are fools, not at all. They are different, not like everyone else. As A. Chekhov wrote, “money, like vodka, makes a person an eccentric.” That is, most ordinary people of the rich do not understand, they do not think of this world. This is because they live in different dimensions.

Money loves silence, which means that rarely when receiving capital, especially the initial one, a carefully made calculation can help, although this happens. But as an exception. Most lucky people intuitively feel the money and go to them, not thinking about any barriers.

There is a saying that "fools are always lucky." All folk wisdom is backed up by life. It has long been noticed that the smart one, before starting a business, will calculate everything, designate all the obstacle walls and pave the right way to get around them. But be sure to stumble upon this wall, which, despite all the calculations, will be impassable.

A fool simply and freely passes through it, showing that there was no wall, it was created by our imagination. This can be explained by the fact that, from the point of view of metaphysics, when making calculations, we consciously program impenetrable obstacles, which in a strange way attract us to our circumstances in life. Everything in life is relative, and the concept of "fool" was invented by people who do not understand other people who do not live according to generally accepted rules.

money love silence, author of the phrase

Two lives, two universes

There are two worlds, two Universes, in which there are two different people - one poor, the other rich. At the same time, they intersect, communicate and live nearby. But everyone’s life is the one that he modeled for himself. It depends on many factors, the fundamental of which is education. Everything that exists around us was invented by ourselves.

A man complaining about the injustice of the world, fixated on a lack of money, mentally, without knowing it, sends a request to the Universe and receives what he wants, what he did not even dream about was the lack of money. Another lives in the thought that the world was created for him, he knows that he will get everything he wants, and the Universe readily responds to his desire.

Therefore, away the negative directed against the energy of abundance. Money loves silence, which implies peace and balance. Excessive joy from the receipt of big money also creates an overstrain and will be punished by a reduction in cash flow and other troubles.

money love silence what does it mean

You can not count and spend money that has not yet been earned

If you want to make a lot of money, you need to think only about how to get it, and nothing else. As soon as you start calculating the amount you want to earn and think about where you spend, then wait for unpleasant surprises. Money loves silence, which means - do not scare them with the fact that as soon as they arrive, they will be immediately spent. First you need to earn and get them, and then decide how to dispose of them.

And especially should not be bought on credit. In the expectation that as soon as you earn, you will immediately pay. This gives the installation and programs for the following: the money is not intended specifically for you, but for another person. This is a serious obstacle to cash.

Many people know that money cannot be spent immediately after it is received. It is necessary that they at least spend the night at home or lie on the card. A person should enjoy the thought that he has money and he can dispose of it as he sees fit. This feeling of joy and satisfaction should go to the Universe.

What you brag about, and without that you will remain

The question about the amount of salary is directly answered by those who receive little. This is proved by surveys that Americans like to conduct. It is not in vain that large firms get their salaries in envelopes, and it is incorrect to ask about their size at best. They simply won’t answer you.

They can talk about life with you, tell an interesting story, that is, communicate in an elementary way, but it’s not customary to discuss personal financial issues. Here the principle that corresponds to popular wisdom works: "What you boast about, you will remain without it." It proves the validity of the phrase that money loves silence and silence.

money love silence, Rockefeller

Negative energy of envy

A person in the world is not alone; dozens of people face him daily. Good, evil, envious, indifferent, different, with their own problems, including money. Like it or not, envy among people is a real fact. The money issue is very acute for the vast majority.

Remember that someone else's financial success generates envy, which creates negative energy - a strong indignation of the space around money. And they don’t like that. Hence the problems that are sure to appear. Do not upset people with your joy and create a lot of tension around your money, because money loves silence. Rockefeller knew what he was talking about.

Do not waste the energy of money

This applies not only to financial receipts, but also to business plans. Let's say a good idea has come up that will allow you to get decent money. It should be a secret for everyone, even relatives. The exception may be partners with whom you will implement the project. But even here there is a certain limitation.

Why is this needed? Firstly, you need to protect yourself from the negative of envy, and secondly, telling others about your project, you simply spend energy that you may not have enough to implement it. Everything related to money should be kept in seven seals. Most people who are initiated into the plans expect only one thing so that they are not destined to be fulfilled. On this occasion, there is a popular wisdom: "If you want your plans not to be fulfilled, tell everyone about them."

This is especially true for projects where a lot of money has been raised. Other components of our life love silence: success, luck, love and much, much more. No wonder folk wisdom called the man who talks a lot, a talker. This word means a shaken egg, from which nothing will ever hatch. Therefore, silence is called gold.

why money love silence

Moneylender - evil or good?

The wealthy people of America and Europe spend their finances on charity without fail. This is considered an undeniable action that opens their flow. The laws of money require this, so there is no disturbance, only peace, and money loves silence. The author of this saying is right, whether it be Rockefeller or someone else.

It is not customary for the rich to lend to friends and acquaintances just like that, but lending at a certain percentage is normal. Usury, considered a sin in Christianity, made the wealth of the richest Jews in the world and spawned banks.

Indeed, if you lend money just like that, then the Universe perceives this as a sign that you do not need them, since they are superfluous. And if at a percentage, then you make them work and increase. Therefore, the bulk of the money is concentrated in banks that earn cash trading.

Do not wait for luck, but do it yourself

Good luck in life is not an accidental occurrence, it is the result of an action, moreover, purposeful. You need to remember: all random events are predetermined by the person himself, his faith, spirit and will.

Failure acts as a disease that lowers immunity and thereby attracts another. There is a cure for this. This is self-improvement, getting rid of negativity, the ability to analyze, find the reason, step over the black bar and tune in to the right wave. To do this, you need silence, peace, the ability to temporarily abandon what you currently cannot afford.


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