Chum salmon salmon: recipes

Who doesn't like salted fish? Yes, with boiled potatoes, fresh herbs and crisp bread! Be sure that all households will be delighted with a well-prepared fish. And if this is not a simple herring, but a noble chum, then the dish will become the best decoration of any festive table. There are a lot of recipes today, but to find among them the one that will really be successful is a difficult task. We want to make life easier for the housewives and offer them the best - salmon chum salmon. Once you try to cook such a fish, you will forever remain faithful to the recipe.

salmon salmon salmon

Whole art

And indeed it is. Only at first glance it may seem that it is enough just to sprinkle fish with salt - and that’s it, here’s your finished dish. In fact, there are many cooking options, and each of them has its own zest. Chum salmon salmon is best made from winter or spring fish. Before spawning, its meat contains more fat, so after processing it has excellent taste. Salting is the replacement of part of the water in the tissues with salt.

Last preparations

Chum salmon salmon requires the use of coarse salt. Many people mistakenly think that the main task is to give the fish taste. This is not true. Its main purpose is to remove moisture. It is precisely due to this that the preserving effect is obtained. Coarse salt dissolves slowly, it needs moisture, which it takes from the carcass.

Fine salt speeds up the process, so some lovers prefer to upgrade the salmon chum salmon. However, the taste is somewhat changing. Salt burns tissues, but does not dehydrate them. As a result, the fish is quickly salted, but not dehydrated.

salmon salmon chum salmon

Getting down to business

By the way, almost any fish except sturgeon is suitable for this dish. To salting these beauties requires special refrigeration equipment, which is not at home. But the red fish - pink salmon, sim, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, trout - is perfect. All of them are slightly different in taste. The salmon salmon chum may be considered the best choice. Pink salmon are too dry, salmon is quite expensive, and this fish is optimal in all respects.

You can use not only fresh, but also frozen fish. With the second, everything is even simpler. Do not wait until the carcass defrosts to the end. In this case, the bones with the ridge are easily separated, and the fillet remains intact.

salmon salmon salmon at home

Dry way

This is the most popular option, as it requires much less time and effort. Salmon chum salmon at home just refers to the dry methods. To make a working mixture, take equal amounts of sugar and salt. If desired, you can add spices to it. The number of spices can be varied, and each time you will get a new taste. With classic dry salting, the selected fish is simply sprinkled with salt and left for some time on the kitchen table. After that, it is cleaned in a cold place until ready.

Some nuances

As we have already said, the preparation of a product such as salmon salmon chum salmon at home has its own subtleties. But as a result, you get an amazing, fragrant and tasty fish. You will need a large carcass. It was such a fish that managed to accumulate enough fat and will be very tasty. No need to wash the fish. Now you need to prepare the fillet. To do this, cut it from the inside along the ridge. The most important thing is that the peel remains intact. You do not need to remove it.

salmon salmon chum salmon at home

Dishes for salting

An ideal option would be a small rectangular stewpan or deep roasting pan. It is necessary that the fillet is located at the bottom quite freely. Cover the bottom with coarse salt, on which you need to put the fillet. Almost everything is ready, the final touch remains. From above, fill the fish with a layer of salt and leave it in the room for 12 hours. If you like salted fish, you can take it out after 6 hours. This also depends on the weight of the fish: the larger it is, the longer it will take to wait.

Finishing touch

So, time flew by quickly, it's time to get our carcass. It must be washed well and allowed to dry. Now you need to sprinkle the fish with black pepper. If you like spicy, we recommend adding red pepper. Lubricate the halves with oil. You can choose any - olive, sunflower or soy. You can put garlic on halves, and on top - one bay leaf. Now we put it in the refrigerator to ripen for 12 hours. After that, you can cut the fish into thin plates and spread on bread and butter. It is amazingly delicious.

salmon salmon chum recipe

Far Eastern Salmon Ambassador

At the beginning, we already said that not only salt but also sugar is added to the recipe. There are simply several options, of which you can choose the one that you like best. Now we will tell you how to salt salmon with salmon salmon according to the rules of Far Eastern sailors. For them, the ideal option is to take sugar and salt in equal proportions. You will need fresh fish that needs to be flattened, sprinkled with salt inside and in the cut on the back. Add to this a teaspoon of sugar, put pepper and bay leaf. Now wrap the fish in a clean cloth and refrigerate. You can eat in a day. This cooking method is very tasty, therefore, it recommends you to try such fish.

salmon salmon chum salmon in jars

Quick option

If you have guests on your doorstep and you want to treat them to delicious sandwiches, then this is not at all difficult to do. Get out the chum carcass more quickly and defrost. Chum salmon salmon in banks will be ready in just a couple of hours. For this, the carcass must be cut into fillets. Each of them needs to be cut into thin portioned plastics and sprinkled with a pickling mixture that contains salt and sugar 50/50. Now it remains to tightly put all the pieces in a jar and tightly close. For emergency cooking, you can leave it on the table, and if there is more time, you need to put it in the refrigerator.

Recipe with Vodka

There is another option, and as a result you will get a delicious salmon salmon chum. The recipe is somewhat unusual, but this does not affect the final result. Moreover, it is this option that allows you to get the most tender fish that melts in your mouth. So, the fish needs to be cut into fillets. The peel can be removed or left in place, according to your desire. Cutting into pieces is not necessary. Now mix 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar and a little vodka. It is not necessary to pour too much, the slurry should not be too dry or, conversely, wet. Spread the fish with this mixture and fold the fillet pulp to pulp. Now wrap the fish in linen and put it in the refrigerator. The fish will be ready in 12 hours, no oppression is required. If it is very large, then you can wait a day.

If the fish is intended for direct consumption, then you can limit yourself to the described actions. But for those who want to keep the fish longer, a tip: in a day, expand it and remove excess salt. Now you need to again wrap the fish in linen cloth and put it in the cold. So it can be stored for a very long time. Although it usually leaves almost instantly, especially if guests are scheduled.

how to salt salmon with salmon

Salt the fish with a pickle

If you constantly use the above recipes, but want to try something new, then we offer you a different way. In brine, the fish cooks faster, and its taste becomes more saturated. The classic version of brine (as it is called correctly) is prepared quite simply. Take 3 tablespoons of salt and one tablespoon of sugar. You can take raw water, but if you plan to store the fish for a long time, it’s better to boil it all the same.

The main secret is worth mentioning here. If you cook fish with a pickle, add mustard powder to it. If it is not, then put it ready. This will give an amazing flavor, and the process itself will be faster. But remember that it is necessary to cool the brine to 50 degrees. After the solution is ready, you just need to fill it with prepared carcasses. If the fish is salted whole, then leave it for 2-3 days. And the fillet will be ready in five hours, this is the fastest option.

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know well how to salt salmon. The various options presented in the article will allow you to choose the one that will meet your taste preferences. All recipes are proven and give excellent results, you can not worry about it. Be sure to prepare a delicious chum salmon for the upcoming holidays. It will become a table decoration and a great snack option!


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