HR styles

Any enterprise is a part of the economic and political system; it is not in an external organizational vacuum. All stages of the development and formation of the company should be consistent with state policy and sociocultural ethnic group. The personnel management philosophy of a particular enterprise should not conflict with the legislative norms of the state, in particular, with normative legal acts on the rights and obligations of the citizen in whose territory the enterprise is located. The basis of this philosophy is the charter of the organization, collective and constituent agreements, local orders and instructions of the leadership. In addition to this basis, every modern HR manager should be able to take into account national and regional characteristics, religious, ethical and moral standards , etc. Based on the general organization management philosophy, personnel management styles are emerging.

Before we begin to consider the styles of personnel management , I would like to dwell on approaches to personnel management. Personnel management approaches are usually divided into two large groups: formalized and personalized.

Formal approaches:

  1. Autocratic (forced labor, lack of any mutual understanding, high conflict, formality, lack of initiative).
  2. Technocratic ( the personnel management process is completely subordinate to the production management process, all decisions of the authorities go strictly in the interests of production).
  3. Bureaucratic (strict observance of all instructions and regulations, formalized personnel management procedures, clear hierarchy of job relationships).

Personalized Approaches:


  1. Democratic (the employee does not need control, he is ready to independently take responsible decisions and solve assigned tasks, loyal attitude of the management).
  2. Humanistic (This approach puts forward the personality of the employee, his interests, the relevance of the position in the company to his life goals in the first place. Motivation of employees plays a paramount role in production efficiency).
  3. Innovative (this approach is recognized as the most effective among all other methods; it is based on long-term goals for which employees are given complete freedom of action. Realization of the creative potential of employees with this approach is very high).

They also single out the socio-technical approach, in which the social system and technical organization are interconnected, the results of labor depend on the social position of the employee.

Based on this classification of approaches, the following styles of personnel management can be distinguished.

  1. Oriented to the task (the leader sets subordinates with tasks and goals, and then requires rigorous and ultra-efficient execution of them. Coercion is often carried out through manipulation and administrative pressure).
  2. Personally oriented (in the first place for the leader are his subordinates, their interests and problems. Human resources management is based on mutual trust and partnership. The result of such management is a close-knit and friendly team).
  3. Authoritarian (personnel management is carried out under threat of punishment, and the manager makes all decisions individually).
  4. Democratic (in a democratic style, the leader makes decisions, taking into account the views of subordinates. The main task of the leader is to derive a general idea from several proposed).

Often , HR styles are mixed options, for example, benevolent-authoritarian, consultative-democratic, group style, etc.


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