Swimming section for children: development of the body from a very young age

The birth of a child is a long-awaited event. He is born, and then he is surrounded by warmth, care and attention, a new organism begins to grow and develop. However, this process begins long before this moment, when the fetus is still in the water in the womb.

Swimming section for children

It’s not in vain that we emphasize it in water, because this is precisely the natural state. We ourselves are almost 80% of it. That is why, when the question arises of what to do with the child and how to develop, the first thing that comes to mind is the swimming section for children.

The beneficial properties of water and pediatricians confirm. They recommend that you do the exercises in the pool and swim with the kids. Water is not only a special beneficial environment, which, acting on the human body, opens up wide opportunities for its physical activity.

Reflex hold your breath after the baby is dying. That is why the swimming section for children is recommended from the age of 2-3 months. Regular exercises in the pool with babies improve the work of absolutely all vital organs. Moreover, such training is an excellent foundation for the proper physical education of the child. The sensation of water gives the baby freedom, teaches not to panic and act.

Children's swimming section

In addition to the above, among the positive factors of swimming in childhood, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Almost all muscle groups are involved, at the same time, there is no load on the spine and other joints, therefore, the risk of injury is reduced.
  2. The work improves and the cardiovascular and respiratory systems fully develop.
  3. Positive effect on the peripheral and central nervous system. Children's swimming section allows to improve blood supply to the cerebral cortex, conduction of nerve impulses.
  4. Immunity is strengthened, therefore, the risk of "picking up" the virus is greatly reduced.
  5. Rest and wakefulness are normalized, sleep and appetite improve.

As for the reasons for the cancellation of training, the swimming section for children and classes in it are not recommended for any diseases at the acute stage, during the rehabilitation, sometimes recovery periods. Also contraindications are characteristic injuries and abnormalities that initially exclude the possibility of swimming.

Classes can be suspended temporarily if:

  1. Free swimming sections
    The swimming section for children causes the child unreasonable anxiety, excitement, overexcitation and rapid breathing.
  2. Signs of hypothermia appear - the lips turn blue and tremble, β€œgoose” skin appears, etc.

Any exercises in the section are carried out with the active participation of their parents, and at an early age in the closest interaction. Joint stay in the water allows you to better know the child, to find common ground with him. Moreover, activities and games improve mood and overall well-being. As for the training venue, it can be children's pools at preschool educational institutions, paid and free swimming sections.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38230/

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