Is entrepreneurship possible in Russia

The emergence of a market economy entailed the creation of new institutions, which include entrepreneurship in Russia. It began to form in the late 20th century in the form of cooperatives and farmers. Entrepreneurial activity was not organized and not supported by law, therefore it was spontaneous, uncontrolled. Those who in the past were called scammers are today called distributors. Today , entrepreneurship in Russia today is an attempt to a small number of people to escape from the oppression of the leadership, by creating their own business, based on the mass demand of the population for a certain group of goods. The desire for independence is a consequence of the development of the economy and the desire of people to realize themselves in existing conditions.

It is worth recalling that small business in developed countries is one of the significant revenue items to the state budget. Europe and America value their entrepreneurs and try to support them in every possible way, realizing that the well-being of the country as a whole depends on their income. At the same time, entrepreneurship in Russia is not even a weighty layer, let alone a pillar for the state budget. Understanding this problem, the government is trying to stimulate the population to self-employment. So, from the state budget, a subsidy of about 60 thousand rubles is paid to open their own business for those who were able to defend their business plan before the commission of the employment center. To this amount, heads of regions add additional funds, based on the capabilities of the region. A big plus in the protection is innovative entrepreneurship in Russia, which supports the concept of state modernization. Following him is agriculture. This choice is explained by the lack of jobs in villages and the low standard of living in them.

For many people, the answer to the question is very important: how real is entrepreneurship in Russia and is it worth it to do? It is very difficult to give a definite answer, because many factors must be taken into account. On the one hand, the state offers various subsidies for starting its own business, but their size is so small compared to the prices for renting premises, equipment and other things, that it is very difficult to consider them as real help in establishing a small business. On the other hand, prosperous corruption and bureaucracy in the country significantly slow down the process of opening a business and increase its value in some cases several times. Hence the logical question again: what is really necessary for entrepreneurship in Russia to turn into a profitable enterprise?

Firstly, the legislative framework, taking into account all the nuances from the moment of registration of a legal entity until the official end of its activities. The absence of laws, where everything is clearly spelled out, leads to the fact that everyone interprets them in their favor. The requirements for each type of business, the conditions for its opening, and the reduction in the number of necessary documents to a reasonable minimum can be attributed to the same paragraph. This will save you from wasting time, effort and money of a novice entrepreneur from going to numerous instances.

Secondly, tax cuts for newly opened companies. You can not talk about profitability, when almost all of the revenue goes to pay taxes. Entrepreneurship is a way of self-employment, which should increase the income of a citizen, and not forced tax slavery, which is also difficult to get out of.

With the right, rational approach to solving all these problems, Russia will be able to turn a small business into a successfully functioning layer of the economy that will bring profit not only to the state, but also to the owner himself.


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