Features of Italy - nature and its description. What is nature in Italy

Every tourist dreams of visiting Italy. The nature there is wonderful, it is a sunny country located in the very south of Europe. It attracts travelers not only with unique examples of the cultural heritage of the past, but also with its wonderful nature.

Italy is a country of five seas, it is washed by the Adriatic, Ionian, Mediterranean, Tyrrhenian and Ligurian seas. In addition to land, Italy owns several more islands in these seas. The total area of ​​the state exceeds 300 thousand square meters. km Most of the territory is concentrated on the Apennine Peninsula.

Mountain ranges

The Italian mountains are very popular among climbers. They separate the country from the rest of Europe. There are so many mountains that no more than one third of the country's total area falls on the plains, the rest of the territory is hilly. From the southwestern side, the Alps connect with the Apennine mountains. The nature of Italy attracts tourists and climbers.

Among the highlands, volcanoes are still of particular interest, still active, although inactive: Stromboli, Etna and the legendary Vesuvius. From time to time, volcanoes remind themselves of powerful tremors. Many of them are extinct.

italy nature

In general, increased seismic activity is typical for Italy, since the country is in the area of ​​young alpine folding. Strong earthquakes sometimes occur. So, for example, during the period from 1900 to 2000, more than one and a half hundred earthquakes were recorded. The most recent major seismic activity took place in the fall of 1980. All this sometimes leads to noticeable changes in sea level.

Water resources

Italy is rich in freshwater rivers, the main of which are the northern Po and Adige. Other famous rivers - the Tiber and Arno - flow through the Apennine Peninsula itself. Many fast alpine rivers are successfully used to generate cheap electricity, due to the numerous hydroelectric power stations.

In addition to rivers, there are many freshwater bodies. The largest lakes are Garda, Como, Bracciano and others, some of which are of volcanic origin. In the hollows of the reservoirs are many well-known resorts, including therapeutic. All vacationers are interested in what nature in Italy.

nature of italy

Features of the Italian climate

The climate in the country is heterogeneous, varies greatly depending on the province due to the fact that the territory is elongated in geographical longitude. On mountain peaks, it is quite consistent with the harsh Arctic, and on the warm sea coasts in the south of the country - subtropical. To the north, average temperatures decrease, the climate changes from subtropical to temperate continental.

In general, this southern state is characterized by warm sunny summers (average temperature of about 23 degrees) and warm mild winters (plus temperature in January).

For most of the year, the inhabitants of Italy enjoy a cloudless sky. The winds are warm, not strong.

Winters in the mountain Alps are very cold, snowfall already in early autumn, which attracts skiers from around the world to these places. The higher, the colder, and the sooner winter comes. The snow lasts for many months, but on the peaks it does not melt at all. From one to three thousand millimeters of precipitation falls annually.

what nature in italy

A great influence on the climate is exerted by the seas surrounding Italy. Even the most distant corners of the country are located further 250 kilometers from the sea line. Most of the borders are maritime. It is no coincidence that the most popular resorts are located on the coasts, since these places have the best climatic conditions throughout the year.


Due to the abundance of calcareous rocks, the surface topography is rich in numerous craters, holes, wells, grottoes and caves, which is of particular interest not only to cavers, but also for ordinary tourists who are interested in exploring underground voids. Picturesque and attractive nature of Italy. It is impossible to tell briefly about it, numerous reservoirs, mountain ranges and plains are fascinating.

Italy is famous for one of the deepest caves on earth, the depth of which exceeds 800 m. The unique Blue Grotto located on the island of Capri is also of great interest to tourists.

Flat terrain

The Padansky Plain is the largest lowland located in the Po River basin and has long been famous for its vast orchards and vineyards. All major farmland are located here. Farms mainly grow crops and root crops. Also developed livestock and poultry.

what changes in the nature of italy

The main industrial cluster of the country is located here, including numerous factories and factories that process industries.

The soil

Depending on the specific region, the composition and type of soil can vary greatly. In the northern mountainous part, mountain meadow and mountain forest soils prevail. Brown soils are characteristic of the southern part of the country. The closer to the sea, the more common marshy soils. In the lowlands and hills, thanks to the limestone deposits, red-colored soils were formed, ideal for growing orchards and grapes. Near volcanoes there are soils consisting of frozen magma and lava.

what changes in the nature of Italy made

The soil of Italy is favorable for agricultural activities. But one cannot fail to say what changes in the nature of Italy were made by the activities of the people.

Vegetable world

Flora is extremely diverse. However, as a result of intense human activity, wild vegetation has remained relatively small, mainly cultural plantings are found. Forests are found only in the mountains and on hills and in total make up no more than a fifth of the total area of ​​the country. It can be said that the nature of Italy is ennobled.

Deciduous trees such as birch, poplars, willows, acacias are widespread. There are evergreen conifers, as well as shrubs. In the southern part of Italy, in the subtropical climate zone, citrus fruits, olives, almonds, pomegranates, and also tomatoes grow well. Broad-leaved trees such as oak, chestnut, beech and ash grow at the foot of the Alps. Of great agricultural importance is the cultivation of fruit trees, vineyards, cereals and potatoes.

At an altitude of about one and a half kilometers in the Alps there are coniferous forests consisting of evergreens and shrubs. Here fir, spruce, and pine grow well. Above the coniferous zone extend meadows, which are an excellent place for grazing in the summer season. Thanks to the warm climate, floriculture is widely developed. These are the features of the nature of Italy that await everyone who comes here to relax.

nature of italy and greece


Italy cannot boast of impressive mineral reserves, as well as their diversity. Unfortunately, there are not so many resources, they are scattered throughout the country, and are often located quite inconvenient for their extraction.

Iron ore has been widely mined for many hundreds of years. Currently, industrial ore mining is carried out on about. Elba. In addition to ore, and in much larger quantities, deposits of polymetallic ores are found on the Italian peninsula, the extraction of which is quite intensive. The nature of Italy and Greece are identical.

Coal deposits of low quality have been explored in a number of areas. The country lacks its own deposits of coal and oil to ensure full energy demand. Thus, coal provides Italy with energy no more than 15%, and oil production generally does not exceed 2% of the required value. The remainder has to be imported.

nature features of italy

A valuable resource for Italy is onshore natural gas fields. Among other things, sulfur, rock salt, and granite are successfully mined in the country. The famous Italian marble has been successfully exported to other countries. The nature of Italy did not stint on fossils.

Human influence

It remains to find out what changes in the nature of Italy were made by human activities.

In general, unfortunately, it negatively affects the environment of the Italian peninsula. Forests are cut down, agricultural lands are depleted and eroded , water bodies and seas are polluted by industrial waste. The proliferation of automobile transport causes a large amount of exhaust and an increase in the concentration of CO in the atmosphere. The presence of smog is regularly recorded over large cities. The ozone layer above the peninsula is severely affected.

Environmentalists have long been sounding the alarm and diligently planting artificial forests. But this is not enough to correct the errors of human activity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38243/

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