Aristocratic martini. How many degrees does your favorite drink have?

There are no people indifferent to this drink, especially women. It is an unshakable symbol of a luxurious and sweet life. Of course, this is a martini. How many degrees does he have, what is the history of its occurrence, how to drink it and what can it be combined with? Such questions are probably asked by every fan of this fragrant vermouth.

martini how many degrees

History of creation

It turns out that this is not a new drink at all. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, treated digestive diseases, and also advised his patients to relieve stress with wine infused with certain herbs. This was the first vermouth in the world - a special type of aperitif that contains alcohol and various spices. The main thing is that the basis for it can be exclusively white wine. The word wermut itself means "wormwood" - it is this herb that is an essential ingredient for a drink.

How did the modern classic martini come about? We will tell you how many degrees are in it a bit later, but for now let's look deep into history. Around the seventeenth century, the adventurous piedmontese Alessio got acquainted with the teachings of the ancient Greek Aesculapius and made aromatic wine for the King of Bavaria. The monarch liked it, so the martini, which did not yet have such a name, took root in the yard. It received worldwide appreciation much later when the winemaker Alessandro Martini spread it outside the Old World. Both America, Asia, Africa, even Australia, practically without resistance, submitted to the divine drink.

how many degrees in martini bianco

Pioneering Alessandro Martini

Today it is fashionable and even prestigious to enjoy in a serene setting the divine taste of martini. How many degrees he has - few people care, because the drink perfectly relaxes and cheers up. At the time of the founding of a new brand by the young sales agent Alessandro Martini, vermouth with wormwood was in demand except among amateurs. And there weren’t so many fans. But the young man was not enthusiastic. Together with Luigi Rossi - a herbalist and specialist in herbs, he improved the composition of wine, brought it to the form that we have today. And the new label and carefully prepared advertising campaign helped to conquer the world. As a result, two friends built three martini factories, received many awards and medals, and even got the right to place royal coats of arms on the label.

Martini features

Today there are a large number of different types of martinis, the degrees of alcohol they also differ. There are two main groups of this drink: French vermouth (made on the basis of dry white wine from certain grape varieties) and Italian (made in the district of Turin). The composition and proportions of the components of a classic martini are kept in strict secrecy. It is known that the composition consists of thirty-five different plants, and these can be leaves, flowers, seeds and roots.

martini degrees alcohol

You can drink just like that, enjoying every sip of martini. How many degrees does it contain? A pure, undiluted beverage made according to a traditional recipe has only sixteen percent alcohol. Here is the answer to the question of how many degrees there are in the Bianco martini. But there are vermouths with a strength of 9 degrees, and 25. You can dilute it with water, juice, throw olive or ice cubes into a glass. A predominantly female drink is suitable for men, if you raise its strength with vodka.


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