Car dealership Alarm Motors: employee reviews about the employer

Reviews of Alarm Motors are of interest to numerous potential employees of this company. After all, this is one of the largest automobile holdings located in the North-West of Russia. This is a serious enterprise, which is the official dealer of Ford cars and commercial vehicles, KIA passenger vehicles, Ford Cargo trucks and special vehicles, and Fiat Professional commercial vehicles.

About company

Emblem Alarm Motors

Reviews about Alarm Motors will be of interest primarily to residents of St. Petersburg, as well as to those who plan to move to this city in search of employment.

Currently, this company has five car centers in the Northern capital, it also includes the car rental company Alarm-Rent and several other enterprises. So literally every month a fairly large number of job offers from this company enter the labor market.

The company is considered one of the leaders in dealer sales in the North-West of the country, specializing in servicing Ford and MAN cars. Enterprises are constantly honored with reputable international and national quality awards. Car holding in St. Petersburg was founded in 2003, currently it has been operating on the market for about 15 years.


Since the company is large, it requires a large number of employees to work almost all year round, because in a large enterprise with several branches, staff turnover cannot be avoided.

For example, a holding company currently requires a car dealer, an electrician for installing additional equipment, a car mechanic, a truck repairman, an administrator, a janitor, a clerk, a storekeeper, a call center consultant, a remote loss settlement consultant, a master consultant, and a car sales manager used car and seller of new cars.

How to get there

Sales at Alarm Motors

It is worth noting that the dealerships of this car dealer are located in different parts of St. Petersburg. We’ll tell you how to get to each of them. This will be important for both potential employees and employers.

Autocentre "OZERKI" is located at Vyborgskoye Shosse, 23, building one. Here you will find an official Ford dealer.

You can get here by car on Suzdalsky Prospekt or by public transport, reaching the metro stations Parnas or Prospekt Prosvescheniya. A good landmark is the Lower Big Suzdal Lake, which is located nearby.

The car dealership is open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Commercial vehicles are sold only on weekdays from 10 to 19 hours. At the same time, a round-the-clock service works.

The car center "YUGO-WEST" is located on Marshal Zhukov Avenue, Building 51. You can find it at the intersection of this avenue with Peterhof highway. Nearby are the metro stations Leninsky Prospekt and Prospect Veteranov, near Polezhaevsky Park.

An official Ford dealer and a Peugeot service center work here. Commercial vehicles are sold only on weekdays from 9 to 18 hours. Car sales to individuals and after-sales service are available daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Recently, a representative office of KIA has opened on the basis of this car center.

Car center "KOLOMYAZHSKY" you will find in a large commercial and service building on the avenue of the same name. Not far from here is the Kolomyazhsky overpass, the exact address is Kolomyazhsky Prospekt, 18 a. In the immediate vicinity are the Pionerskaya metro station, Specific Park, the Novaya Derevnya and Lanskaya railway stations.

Official dealers of Ford, Fiat Professional and SsangYong brands work here. Car sales to individuals are open from 9 to 21 hours daily, after-sales service works on a similar schedule, it only opens every day one hour earlier. Commercial vehicles are sold from Monday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. On Sunday, the department for working with legal entities closes at 6 p.m.

You will find the Lahta car center at 108 Savushkina Street. There is a service center for Peugeot cars and an authorized KIA dealer. It is located between Savushkina Street and Primorsky Prospekt. Nearby is the metro station "Old Village", the river Central Nevka, the island of Elagin with the palace of the same name.

Car sales are organized here daily from 9.00 to 21.00, after-sales service is open from 8 a.m.

Positive impressions

Cars in Alarm Motors

Examining the reviews about Alarm Motors, one can find both positive and negative impressions of employees who have already experienced first hand the work of this company. To begin with, let us dwell on those whose employment left a positive impression.

Employees note that nice people work there, the team as a whole leaves a good impression. In addition, newcomers are drawn up in full accordance with labor legislation, there is a strict schedule that everyone is trying to adhere to.

In addition to the fact that a very decent salary is promised, which was promised initially, when fulfilling the plan, you can count on bonuses.

Negative sides

Of course, there are a lot more negative reviews about Alarm Motors. It is worth emphasizing: this does not mean that the company is definitely bad. Human psychology is designed in such a way that when everything goes well and successfully, few people will think about writing a review and praising their employer in it. But if you have any problems, I want to share with them as much as possible with a large number of sympathizers. In addition, if an employee really faced violations and injustices at his workplace, he seeks to share with his sympathizers and protect others so that they do not find themselves in the same situation.

For example, in reviews of Alarm Motors on Kolomyazhskaya, employees complain that the work process is basically poorly organized here. Because of this, the flow of cars is too low and the hourly wage rate is low. Therefore, to earn some really decent money is becoming almost impossible.

Employees of the dealer center Fiat Professional and Ford in reviews of Alarm Motors in St. Petersburg note that a first-class mechanic receives only 150 rubles for tire fitting. Although the list of these works includes re-sorting, balancing and maintenance of the wheels. By the way, as a result, 13 percent of income tax is still deducted from this amount. As a result, the monthly salary, besides with a low volume of work, on average comes out only about twenty thousand rubles a month, and if there are a lot of holidays, for example, as in January, then the maximum earnings do not reach more than 13,000.

Also among the negative that can be found in reviews of Alarm Motors in St. Petersburg: lack of career growth and voluntary medical insurance. Management treats employees badly, even fines for minor offenses to pay the lowest possible salary. At the same time, if someone remains at the refinery or agrees to leave on his day off, then such zeal is most likely not to be paid in any way.

Center in the Southwest

It is worth noting that there are a lot of negative reviews about the Alarm-Motors dealer center in the South-West. In particular, they criticize the leadership, especially the general director, who is rude on a regular basis, does not value his employees at all, can be fired for the slightest offense if he wishes, without paying any attention to the fact that there are not enough workers in general, and the rest have a high additional burden , which is not further compensated.

By the way, reviews about both the Alarm Motors Salon on Zhukov and from customers and buyers come at least wary. For example, if you want to buy a KIA car from a client, you are required to make a deposit, which is normal practice, but then complete confusion begins.

Employees begin to force to take a car loan in a bank that is beneficial to them, and not in the one that the client has chosen for themselves. And after the buyer personally goes to his credit institution, he finds out that the application for it was not even received from the dealership, withdraws money in cash, returns, the problems continue again. After that, it is expected that there are so many negative reviews about the Alarm Motors on Zhukov.

Local managers, finding out that the client arrived with cash, force him to take additional equipment worth several tens of thousands of rubles, otherwise they threaten to refuse to buy a car. Many at this stage finally despair of finding justice here, write an angry review about the β€œAlarm-Motors KIA” at 51 Zhukov, as well as a statement on the return of the prepayment. It is worth noting that in the salons of other companies, some buyers managed to find the same car much cheaper - with a benefit of up to 300 thousand rubles.

As a result, there are few who advise in reviews of Alarm Motors at 51 Zhukov, since the level of service and communication with the client does not stand up to criticism here.

Also in this salon, potential buyers have to face the fact that car sales managers simply do not attend meetings to inspect and purchase a vehicle. In particular, such problems arose when trying to acquire Ford at Alarm Motors. In the reviews, customers complain that managers do not come at the appointed time, ruining the mood and stealing invaluable time.

Generally, slow and unhurried work is noted by many in reviews of the Alarm Motors KIA on Zhukov. There is even a feeling that managers are not at all willing to do their job and at least sell something, so many despair, deciding to buy a car from another dealer.

Wage problems

Pay delay

In general, the majority of employees complaining about problems with wages are the Alarm Motor showroom in reviews. They note a constant increase in load with regular contractions. As a result, you actually get about eighteen thousand rubles in your hands, which makes you feel like you were in the mid-2000s, because it was then that there were comparable revenues in this area.

At the same time, one has to do a lot of work, often it is associated with heavy physical exertion, but one does not have to rely on understanding and respect for hard work. In addition, almost every day, employees do not come to a clean and comfortable office, but literally plow head over heels in the mud, in unsanitary conditions. Few people withstand such circumstances and such an attitude. As a result, such a high personnel turnover arises.

In addition to raising salaries, the company's management does not at all care about improving the qualifications and professionalism of its own employees. This is expressed in the fact that they never arrange any courses and training for employees, instead, only constantly increase the load. It makes sense to work here only for those who do not expect to earn a lot and move up the career ladder.

Autocentre in Ozerki

Alarm Motors in Ozerki

Similar problems are faced by employees of the car center "Alarm-Motors OZERKI". In their reviews of the employer, they emphasize that the real salary that an employee receives on his hands rarely reaches 15-17 thousand rubles a month. This is even with a fairly high output - about 70 hours.

In addition, the company does not give out overalls, work shoes have to be purchased for their own money, and then they must carry the cashier's check to the technical director. But money, as a rule, is not returned. Lubricants and gloves, without which it is impossible to imagine the work of a mechanic, are issued in accordance with strict reporting. If for some reason the limit is exceeded, the difference will be deducted from the salary and not so much. All work in the maintenance center is redistributed by the workshop master.

Difficulties arise with cleaning. For example, the types of lifts that are mounted on the floor must be drained from the water, while employees allegedly pay money for additional cleaning, but in fact no one receives them on the day of their salary. For several years, payments are not indexed, which affects the welfare of workers with ever-increasing inflation.

Potential employees say that after visiting several centers of this company, there is a double impression. The reviews about Alarm Motors Ford on Kolomyazhskaya write about continuous negativity, at the interview it seems that they are testing the level of knowledge of the ninth grader without asking absolutely no substantive questions. Immediately, after talking with staff and customers, we can conclude that, in principle, no one is satisfied. They complain that they do not give out cars for a long time, they are dragging out a lot of repairs, it is often possible to encounter the fact that parts and spare parts do not arrive at a predetermined time. In the reviews of employees about Alarm Motors, they mainly emphasize the presence of disrespect for employees on the part of superiors and delayed wages. Observes a large staff turnover.

Of all the salons, the least important questions for potential employees are the auto center located in Ozerki. Here the most pleasant atmosphere at the interview, while many are frankly surprised by such a low salary and a large number of open vacancies, many of which remain unfilled for quite some time. Almost every salon requires accountants, sales managers, cashiers, craftsmen, mechanics. It creates a clear feeling that not one of the auto centers is equipped as it should. Perhaps because of this, constant problems and delays arise. In total for five car dealerships regularly having about 30 open vacancies is still an inadmissible luxury. If we compare the situation on the labor market with other similar companies, then each month they require several times less new employees.

In reviews of Alarm Motors on Savushkina, one may encounter outright deceit when at the interview stage the employee is promised certain conditions, and when he starts working, they differ significantly. They are associated with frankly understated wages with a high level of workload. As a result, few people have to rely on any bonuses or bonuses.

Those who have been working for a long time in the company, in reviews of Alarm-Motors KIA on Savushkina, note that the company has deteriorated greatly in recent years, although at first the situation was fundamentally different. Most of the top managers and really highly professional employees who started this business and achieved significant development of the company, then parted with it for one reason or another. Many left because the leadership frankly made it clear that they did not value them, the company lacked corporate ethics among senior employees, did not observe elementary subordination, and did not pay extra for processing. To knock out extra money for the sake of which you stayed at work for a month, you have to keep a long correspondence with the HR Director and your immediate supervisor. All this is rather humiliating, and also not at all a fact, which can lead to a positive result.

Satisfied customers

Auto Center Alarm Motors

When researching information about this company, it is worth paying attention to customer reviews about Alarm Motors. I must admit that among customers there are much more gratitude from those who were satisfied with the service, the number of negatively-minded employees is many times greater.

Recently, the company has been developing the sale of KIA cars. Therefore, many of the impressions of potential and real customers are connected precisely with the auto-centers "Alarm-Motors KIA". In the reviews, they note the professional qualities that managers show, demonstrating good knowledge of all the technical features of the car, a sincere desire to help make the best choice, find a car that is right for you.

Among the employees of the sales department who have been working at the company for several days, there are a large number of polite and tactful employees who are always ready to help. This is regularly noted in reviews of the "Alarm Motors KIA". Moreover, there are a lot of girls among them, which is uncharacteristic for most domestic car dealerships.At the same time, there is no doubt that they are in their place, since they give complete and detailed answers to any questions, they understand the details and nuances that are not known to any male auto mechanic. It can be seen that they really love and value their work. In addition, they convince the client of what kind of choice he should make, as politely and unobtrusively as possible. Apparently, such employees are appreciated here, which is why they are delayed for a rather long time.

Dissatisfied with service

Presentation at Alarm Motors

Moreover, among the customer reviews about Alarm Motors, there are enough who were categorically dissatisfied with the level of service provided.

For example, there are situations when, initially, by telephone, a customer discusses the cost of picking a car, and upon arrival at the salon it turns out that the final price rises by one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles. Potential buyers call this outright childishness, assuring that no one is being scammed, and sales managers only spoil the image of their own company by such behavior. Naturally, everyone after this treatment does not want to conduct any negotiations with these employees, they go to other car dealerships with more honest and responsible employees.

Not only those who come to one of the Alarm Motors salons to purchase a new car are faced with the negative, but also drivers who apply for service. For example, mechanics when accepting a car for repair do not always fix all the damage, for example, scratches. And they give back the vehicle with new flaws. Or, customers noticed scratches in different places and dents that were not there when they brought their car for repair or maintenance. Moreover, they refuse to accept a statement of shortcomings and complaints, arranging a real bureaucratic red tape. After this appeal, customers intend to go to court, because only there they expect to find the truth.

In some cases, drivers have to deal with overt illiteracy of staff. Often, mechanics break more than they actually do. In order to somehow cover up his flaws, the client is not the one who accepted her car. Because of this, there is a reasonable misunderstanding of what the visitor is dissatisfied with, because it was with this repairman that he did not discuss any nuances. After much debate and wrangling, it is only possible to get local mechanics to redo everything, and even that again turns out to be of poor quality.

It is especially surprising when customers talk about cases in which the masters of a particular auto center completely sign their incompetence. This happens when a client comes to them with a certain problem, the mechanics spend several hours on diagnostics, and then they shrug their hands and send them to another service, where they can perhaps determine the cause of the breakdown. The reviews note that due to the fact that the situation is developing in such an unpleasant way, the number of customers of all branches of this auto center is steadily decreasing.

Indeed, here, even if the client agrees to all the conditions (price, equipment), all the same, inexplicable problems arise, because of which you have to lose time and money. For example, car dealership managers can print out a contract for the purchase of a specific car for several hours, all the features and "filling" of which were discussed a few days ago. To design takes too much invaluable time, so it’s better to save your nerves by contacting another car dealership, some users are sure.

At the same time, the company is actively promoting itself on social networks, but then receives negative reviews about the very low level of service. As a rule, local mechanics demonstrate their incompetence, the level of service deserves only criticism.


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