Boxer Groggy Condition

During boxing competitions, athletes may receive punches in different parts of the head. Depending on the place of impact, conditions of varying severity with specific neurological symptoms may occur. According to the generally accepted classification, they are defined as groggies, knockdown or knockout.

What's the Difference

The state of groggy (“intoxication”) occurs when an unexpected blow to the lower jaw and a concussion of the vestibular apparatus are received, manifesting itself mainly in the form of dizziness.

groggy condition

With knockdown, consciousness is affected more, which is expressed in loss of orientation, impaired coordination of movements and dizziness. Tinnitus may be observed. This condition lasts just a few seconds.

Knockout is the most serious pathological condition, which is accompanied by disorientation and loss of consciousness. Most often, it occurs due to a concussion of the brain when it hits a temple or nose bridge. Sometimes the injury affects the cerebellum, the brainstem and the ganglion of the vagus nerve (when it enters the lower jaw). Then there is a fall and fainting.

Groggy condition - what is it?

With a strong and sharp blow to the lower jaw, a quick movement and sudden fixation of the head (“knockback”) occurs, as a result of which the brain “imprints” into the occipital bone in the region of the occipital foramen. In parallel with this, free space forms between the body of the brain and its shell in the forehead. This process may be accompanied by internal bleeding.

In the back of the head there is a movement of the cerebellum and a slight displacement of the brain stem to the lower part of the cranium, which can injure him. The fluid inside the ventricles of the brain is shaken, temporarily blocking the autonomic nerve centers and pressing on the reticular formation.

groggy state is

These processes lead to an instantaneous loss of consciousness and a decrease in muscle tone. The state of groggy is a manifestation at the psyche level of neurological changes with such microtrauma.

The strategy of behavior with the "groggie"

The state of the groggie lasts for a matter of seconds, but this is enough for the athlete to miss another one - a decisive blow, and lose the match. Often the referee, noticing this situation, stops the fight.

For a boxer who got into the “groggies”, it is better to take a short break to get back to normal. Therefore, his task is to try not to give the enemy the appearance that he has relaxed, and to retreat for a while, while maintaining a long distance.

state of groggie what is it

Sometimes the state of the groggs is too deep to defend actively. Then it is more advisable to close by entering the clinch. A deaf stance will help in this case. And if there is no way to maintain balance, you can go down on one knee. The main thing is to curb your temperament and not succumb to the provocation of the enemy, revealing itself for his blows.

When the received blow knocks the athlete to the floor, not everything is lost. This unpleasant fact must be used to restore strength and calmly wait until the referee counts to eight. If you get up earlier, when everything is floating in front of your eyes, and the muscles are not in good shape, you can no longer lose.

How not to get into the “groggies”

The blow, which can lead to a state of grogging, should be not so much strong as unexpected. Coaches have long noticed that it is a strong counter strike, when the enemy does not have time to defend himself, can cause one of the states of impaired consciousness.

Therefore, in the tactics of these knockout masters, there are always two elements: masking and delivering an unexpected, knock-down blow. In order for the effect of surprise to persist, a boxer must have in his arsenal not just one favorite trick, but several options. In addition, he must be able to prepare the situation for a decisive blow, creating an adversary’s model of the stereotypical expectation of his actions.

That is why it is so important to carefully study the battle tactics of your opponent before a fight. This will significantly reduce the likelihood of unexpected actions on his part, which will prevent his attempts to bring someone into a state of grogging. The significance of this fact cannot be underestimated.

state of groggie meaning

Groggy's condition is a common phenomenon in a boxing match. But here the expression will be very appropriate: “If warned, then armed.” Even by “catching” a blow to the jaw, you can maintain parity by applying appropriate tactics and waiting out the moment of dizziness and weakness in order to respond to the opponent accordingly.


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