Tissue paper: how to use it?

Modern industry is developing very dynamically, offering consumers ever new varieties and varieties of products. Such trends have not been circumvented by such material familiar to everyone since childhood as tissue paper. And if earlier this phrase used to mean a very specific thing - the paper from which cigarettes were made, then today the range of products under this name is so wide that it can be used almost anywhere.

Today it is still used by the tobacco industry, but only if it comes to the simplest, most classic version of paper. In addition, tissue paper is used as packaging material, including for the festive decoration of bouquets, buttonholes or just gifts. A wide color range allows you to choose the option that is suitable for almost every occasion, so you can create innumerable design solutions.

For many lovers of such a popular trend as handmade, thin color paper has become another platform for creative imagination - just a few accessible and simple materials are enough to turn into luxurious flowers that can be used to decorate interiors, wedding parties, banquets or children's parties . Tissue paper, a little wire scissors - this is practically all that is needed to create genuine masterpieces of needlework.

Thin paper is also used for another type of needlework - creating postcards with your own hands. Such a gift is able to please any person, because this is a completely exclusive thing, created just for him. Paper for cards can be of different thicknesses, which allows you to simulate absolutely any shape and create applications of varying degrees of complexity. Such ample opportunities are guaranteed by the embodiment of any, even the most complex fantasy of the author, so this paper is perfect for a variety of ages. Amazing postcards can be created by kids who first try themselves in the art of applique, and adults working on copyright masterpieces.

In addition, it is truly indispensable when carrying out restoration work in painting, when restoring icons and antiques, as well as when working with fragile paper documents. Archives, art workshops and even chemical laboratories are far from all modern enterprises that constantly need this amazing paper.

One of the varieties of tissue paper is the so-called waxed paper. This is the thinnest paper, impregnated or coated on both sides with a special film, which includes paraffin. Such paper, referred to as paraffin on professional slang, is excellent for packaging food products before long-term storage. After applying a protective layer to it, it acquires the property of not passing air and moisture, which guarantees the safety of the products packaged in it for a long time period. It is often also used for lining all kinds of containers with products, wrapping oiled mechanical parts, preserving certain products. Despite the fact that the paraffin looks very much like paper, completely saturated with oil, it leaves no greasy marks on either the hands or products, which makes it very convenient to use.

Such tissue paper perfectly replaces the cellophane wrapper and film packaging, since its composition contains much more natural components.

Thin paper is also used for another type of needlework - creating postcards with your own hands. Such a gift is able to please any person, because this is a completely exclusive thing, created just for him.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38259/

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