Dubrovnik plant: medicinal properties, uses and recipes

The focus of our article is the plants of Crimea. Dubrovnik, namely, we will consider it, is a shrub. Its height can reach from 20 to 45 centimeters. This plant belongs to the family Lamiaceae. Dubrovnik is distinguished by rounded, rising branches, which are pubescent by hairs, and lignified at the base. The whole plant is covered with oval leaves of a dark green hue. At the base, they are usually wedge-shaped.

dubrovnik plant

Dubrovnik blooms around July with pink-purple or lilac-pink flowers, which are neatly collected in an ear. Each cup is framed by teeth strewn with long cilia and hairs. As a fruit, a nut is formed in the plant, which has an elliptical broad shape and a brown tint.

Where does it meet

The Dubrovnik plant grows in the Caucasus, Ukraine, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Central and Southern Europe, as well as in Africa and Asia Minor.

Most often it can be found on the sunny edges of forests. The plant likes friable rocky soils, as well as calcareous soil. Dubrovnik also grows in dry and sunny forests. It is worth noting that this is a honey plant.

Chemical composition

The Dubrovnik plant is valued for its unique composition. It is often used in folk medicine to treat many ailments. The aerial part of this plant has stachyosis. This is a carbohydrate that belongs to the group of tetrasaccharides. In addition, Dubrovnik contains iridoids. The plant is rich in diterpenoids and essential oil.

What else does Dubrovnik contain? The medicinal properties, uses and recipes using this plant have been known for a long time. The essential oil of this herb has a pleasant aroma and a yellow-green tint. It is usually used as an aromatic agent in the perfumery and food industries. Dubrovnik contains such useful components as vitamin C, choline, alkaloids, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol. Fatty oil is present in the seeds of the plant. What helps Dubrovnik?

Dubrovnik healing properties

Useful properties and application of Dubrovnik

Due to its composition, the herb has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and bactericidal effect. Decoctions and infusions of the flowers and leaves of this plant are often used in alternative medicine as astringents. Dubrovnik has a hemostatic and anti-febrile effect. Often this plant is used as a spice in the preparation of soups and salads. Dubrovnik has a pleasant aroma and incredible taste, which are transmitted to the finished dishes.

The plant is often used as a diuretic, as well as as a drug that lowers the secretion of the stomach. Dubrovnik-based medications help relieve inflammation and increase appetite, stop diarrhea and improve digestion.

Dubrovnik medicinal properties and recipes

What ailments are taken

Dubrovnik infusion allows you to remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body, so it is often prescribed as a diuretic for rheumatism and gout. In addition, the plant allows you to lower the level of blood pressure. Dubrovnik infusion is recommended to reduce gastric secretion. With gastritis, the drug relieves inflammation, and also allows you to cure dysentery.

The plant Dubrovnik is used as a diaphoretic. It is effective for colds. It is worth noting that the grass tones up perfectly, and also improves digestion.

Powder from a dry plant helps cure spleen hypertrophy. Used infusions and decoctions of Dubrovnik and gynecological diseases. Napkins soaked in a medicinal product based on this plant help to heal purulent wounds, as well as get rid of furunculosis. Assign in some cases, and baths. This procedure eliminates skin diseases. For some eye ailments, you can use drugs from Dubrovnik in the form of drops, as well as for washing.

Many experts recommend taking a medicine based on this plant daily to prevent internal diseases. The dosage is a teaspoon three times a day. This event allows you to reduce the risk of the disease with many ailments.

Dubrovnik useful properties and application of Dubrovnik

How to make a decoction

Dubrovnik, whose healing properties are simply unique, can be purchased at the pharmacy. From this plant, you can prepare an infusion or a decoction. Such remedies are effective in their own way. So, how to make a decoction of Dubrovnik?

To prepare such a medicine, you need 20 grams of leaves, as well as the stems of the plant. Grind them before use. The resulting raw materials should be brewed with a glass of boiling water. The container with the product must be placed in a water bath and simmer for half an hour.

Ready broth should be taken from 2 to 3 times a day, two tablespoons, having previously filtered.

Dubrovnik infusion

How else can you make Dubrovnik? The properties, uses and recipes described in this article have been tested by time. Dubrovnik has helped many people get rid of various diseases. To prepare an infusion of this plant, 15 grams of plant flowers are required. Raw materials should be brewed with a glass of boiling water. Insist on the drug in a water bath. It takes 15 minutes. After this, the drug must be removed and left for another 45 minutes. Ready infusion should be filtered.

Dubrovnik application properties and recipes

Such a drug is usually used for washing wounds, douching for gynecological diseases and for compresses. The raw materials that remain after filtering the infusion can also be used. It is applied to the joint with acute rheumatism.

White, or ordinary, Dubrovnik

The common Dubrovnik flower is a garden plant that retains its foliage even in winter. The history contains several cases when this herb was used for medicinal purposes. This perennial shrub was used by soldiers to restore strength during the Trojan War. White Dubrovnik is able to stimulate the activity of the stomach, increase appetite, and also soothe pain.

How to make a decoction of white Dubrovnik

To prepare a medicinal product based on this plant, you will need 10 grams of Dubrovnik and common reposhka, as well as 50 grams of burdock roots. The components should be crushed and then mixed. Two tablespoons of the resulting mass must be brewed with half a liter of boiling water. Boil the potion for five minutes.

It is recommended to take a ready-made broth in half a glass up to 4 times a day, preferably before meals. This drug has an antiseptic effect, which allows you to quickly heal wounds. Experts recommend using the drug for hemorrhoids, scrofula, pulmonary hemoptysis, dropsy and rheumatism.

common dubrovnik flower garden plant

Whitewashed Dubrovnik

This plant differs from other types of white-white pubescence. The branches of this Dubrovnik are winding and rising upwards. This type of plant looks great in landscape design. In addition, the whitewashed Dubrovnik is appreciated for its healing qualities. Infusions and decoctions based on it help to cope with such unpleasant phenomena as mycosis and abscess. A drug on the basis of Dubrovnik white-milk on the digestive tract has a positive effect. It is often recommended for those who suffer from anorexia.

They use infusions and decoctions based on white-milk Dubrovnik for the treatment of female ailments, dysentery and gastralgia. Drugs help cope with eczema. In this case, decoctions and infusions are used for lotions. In addition, the whitewashed Dubrovnik allows you to normalize the stool with diarrhea, relieve spasms with enterocolitis, as well as gastric colic.

Preparations based on this plant are indicated for pregnant women. They can improve their well-being in case of ailments. Essential oil has a sedative effect. It is often used to treat eye diseases.

Crimean plants Dubrovnik

Are there any contraindications

Dubrovnik plant has unique healing properties. However, preparations based on it can not be taken by everyone. They are not suitable for those who suffer from liver diseases. The components of Dubrovnik can have both a positive effect on the therapy process and a negative one. Do not abuse decoctions and infusions based on this plant. In the treatment of any disease should be careful. Do not self-medicate. In some cases, it can give a negative result and aggravate the patient's condition.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38264/

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