Onion set: photo, the best varieties, description

It is very difficult to find a garden on which beds the onion does not grow. This crop belongs to the community of garden vegetables that are planted first. Onions have many varieties, for the cultivation of which a certain planting material is needed. Description of onion sets of individual varieties is given in this article.

Selection of planting material

You can buy onions for planting in a specialized store or prepare them yourself. Select varieties of onion sevka (photo presented for review) - that's not all. It is important that the planting material is of high quality. To do this, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Onion set must have a characteristic smell of this type of culture, and not rot, mold and dampness.
  • Of all purchased specimens, only 1% can be dried onions.
  • If you sow a pot, you hear the sound of dried husk.
  • Appearance must correspond to the color and shape of the purchased varieties of onion sets.
  • The surface of the material suitable for planting is dense, uniform, without signs of infection or damage by pests.
  • The diameter of the bulbs is not more than 10 mm. If this size is larger, the plants will form arrows.
  • It is better to buy seeds of the same size, this allows you to increase yield by 20%.
    Onion planting material

Size classification

When choosing a set, in addition to the above criteria, its size is of great importance. On this basis, planting material is:

  • Fine fraction - the size of the bulbs reaches 8-14 mm. This sowing is considered the best for winter planting, does not form a shooter. In the spring it is not used for these purposes. But onion sets in severe frosts freezes. From the experience of gardeners: plants from such bulbs are lagging behind in development, so their fruits ripen 21 days later and they are small.
  • The middle fraction - the size of the bulbs is larger (14-21 mm). It is planted in the spring. The shooter does not form. This landing is called winter.
  • A large fraction - this onion set, according to gardeners, is quite large: 21-24 mm in diameter. It is better to use it when you need to conduct a winter landing. It is no secret that in the early spring almost no vegetables have ripened yet, and a person needs vitamins. Green feathers are obtained from this set. If you plant it in the spring, arrows may form.
  • A large fraction - onion sets with sizes of 24-30 mm in diameter recently appeared on the market. The advantage of this planting material is its low price, which is especially true for mass cultivation. Suitable for planting in the winter. In this case, only greens are obtained from it. You can plant in the spring.
  • A very large fraction - this sevka has a large diameter, 30-40 mm. It is grown in order to obtain greenery. The shooter does not form, if stored properly. Experienced vegetable growers recommend warming the bulbs before planting.
    Variety onion

What are the advantages of a uniform set of seeds?

On one bed it is better to plant bulbs of one fraction. This provides the following benefits:

  • Yields are increasing.
  • The crop being grown has predictable sizes.
  • Harvest ripens at the same time, which is important in regions with adverse conditions.

When choosing onion sets, you should pay attention to the planting period and the aim pursued. Some expect to get a high yield of large bulbs, while others are satisfied with greens.

How to grow onion sets at home?

In order to guarantee a good harvest, it is better to grow planting material yourself, as experienced growers consider. First, a plot that can be used for sowing seeds is selected. It is better if it is a garden where tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, and cabbage were grown before. These crops and onions have different root depths, so the soil will not be depleted. Planting any vegetable plants in one place for three to four years in a row is not recommended.

Seeds to the north will feel comfortable in a sunny area with fertile soil. Before sowing, the beds are cleaned of vegetable debris and dug up. In autumn, before the onset of frost, the soil should be fertilized with rotted manure, compost, nutritional supplements with potassium and phosphorus (30-40 g / m 2 ).

There is no use in fresh manure at the moment, since its content in the soil increases the amount of nitrogen nutrition. This element stimulates the growth of the pen, not the fetus. Before planting onion seeds in spring, ammonium nitrate is introduced into the soil per square of the area of ​​the bed 20-25 g.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in late April or early next month, when the snow has completely melted, the period of return frosts will pass, and the land will warm up. But before that, the seeds need to be prepared: wrapped in soft tissue and soaked for a day. During this time they will swell, and in the future they will sprout together. After that, they need to be dried in the shade and treated with antimicrobial agents.

The beds prepared since the autumn are again dug up, loosened and rolled. Then make grooves two centimeters deep. If this parameter is greater, the shape of the bulbs will be elongated, if less, the root system will be poorly developed, and the crop will have to be small and tasteless. Row from row should be at a distance of 25 cm, and seed from seed - 7-8. If you sow the seeds in a bowl, the sprouted plants will have to be thinned out, and if less often, large bulbs will grow that cannot be used as planting material for next year. If large specimens are still planted, then their growth will go in the direction of the arrow. After sowing, the bed should be mulched and covered with a film so that sudden frosts do not harm plantings.

Onion sets at home

Onion set: varieties and description

This culture has a great variety. Each variety has its own ripening period. There is a bow that first appears on the table in the form of green fragrant feathers. Another grows to large heads, and it is removed from the garden closer to the fall and stored all winter.

Different varieties differ in shape, color, and especially in taste. Some onions are juicy, they have almost no bitterness, while others are bitter and with a pungent odor. Some varieties of onion sets with description and photo are presented below in the article.

Strigunovsky local

This variety is old - it has been used by Russian people since ancient times. Perhaps that is why it is popular today. Onions have a sharp taste, and few fruits are formed in the hole - up to four. Thanks to the dense golden scales it is well preserved.

The bulb has a rounded shape, its flesh is white, but the neck sometimes has a purple hue. The weight of one head reaches 45-85 g.

This variety is grown from onion seeds and seeds for turnips and greens. It grows in regions with warm and cold climates. In the southern regions it is grown as an annual crop, the fruit ripens in one season. In the northern regions - like a two-year-old. It has a high yield: 1.2-3.3 kg of vegetables per square meter of beds.

Golden Semko

This bow is a hybrid. For its breeding used many varieties of culture of this species. The result of the work was good - the onion is tasty, ripens in the medium term, and there are four heads in the nest.

The shape of the vegetables is flat-rounded, sometimes oval. The pulp is white with green veins and a spicy taste. Its weight is 51-130 g. Average yield: about three kilograms of fruit per square meter.

Grown in regions with a warm and temperate climate. It is not suitable for the northern regions, as it is characterized by long ripening. In the south, it is bred by seeds, in the temperate latitudes - in the north.

golden seed


Due to its color, it belongs to the purple varieties. Matures in the medium term. The taste is spicy, piquant. It is used to make salads, and they also decorate ready-made dishes. Bulbs have a flat-rounded shape - they look like plates. The flakes are purple in color, which makes the heads look beautiful. White pulp has a purple hue. The mass of the bulbs is 90-105 g, and in their nest two or four.

Grown in the southern and northern regions. Varieties are bred with onion sets and seeds. If planted early - the fruits ripen in areas with cool weather. This variety has a drawback - it is susceptible to diseases.


This onion is characterized by early ripening. Its taste is rated as sharp or semi-sharp. The head has a round shape with a slight flattening. The scales are golden, and the dense pulp has a white color. The weight of the head is 50-70 g, there are two or three pieces in the nest. In suitable weather, crops are harvested with almost 100% fruit ripening.

Suitable for cultivation in regions such as Siberia, the Urals and the Volga region. Diluted to obtain bulbs and juicy green feathers. Only sevc is suitable for this. If you sow the seeds, small bulbs grow, which are planted for next year.


The variety is characterized by medium maturity and high yields. Four kilograms are collected from a one meter square bed. Bulbs are large, and their shape is oval or round. The scales are golden or tan, and the flesh is white. It is juicy and tasty. The weight of turnips is 85-100 g, although some specimens grow up to 400 g. When stored in winter, they are almost 100% preserved.

Southern regions are suitable for cultivation, although onions are bred in more severe climates. Get the bulbs and feather. Suitable for reproduction is seeds and seeds. This variety is resistant to peronosporosis and neck rot.


This variety grows well and bears fruit in fertilized soil. It has frost resistance, but experts do not recommend planting in soil at temperatures below 12 Β° C, otherwise it will be necessary to warm the soil or sowing. Landed on the beds in the winter: 21 days before the onset of frost.

Turnip has a rounded-oblong shape, weighs 80 g, has a golden color with a dark shade. For planting, a very large fraction is used - 40 mm in diameter. But the heads grow large - 80-110 mm.

Their pulp is juicy and sweet, with a small bitterness. This onion is good in fresh, fried and canned form. It is stored for a long time at home without loss of quality and appearance.

Bamberger - Sweet Onions


This is a Dutch hybrid. This onion has the most round shape and the longest shelf life compared to other varieties. The taste of the pulp is tender, with notes of sharp.

This vegetable crop has strong roots and lies deep, so it is not afraid of drought. Productivity is very high, with an area of ​​a bed of one meter square, you can collect eight kilograms of fruit. It is bred with sevka, and the best time to plant it is autumn, but before the onset of frost.

Onion sets in spring


This Dutch variety has appeared in our country recently, but managed to gain great popularity. The main advantage is fast ripening - in 75-85 days. Productivity is low - two and a half kilograms per square. But in winter it is stored not bad.

The heads are medium-sized, their weight is 80 g. According to gardeners, if you plant seeds in fertile soil, take good care of them - the weight of the bulbs increases to 120 g. They have an elliptical shape, the scales are painted in bright red, and the flesh is in dark purple. It is characterized by juiciness, sweet taste and pleasant aroma. This vegetable is recommended by experts in the field of dietetics for regular fresh consumption.


This variety is popular because it is stored for a long time, until the next year's harvest. It ripens early - for 73-93 days from the moment of planting, and gives high yields. Bulbs grow large: their weight is 130 g. Golden scales have a brown tint. The flesh tastes peninsular.

Red baron

Onions are characterized by early ripening, he is not afraid of a cold spring, he tolerates it well. The first crop can be harvested at the end of the last spring month. Providing good care and normal growing conditions gives a good harvest, about three kilograms of vegetables per square meter.

Bulbs have a round shape and dark red color, their pulp is juicy and dense, rich in high content of vitamin C. This variety has been widely used in cooking. It is used raw, fried and for decorating dishes. Grown in the middle lane of our country.

Varieties of onion sevka photo


Valued for early ripening and high yield. Fruiting is stable: three kilograms of bulbs per square meter of beds. Planting time falls in the spring, when the weather is established, the air warms up to a temperature of 10 Β° C. The soil at this time is moist due to melted snow. This is just what you need for this culture.

You can plant sowing in the ground in the fall, 21 days before the onset of frost. Outside, the onion is covered with a husk of pink color, and inside the flesh is white, dense and juicy. One head weighs 120 g. The variety is popular because of the size of the seed set, which is eight centimeters.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38269/

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