Parsing words and phrases, parsing simple and complex sentences

Among the existing parses, parsing a word that is part of a sentence and a phrase takes an important role: it allows you to give a complete description of these units of syntax. It is important to understand the difference between them, to be able to determine the characteristic features for each syntactic unit separately. In other words, parsing is a grammatical characteristic of a phrase and sentence (both simple and complex).

With this type of work, it is very important to have the ability to distinguish between the main syntactic units and know the characteristic features of each of them. Certain knowledge and skills in the field of studying syntax are required:

- knowledge of the differences between phrase and sentence;

- the ability to distinguish a simple sentence from a complex one, to determine the method of syntactic communication;

- possession of knowledge of the characteristic features of sentences and phrases, understanding the difference between the grammatical basis and the phrase.

From the Russian language course it is known that the main units of speech are words, phrases and sentences. Parsing of a word (individual) is not carried out, words are phonetically and morphologically understood. But other units from the point of view of syntax are considered, and everything begins with a phrase.

Performing parsing of a word in a phrase, it is customary to divide the words into main and dependent (the main is determined and the question is posed to the dependent), along the way, determining which parts of speech they relate to. The next step is to find out the general grammatical meaning (an object and its attribute, an action and its attribute, an action and an object, and so on). Next, the syntactic method of communication is determined by which words are interconnected. In the Russian language, coordination, adjacency and control are distinguished. In the first case, the dependent word stands with the main one in the same forms, in the second, it is associated only in meaning, in the third - it stands in certain forms that do not change.

In order, the parsing of a phrase, more precisely, its plan, is as follows:

  1. Define the main word and the dependent, raise the question.
  2. Find out the type of phrase (nominal, adverbial, verb).
  3. Indicate the syntactic relationship of words in the phrase.

When analyzing a sentence, first of all, it becomes clear which sentence it is, simple or complex, since each type has its own order.

So, the parsing of the word (s) that make up a simple sentence begins with the definition of the main members, the predicate and the subject. Then you need to find out the type of sentence for the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative or incentive), emotional coloring (exclamatory or not). The next step is to determine the type of sentence according to the number of grammatical foundations (mono-compound or bi-compound), whether it has secondary members or not (common or non-common). In addition, the presence of homogeneous or isolated members should be ascertained, that is, is it complicated by something or not.

The analysis of a complex sentence is somewhat different from the analysis of a simple sentence. In this case, it is necessary not only to determine the grammatical foundations and type of sentence, but also to prove that it is complex, to establish by means of which connection (union or non-union) simple sentences as part of a complex are connected. If the parsing of words in a complex sentence shows that the connection is allied, then it is necessary to determine its belonging to the type of complex or complex subject. In the first case, this is determined on the basis of a union - connecting, dividing or opposing. In the second case, you need to find the main and subordinate sentences, determine by what means they are connected with each other, pose a question and indicate the type. In the union-free sentence, first of all, the semantic connection between the parts and the correctness of the punctuation are clarified. And, finally, the final stage of any parsing is the drawing up of a sentence or phrase, in other words, a graphic designation of the performed action.


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