Reaction Training: Some Useful Exercises

A developed reaction is necessary for a person both in everyday life and in extreme cases. The ability to respond quickly to changing external conditions can save lives. Or lets catch a falling cup. However, in order to become a "superman", reaction training is necessary. First you need to understand what is meant by this word.

reaction training

What is a reaction?

This word has latin roots. It comes from combining two parts: re + actio. The first means โ€œagainst,โ€ the second means โ€œaction.โ€ In other words: the answer to something. That is literally "opposition". In biology, it is considered as an organism's response to a change in external conditions or the influence of an external stimulus.

During training, the reaction speed increases . That is, the time interval between the action of the stimulus and the response to it is reduced. The speed of reaction is especially necessary for athletes: boxers, hockey players, soccer players, tennis players, etc. For them, the minimum time between the movement of the opponent and the response is of fundamental importance.

how to train a reaction

How to train the reaction? It is necessary to regularly perform various exercises in which the exercise after exposure to the stimulus must perform certain movements or their sequence.

Listening exercises

The ability to respond quickly to a sound signal is especially important for sprinters running out after firing a starting pistol. It is also important in everyday life: in any danger, people scream, cars honk, etc. That is, sound acts as an irritant.

Reaction training is virtually impossible without an assistant partner. Therefore, before starting classes, you will need to find a partner.

reaction training games

  1. The assistant stands up so that he is not visible (for example, behind a screen or behind the back of the practitioner) and strikes with a ruler on the table. The trainee, having heard, must repeat the action with a minimum time gap.
  2. Exercising lies. The assistant claps his hands, and the trainee must stand up and run 20-30 m.
  3. With a certain signal, the practitioner must move the object to the specified location. You can complicate the exercise by increasing the number of sounds and things. Each item must have its own designation.

Touch training

For working out, the absence of visual contact is important. Therefore, before training the reaction, you will have to blindfold.

  1. The assistant stands behind the trainee. The first should touch the shoulder or arm of the practitioner. He must jump to the side or forward. For those involved in martial sports, you can make an addition: take a stand.
  2. The practitioner is blindfolded, then he sits on a chair. Hands are on the table. The assistant touches the hand of the trainee, the latter must stamp his foot or clap his hands.

reaction rate training

Vision training

A person receives 80% of the information through the visual channel. That is why training a reaction to a visual stimulus is simply necessary.

  1. The assistant presses the ruler against the wall. The trainee puts his thumb or index finger at a distance of about 1 cm from her. The assistant releases the ruler and it falls. The practitioner should press her back against the wall as quickly as possible.
  2. "Even-odd." The assistant shows the numbers from 1 to 5 with his fingers. The trainee should show the opposite. That is, an even answer will be an odd one. For example, the assistant shows 1. The trainee must roll 2 or 4.
  3. The trainee is shown various objects, he must in a certain way react to them. The change of things is gradually accelerating.

Computer games for training the reaction

reaction training games

In some cases, technological innovations are very useful. Oddly enough, modern entertainment can be faithful helpers in the development of reaction. Here, like nowhere else, you need to be able to quickly respond to stimuli. Especially visual: I saw the enemy, I need to immediately aim and shoot. Moreover, all actions take a minimum of time, otherwise the bullet will hit the player.

What games can be used to train reactions? These can be the simplest flash toys in which you need to pop balls, light races like the Soviet Tetris, various shooters where you need to kill as many monsters that appear from the most unexpected places, etc. You can shoot virtual ducks at ducks or hats flying out of different points of the screen in the most unexpected directions, or do something else. There are games where all actions are accompanied by various sounds.

Training reaction speed is a fascinating affair, often in people wake up excitement, which allows you to develop the necessary qualities in a short time. In fact, you can come up with any of your methods and games. The most important thing is that the basic principle is observed: there must be a minimum period of time between the action of the stimulus and the response to it.


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