Raisin wine: a home-made recipe

As soon as people did not call this popular drink - liquid fire, molten gold. It is said that anyone who has ever tasted real raisin wine will never forget its taste and aroma. And it can be not only a purchased drink. Homemade raisin wine is very easy to make on your own.

raisin wine


The first wines were made in Egypt, it was there that grapes first appeared. It was used only during the holidays. The history of dried grape drink is rooted in the Middle Ages. Almost no one remembers the appearance of the technology of its manufacture. There are only a couple of legends. In the modern world, winemakers dry their grapes in advance. Use for this straw or special plastic pallets. About 6 months grapes lie. Such a long period is necessary to remove moisture and increase the concentration of sugar.

How to choose raisins

The choice of raw materials is very important for the preparation of wine. The fundamental component is raisins. Now almost all dried fruits are processed to destroy various microbes and extend the shelf life. Some chemicals can be harmful to human health. How then to choose a good raisin?

homemade raisin wine

  • get it from trusted sellers or acquaintances;
  • buy all sorts of things a little and make sourdough from each.

Good raisins wander very actively, do not contain extraneous odors. The aroma should be like kvass, but with a touch of alcohol.


The quality of the classic recipe depends on its preparation. Sourdough for wine from raisins is prepared simply. So what is needed:

- 100 grams of raisins;

- 25 grams of sugar;

- 50 ml of warm water.

We grind raisins with a meat grinder or a blender and put them in a glass container, for example, a jar. Then pour sugar and pour warm water. Stir until it is completely dissolved and set for 4 days in a warm place. As time passes, the raisin starter is ready for use. This amount is enough to prepare 3 liters of excellent drink.

raisin wine starter

Sugar-Free Raisin Wine

How to cook wine from raisins at home classic recipe? This is actually quite simple. Since there is already enough sugar in raisins, it is made without adding it. Despite the high cost of the main ingredient, the drink turns out to be budgetary.

So, to make wine from raisins without sugar you will need:

  • Selected raisins - 500 grams.
  • Water - 2.5 liters.
  • Pre-prepared raisin sourdough - 250 ml.

This amount is enough to prepare about 2 liters of wine. Cooking process:

  1. We clear raisins from garbage, twigs. We throw out the spoiled fruits. Rinse thoroughly. Pour with warm, unboiled water for 2-3 hours until complete swelling.
    raisin wine at home recipe
  2. Then grind raisins with a blender or meat grinder. shift to the bottle. First, fill with water, in which the fruits swell, and then the remaining amount. Add the leaven. Cover the neck with gauze and leave in a warm place for about three days. During this time, you need to shake the bottle several times.
  3. When three days have passed and the wort has fermented well, they put on a rubber glove or a water seal on the neck. And leave the drink for a couple of months.
  4. If the liquid has become light and a precipitate has fallen to the bottom - we drain it very carefully.
  5. Pour into a new bottle and leave for quiet fermentation in a dark and cold place for about 2.5 months. When the precipitate falls out again, it is necessary to overfill.
  6. After the required time, we pour the wine from raisins into bottles.

On average, it is aged 6 months. Over time, it only gets tastier.

Making wine from raisins and rice

This recipe is very interesting. Playing with the proportions of raisins and rice, you can change the taste and astringency of the drink. The wine is light, almost transparent, with a pleasant aroma, but quite strong.

making raisin wine

So, what will you need to make raisin wine at home? Recipe:

  • rice - 500 grams;
  • raisins - 250 grams;
  • sugar - 800 grams;
  • citric acid - a pinch;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • raisin sourdough - 250 ml, can be replaced with wine yeast, in an amount of 2 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. Cook sugar syrup, use 1.5 liters of water and a pinch of citric acid. Then we cool.
  2. We fill the rice in a glass container, fill it with syrup and leave it warm for 24 hours.
  3. Add raisins, water (500 ml) and sourdough. Cover the neck with gauze and leave it warm for 2 days.
  4. We put on a glove or a water lock. We clean for 5 weeks.
  5. When the ingredients settled to the bottom, filter the drink and pour it into another bottle.
  6. Leave in a dark and cool place until the wine becomes transparent.
  7. After about 1.5 months, it can be bottled and aged for about three more.

Raisin Wine Sugar Recipe

To make a drink you will need:

  • sugar - 300 grams;
  • sweet raisins - 1 kg;
  • water (unboiled) - 2.5 liters.

We take selected raisins and wash it. Cook syrup from water and sugar. We put raisins in a glass jar and pour. Leave in a warm place for 2 weeks. Mix once a day. When the raisins are swollen, knead it directly in the bank and add water if necessary. We are waiting for the ingredients to settle to the bottom and the fermentation process will end. We pour the liquid into bottles and leave it in a dark place for 3 months. Then a delicious wine can be tasted.


Preparation, storage, proper pouring into glasses - wine from raisins requires you to know all this. There are several secrets for lovers of this incredible drink.

To increase the strength of the wine - add sugar during fermentation. Do this from 1 to three times for the entire cooking time. On average, 15 grams of sugar add one degree of strength.

To give the wine a pinker shade, you can add a little elderberry, blueberry or blackberry. But the main thing here is not to overdo it: for 5 liters of wine - 100 grams of berries.

To cool the drink a little in a glass, put not grapes, but frozen grapes.

So that when pouring the bottle does not heat up by hand, it is wrapped with a towel.

It is better to store wine in a cellar or anywhere where it is dark and cool. Over time, it becomes more aromatic and tastier.

When you want to treat guests with wine, first they pour a little into the glass for tasting.

About the benefits of raisins

Its properties are unique. Raisins improves the nervous system, improves mood, improves sleep. It has the optimal ratio of fat and protein for the human body. With its help, they lose weight and gain weight. It is very useful for pregnant and lactating women. Mix raisins with nuts - this mixture will increase lactation.

They can also treat anemia due to their high iron content. Being the best and healthy dried fruit, the composition of raisins is not inferior to fresh grapes. It is especially useful for the heart, since its use in food strengthens the heart muscle. Its only negative is calorie content, it is 300 Kcal per 100 grams.

How to pour wine

This drink provides many rituals and rules of etiquette. Before serving, wipe the neck of the bottle with a clean, dry towel. Then prepare the glasses. Keep them perfectly clean. Pour wine, holding the bottle with both hands in a glass, standing on the table, filling it with about 120 ml. Such a presentation will make it possible to present the drink in the best light.

raisin-free wine

Wine - this incredible drink is popular in many countries. Made with your own hands at home, will achieve the desired strength, taste and aroma. For any occasion, you can get a bottle of wine from raisins and surprise guests. In addition, homemade wine is much healthier than purchased.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38277/

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