Mount Carmel: description, history, attractions and interesting facts

The Carmel mountain range crashes into the Mediterranean Sea, forming the Gulf of the same name from the side of Haifa, and at its western extremity it almost abruptly breaks into the sea. The slopes are densely built up with urban areas and forests. On Carmel, as in all of Israel, there are many historical, Old Testament and modern places where tourists tend to get. What awaits a curious excursionist, pilgrim and just a curious guest of the country?


Mount Carmel is located in the northwestern part of Israel. It is part of the mountain range of the same name. The name translates as "vineyard of God." Once upon a time, grapevine, destroyed by Muslims during the Arab invasion, really grew on its slopes. The maximum height of the ridge reaches 546 meters above sea level.

mount carmel

Mount Carmel, although it is a historical place, is quite habitable - a television tower has been installed and is operating on one of the peaks, serving the city of Haifa, the second largest in Israel. On the other peak is one of the best technical universities in the world - Technion. There is a lighthouse on the same mountain. Some of the slopes are occupied by residential areas of Haifa. Mostly wealthy citizens of the country settle here.

Nature reserve

The slopes of Carmel are covered with forests. A significant part of the vegetation is represented by conifers, oaks, oilseeds and pistachio trees. In spring, perennial grasses and bulbous plants bloom actively, the mountain is covered with a bright carpet of primroses. The main types of rocks that make up the mountain are limestone and chalk. For thousands of years, caves have been formed in them, where traces of man dating back to 45-60 millennia BC have been found.

The greatest number of legends of Mount Carmel is associated with the life of the prophet Elijah, a mention of him is in the Bible. He lived in one of the caves and is equally revered by both Christians and Jews. The trail of pilgrims to him does not dry up today.

cave of the prophet elijah in mount carmel

Mount Carmel is part of the Nahal Méarot National Reserve, where, in addition to the rich flora, the local fauna is widely represented - Mediterranean foxes, wild boars, deer, jackals, porcupines, etc. Animals feel like masters on this land and often wander into residential areas, spread out at the foot of the mountain Haifa city. Walking, hiking and cycling trails are laid out in the forested area of ​​the reserve, places for recreation and camping are equipped.

Short story

Mount Carmel, especially in the part where the Nahal Mearot Nature Reserve is located, is replete with karst caves. Four of them are the main attractions and popular tourist sites. The caves of Tanur, Gamal, Nahal, Skhul are considered the most ancient of the currently known places of residence of primitive communities of people. Scientists are confident that the settlements found in them date back to about 500,000 years BC.

Mount Carmel and its caves have long been used by people for housing. On the western slope of the mountain, near the town of Zikhron Yaakov, there are caves Tabun and Skhil. During excavations conducted from 1929 to 1934, fossils of ancient representatives of mankind, animal bones and tools made of stone were found in them. Scientists believe that the remains belong to people who lived in this area about 40-50 thousand years ago.

caramel mountain complex

Archaeologists continue research, suggesting that mixed colonies consisting of representatives of Homo sapiens and Neanderthals settled in the caves. Confirmation of this are finds made in caves. They pushed archaeologists and historians to yet another theory - experts believe that there was another subspecies of man, but there is no fundamental evidence for this yet.

In addition to the remains of primitive people in the caves of Mount Carmel, traces of their activity were also found - several beads. According to scientists, sinks with drilled holes were created more than a hundred thousand years ago, which indicates the skills of the first people and their primitive tools for a fairly fine job.

Cave of the Prophet Elijah

Mount Carmel and its attractions attract a steady stream of tourists. One of the most famous biblical stories is related to the prophet Elijah. The saint’s biography is given in the Old Testament, which tells us that he challenged the prophets of Baal and shamed their religion with an effective prayer to the true god. According to legend, the event occurred on the highest place of the mountain, called Muhrara.

Mount Carmel gave its name to the 12th century Carmelite Order. On the spot of the mountain where the monastery of the prophet Elijah was once located today is the Carmelite Monastery Stella Maris. His activity resumed in the 19th century. According to some reports, the monastery was here in the early centuries of Christianity, founded by Queen Empress Elena herself. She was later lost. Archaeological excavations confirm the fact that previously there was a monastery.

Carmelite Monastery

Today, everyone can visit the cave of the prophet Elijah. It is small in size. There is a legend that the Holy Family stayed in it on the way from Egypt to Nazareth. A temple was built above the cave in the form of a cross, the altar of which is composed of 12 stones. It is believed that the same was installed in the cave of the prophet.

Carmelite Monastery on Mount Carmel

The cave complex of Mount Carmel was once the refuge of 100 prophets fleeing the wrath of Queen Jezebel. Their salvation is described in the third book of Kings. It says that Obadiah hid them in caves, dividing them into two groups of 50 people each, and "fed them bread and water" until the trouble passed.


The Carmelite Monastery on Mount Carmel is the spiritual center of the entire order. Most of its members were French by birth. Therefore, this part of the mountain received a second name - French Carmel.

Opposite the current monastery is the upper station of the only cable car in Israel and an observation deck. From here you can admire a breathtaking vista overlooking the city and the Mediterranean Sea. A cable car descent leads to the beaches of Bat Galim.

mount carmel and its attractions


A description of Mount Carmel and its attractions can take more than one hour. But there is one pearl, not a single tourist passes by. On the slopes of the mountains are terraced gardens - "Bahai". Nineteen terraces are planted with amazing rare plants. Cacti grow here, rare shrubs and trees bloom, silver olives rise. Fountains are scattered throughout.

Bahai Gardens are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This oasis is built around the tomb of the Báb, the founder of the relatively new Bahá'í religion, which is about 150 years old. The essence of the Baha'i belief is the trinity of man, God and religion.

mount carmel mount carmel

Supporters recognize the importance of education, scientific and technological progress, and strive for harmony and beauty. These views formed the idea of ​​creating gardens, the embodiment of which can be seen on the slopes of Mount Carmel.


On the territory of the reserve of Mount Carmel there is a training zoo designed for school activities. After the renovation of 2002, it became much more comfortable for animals and visitors. Improved infrastructure has made this part of the mountain one of the most popular routes for children and adults.

The number of unique animals has increased in the park, and their conditions have improved. A large number of additional entertainments appeared for visitors - an amusement park, playgrounds and recreation areas. In addition, a small part of the zoo is allocated for communication with animals, where they can be stroked and fed with the permission of the caretakers.

The shortest metro

The world's shortest metro runs in Mount Carmel. Its length is only two kilometers. Stops are made at six stations. The wagons and the subway itself are more like a hybrid of the metro and the funicular. The rolling stock includes two trains moving along a single track towards each other. In the middle, the path bifurcates into two ruts.

mount carmel mount carmel metro description

The metro serves one district of Haifa - Adar. This is the first Jewish quarter, the construction of which began in 1909 by the German architect Kaufman. In this area there is a theater, Haifa City Hall, Bahai Gardens and some other administrative centers. The highest metro station is located on the top of Mount Carmel, and the end point of the route is in the Lower City.


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