Taekwondo Jump kick and more

Taekwondo is probably the type of youngest martial art. Its founder was General Choi Hong Hee. The basis of this martial art includes techniques from martial arts such as subak and, of course, taekken. Taekwondo began to appear on the territory of Russia back in the days of the USSR. Such a struggle "came" to these places together with those Soviet citizens who worked abroad, and also went to specialized clubs to teach this type of martial art.

taekwondo classes

Why has taekwondo suddenly become so popular?

As mentioned earlier in this article, this type of art is quite young compared to the rest, but, despite this, taekwondo with a very impressive speed became popular among people. What is the reason for this? In fact, everything is quite simple. Taekwondo was originally developed as a means of self-defense for the people of the Korean army. For this reason, its founder tried to create a type of struggle that anyone could learn, regardless of the height, weight, gender and age of the student. In addition, the army never had the opportunity to allocate spacious areas for training and spend a lot of time on improving skills. The technique of teaching this art of wrestling primarily takes into account these factors.

Taekwondo Kicks

The most spectacular in this fight are kicks. But here there are the pluses of such attacks, as well as huge disadvantages that can sneak up on you at any time and take away the opportunity to deliver a serious blow to your opponent. What is the matter? Let's figure it out ...

Firstly, at the moment when the trainee kicks, he remains only on one leg, transferring the entire weight of his body to it. This is not very convenient, and an unprepared student can be easily taken out of equilibrium and simply knocked to the floor.

Secondly, when carrying out such tricks, you need to accurately take into account all the comments that the coach spoke to you about. Otherwise, due to one incorrect movement, incorrect execution of the blow, you not only can not get the desired result from the blow, but, in addition, also harm yourself.

Now go directly to the analysis of taekwondo techniques!


Technique Up Chagi. Sharp blow forward

Before striking, your arms should be in front of you and be bent at the elbows. As for your legs, they are slightly apart, one leg is in front of you, and the other, respectively, behind. All hits in taekwondo are always delivered from the right leg, so we raise the right knee up and forward, after which we straighten the leg. The question often arises, where can such a strike be delivered? The foot of your foot should be at the level of your head at the time the strike is completed.

Torah Tole Chagi. U-Turn and Jump Kick

Before the strike, the starting position must be the same as in the previous strike. Hands are bent in front of you, and legs are spread a little to the sides, one in front and the other behind you. Reception begins with a turn of three hundred and sixty degrees, a turn is made on the front foot. At this moment, lift the hind leg forward, knee up. After this, we kick with the jump in the foot on which we stood before, which was the supporting one.

taekwondo kick technique

Nare Chagi. Double kick with two legs in the air

This is another kick in the jump. It all starts from the same starting position. After you have taken the starting position, raise one leg in front, making a U-turn on the other leg at the same moment. The leg, which was previously bent in the air, is sharply straightened, striking. After that, kick in the jump, using the other leg.

Kick Ildan Ap Chagi. Kick while jumping

Raise the knee of one hind leg up, and on the other leg we jump. Then follows a kick in the jump. The striking leg remains, with the help of which a jump was made before that. During the jump, raise your leg with your knee up, then sharply straighten, striking at the level of your head.

taekwondo reception

Beginner Tips in Taekwondo Training

It is always worth remembering that "repetition is the mother of learning." The more often you perform this or that exercise, the higher the likelihood that you will get better and better quality of it. Gradually correct errors that are most likely to occur in your case.

Always remember that everything should be gradual. Start the study with the easiest techniques, do not rush to move on to complex ones. Also, more complex tricks almost always include lighter exercises. If you start learning with the easy, then further training in taekwondo techniques will not be difficult for you.

You must find the strength in order to intensively engage in training on a specific schedule. Only when you will be more disciplined about this, practice the technique of impact, will you be able to achieve greater success!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38282/

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