BCAA use: no side effects

Each athlete involved in weightlifting sports, seeks to build muscle and gain relief in the shortest possible time. But one weight lifting to achieve your goals is not always enough. Physical activity should be combined with the right balanced high-protein diet containing the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals.

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There are specially designed complex nutritional supplements with a high content of vitamins, amino acids or proteins that help the athlete recover quickly from exhausting physical exertion.

The concept of amino acids

In the formation of muscle fibers and muscle building, proteins play a major role. Despite its diversity, all proteins consist of only 20 amino acids in different combinations. Each protein molecule consists of a long chain of amino acids connected to each other through chemical bonds in a specific sequence. All amino acids are divided into irreplaceable and interchangeable.

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Essential (isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine) cannot be synthesized in the body and must come with food of animal origin and nutritional supplements.

What is BCAA?

Branched chain amino acids are often called BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids). They are very popular among athletes who want to build lean muscle mass. Three amino acids belong to BCAA: leucine, valine, isoleucine. During intense training, the muscles need to be nourished at the cellular level, and BCAA will help them.

bcaa complex
Side effects of these additives are absent if the protein components in them are in pure form.

Branched chain amino acids can be combined with premix with vitamins or other active substances to form a BCAA-complex. Such complexes are designed to have a multifaceted effect on the athlete's body. From this modification of BCAA, side effects can only occur as a reaction to other components in the supplement.


BCAA, entering the muscles, contribute to the synthesis of protein molecules, which is directly involved in the formation of muscle fibers. BCAAs in the human body stimulate the production of insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels. Due to their functions, these amino acids increase muscle mass, stimulate the production of growth hormone and regulate the ratio of testosterone and cortisol in the blood.

BCAAs also perform an anti-catabolitic function by inhibiting protein degradation during periods of low-calorie diets.

Scientists research

Studies by scientists on the effects of BCAA on the body did not reveal any side effects, but, on the contrary, proved the positive effects of supplements in intensive training. The intake of amino acids in the human body immediately after exercise can increase the anabolic phase compared to the catabolic phase. And this means that the growth rate of muscle fibers will exceed the rate of their destruction, which, accordingly, leads to an increase in muscle mass.

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They recommend taking supplements along with fast carbohydrates. This will provide the body with additional nutrients, and high levels of insulin in the blood will accelerate the transport of nutrients through the cells.


In the market of sports supplements and nutrition, there are powder and capsule forms of BCAA. Side effects are not characteristic of both of them. The powder is convenient to use when added to high protein shakes. BCAA capsules or tablets are more convenient to take during the training process, drinking plenty of water. In any case, when using BCAA, the effect is manifested in a decrease in catabolism during intense physical exertion, regardless of the form of the drug. There is no need to take BCAA three times a day.

The price of premix, depending on the content of the main substance, may vary significantly from one manufacturer to another. A less quality drug costs in the range of 20 to 50 dollars per 100 capsules. In the form of a powder, you can buy 300 g of high-quality amino acids for this money. In order to save, it is enough to consume amino acids immediately after physical exertion, as there is a real need for this, which cannot be said about everyday activity.

Admission Rules

For the best result, these amino acids should enter the athlete’s body separately from others. The best absorption of BCAA is observed with the simultaneous intake of carbohydrates in the body, which increase the level of insulin in the blood. Optimal is the use of BCAA with food for 20-50 minutes before and after training. This will create and maintain recovery processes in the body throughout the entire cycle of physical activity and after it.

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The daily amount of BCAA depends on the athlete's body weight and is interpreted differently in different sources. A portion of 4-6 grams will be sufficient and optimal for consumption per day.

Side effects

It is natural to take questions or doubt about the detrimental effects of BCAAs. Side effects from taking this supplement are not observed, because the product is a set of the same amino acids that are part of any protein-containing products, such as meat, eggs or milk. The most likely negative effect associated with taking the supplement can be caused by poisoning. But for this you will need to use a very large amount of BCAA, the price of which is not low.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38289/

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