How to push up 100 times? Training program

How to push up 100 times? Is it possible? How to prepare? To all these questions, and not only, you will find the answers in the article.

100 times. Is it real?

This result is quite real for every healthy person, but much is determined by the initial capabilities. For example, if you easily perform 60 push-ups in one approach, you can reach hundreds without any problems for a month of training. It will be much more difficult for those who can do less than 10 times. This is due to the fact that the muscles have not yet entered the working rhythm and it takes time for the body to adapt to constant loads. One way or another, every physically healthy person can achieve this result, but will have to try.

how to push up 100 times

Can everyone do this?

How to push up 100 times? Is it possible for everyone? It depends on the physiological characteristics and the degree of muscle development at the time of training. Physiological features include factors such as the presence of bone and cardiovascular diseases, weight, and age (in most cases, it determines the first two factors). It should be noted that if you have problems with joints or bone tissue directly, you will have to forget about the push-up record 100 times (if the disease is curable, then temporarily), otherwise it can negatively affect your health. Heart problems are not so critical, but in this case, the training time will be significantly extended (it depends on the specific diagnosis).

push ups for girls

Optimal weight for training

Ideally, the adult's body weight should be equal to his height, from which 100 cm should be taken. For example, with a height of 180 cm - 80 kg. But this is an approximate average ratio, which can vary depending on the physique. For push-ups, as for any other physical exercise, not only the mass itself plays a role, but the fat content in the human body. And the above formula shows only an approximate norm for an ordinary person without powerful muscles. If your mass with growth of 170 cm is 100 kg, but these 100 kg are not the result of obesity, but a set of healthy muscle mass, this will not hinder training. In some cases, you will first have to drive off the excess weight and only then proceed to training. You can also start with push-ups from the bench, and only then switch from lighter exercises to the standard level.

How long will the training last?

How to push up 100 times? How long can I achieve the desired result? As a rule, if a person does not suffer from the above diseases, but is not a serious athlete, he can learn to do push-ups 100 times in 3-4 months.

emphasis lying

Push up technique

Beginners are advised to first familiarize themselves with the correct push-up technique. It is quite simple: the back and legs should be on one straight line and not bend, hands should be placed shoulder width apart (lying emphasis). There are also alternatives such as narrow and wide emphasis. In this condition, you need to bend your arms so that the chest is 10 cm from the floor, and only then unbend. When bending, it is advisable to exhale air, since this is the most time-consuming process, and take a breath in extension.

The push-up technique for beginners is simple, and its development will not take much time, but it must be honed to automatism, otherwise the exercises will be of poor quality and useless for the body.

how to push up on one arm

Training schedule

How much do you need to push up per day? Below you will be presented with a special training program that will lead to the desired result.

So, how much push ups per day and for how long? On the first day, you should try to push out at least 50 times. Rationally perform 5 sets of 10 push-ups. This will tone the muscles. You do not need to try to perform as many exercises as possible in one approach, otherwise the muscles will be processed, and the next day the pain will not be allowed to train (usually it lasts for several days, sometimes a week). If you feel that there is clearly not enough strength to perform, take a break and take an additional approach after the break. In this mode, you need to train 3 days.

On the fourth day, you need to do the same, but for the approach for 2-3 push-ups more. If the muscles did not clog in the previous days, an increase in muscle strength and overall endurance will be felt. So repeat another 5 days. If during the push-up period there is a dull pain in the bones of the hands, this indicates a lack of calcium in the body, physical activity determines this well. In this case, it is recommended to suspend training for several weeks and take a vitamin course or consult a doctor.

push ups for beginners

On the tenth day, you can perform 27 push-ups in one approach, but you can try to squeeze out to the maximum several times a day (after a 9-day workout, the muscles finally enter the rhythm and will not clog from overload). But the main number of approaches should still be stable - 27 times. So you can train for three days, then two more, but already without trying to achieve maximum results. This is necessary to give a small respite to the body before increasing the norm.

On the 14th day, training should begin with a preliminary warm-up, since this time for each approach you need to perform 34-35 push-ups of 6 approaches, which gives a considerable load on the joints. So you need to repeat it for a week, after which increase the norm by 4-6 times and periodically push up to the maximum, but these approaches should not exceed the basic ones. After five days in the next two, it is advisable to completely stop the maximum result, leaving only the normal mode, and then increase the norm and continue to work on it for another week.

After that, the body goes into the sports phase and training is significantly different. Each day, it is necessary to perform 8-10 approaches, doing 52-54 times for each of them. The muscles by this time should adapt to stable training, and general endurance allows you to develop the body faster.

In the 6th week, you can do 56 push-ups per approach, but do not aspire anymore. Muscles are just getting used to a tougher regime, and they should not be allowed to clog, otherwise you will have to spend a lot of time again on the preparatory stage. Further, you can perform 60-62 exercises at the same intensity at a time.

From the 43rd day, the loading phase begins, during which it is required to do 75 exercises for each approach, and there should be a maximum of 5 approaches per day. This is a rather serious load on the muscles, after which it is usually felt at the end of the day and the beginning of the next day slight pain in the muscles of the chest and abs (possibly in the hips). No need to worry, the muscles are not clogged, this is a signal of fiber growth. After one working day there should be two days for unloading, during which the muscles grow. Then again during the day the same amount of exercise is performed, followed by 48 hours of rest. It is necessary to work on such a regimen for two weeks, while it is important not to break the schedule, since the human muscle fibers are very sensitive to training changes. Proper nutrition is especially important these days; it determines success by 30%.

how much push up

Then you can do 75 times already for 7-8 approaches every day. Thanks to the loading stage, this number of push-ups will not be difficult for the body. You can increase the rate in a week, but only 2-3 times. Work in the same mode the next few days will provide a systematic increase in endurance.

About 5 days before the end of the 4th month, you need to stop doing the exercises. At this stage, your norm will reach almost 90 times. Next you need to relax and not be subjected to heavy physical exertion. It is also important to eat moderately, as in the previous 11 weeks. The best option would be an easy and agile activity, such as volleyball or badminton. The body will completely rest from exhausting workouts, but the muscles do not atrophy. After 5 days, you can squeeze out 100 times. It will be quite difficult, since this is not a working approach, but doable.

Push ups for girls

This training mode is suitable for both boys and girls. Push-ups for girls are related to athletics, so they are safe and do not cause significant muscle growth. Moreover, the exercise is quite universal. In addition to the hands, the load goes to the legs, chest, abs, back and forearms.

how many push ups per day

Push-ups on one arm

How to push up on one arm? This difficult exercise is practically impossible for people who have not previously been engaged in ordinary push-ups. It requires tremendous muscular strength of the arms, chest, excellent joints and a developed back. Moreover, the execution technique has some differences. It is necessary to take the emphasis lying down, putting one arm straight, and laying the other behind the back. In this case, the shoulders should be perpendicular to the floor.

How to push up on one arm? An exercise is considered to be performed if, during bending, the shoulder of the supporting arm is 15 cm from the surface, and then the extension takes place before taking the initial position.

Now you know how to push up 100 times. You can start training, of course, if there are no contraindications to this. Be healthy!


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