Surfing in Russia: Overview, Features and Description

For some reason, many surf lovers think that in Russia there are no places where there are waves of the required quality. As a rule, to go in for their favorite sport, they go abroad, to the beaches of California or Bali. However, this is a big mistake, and surfing in Russia is quite real. And in this article we will present you many places where you can catch a wave.

Black Sea

The first question that pops up in our heads when we think about surfing in Russia is: “Where can I go for a drive?” And of course, the thought of the Black Sea comes to mind. Moreover, both Sochi and Crimea are suitable for these purposes.

Surfers in Sochi

Surfing on the Black Sea coast can be noted several positive points:

  • water in the Black Sea is much warmer than in the ocean;
  • This is a great place for beginners;
  • accommodation, equipment rental, meals are several times cheaper than foreign options.

Despite the fact that the waves here are not as complex as, for example, in ocean waters, they are quite unpredictable. In addition, they directly depend on weather conditions. In order for surfing professionals to “catch the wave”, you need to carefully monitor the weather forecast, so as not to miss the storm warning. After all, the fact that for an ordinary vacationer can be dangerous, for a surfer exclusively in pleasure.

But still, the winter months are considered the best active surfing season in Russia. It is at this time of the year, from November to March, that the waves are more frequent and larger.

Those who wish can also be trained at the Pearl or Anapa-surfing schools.

If we talk about Sochi, then the best surf spot is in Khost, Adler and Riviera.

In Crimea, it is the west coast, the village of Primorsky and Feodosia.

As for Sochi and surfing, the championship of Russia in this sport was held here in 2013.

Kamchatka Peninsula

If we talk about Kamchatka, the first thing that comes to mind is bears, cold and volcanoes. But what if we tell you that the Kamchatka Territory is the best place to surf in Russia? Yes, you heard right. Moreover, you can ride and catch a wave here all year round. Only one thing can stop - cold water. But if there is an excellent wetsuit available, then this is no longer scary.

Surfing in Kamchatka

The Pacific Ocean gives surfers excellent waves, almost world-class. But besides the cold, the difficulty lies in the inaccessibility of the best surf spots in Russia. Surfing here is excellent if you can get to these places.

Despite the excellent beach, it differs from other places of rest by the complete absence of outlets. Indeed, even in the summer the water does not warm up enough to have many who wish to swim. The water temperature in the summer months does not rise above +15 C.

Snowave is a surf school in Kamchatka. In addition to training professional surfers, he also trains snowboarders in the winter. In winter, there are many of them due to the presence of snow-capped peaks.

The best spot is Halaktyr Beach, 50 km long.

northern capital

When you talk about surfing in Russia, the city on the Neva does not immediately come to mind. Just an hour drive from St. Petersburg - and you are already on the surf spot. The Gulf of Finland is great for beginners thanks to its sandy beaches.

We ride on a board in St. Petersburg

However, the waves are directly dependent on the wind. If there is wind, there are waves. On Lake Ladoga, the waves are slightly smaller, but also give the opportunity to ride. But, unlike the Pacific Ocean, where you can ride even in winter, you won’t be able to do this here, as in the bay and on the lake the water is covered with ice.

The spots in the bay are Atlantis and Cape Naval.

On the lake - the village of Osinovets, "Lighthouse".

Baltic Sea

In Kaliningrad, surfing also takes place. You can even say that here it is much better than in St. Petersburg, but the waves are inferior in quality to the Far East.

Since the Atlantic Ocean is located very close, storms are a frequent occurrence, hence good waves. Sandy beaches are usually a priority for beginners. But experienced surfers prefer to ride on breakwaters.

Surfers gather in Kaliningrad

It was here that one of the stages of the Russian championship took place, where the chairman of the Russian Federation of Surfing from the Kaliningrad branch Evgeny Isakov was appointed responsible for the event.

The main surf spot in Kaliningrad, where most surfers gather, is Pionersky. Here you can catch a great wave, however, and line-up happens at different points. The only negative is the large stones at the bottom, so flying off the board is not recommended.

Other spots: Rybachy, Zelenogradsk, Khmelevka and Svetlogorsk.

Japanese Sea

Where can I surf in Russia, if not in Vladivostok? Favorable conditions for riding on the board are both within the city and beyond. In summer, when the water is warm, you can do without special costumes.

By the way, Vladivostok is a rather important city among surf lovers. Here annually one of the stages of the Russian championship takes place. And there are a lot of spots here:

  1. Red stones - Reinecke Island. It can be safely designated as one of the best in all of Russia. Virgin nature, clear water and great waves are the dream of any surfer.
  2. Creek Sivuchya. It is located in the south of the Khasansky district, near the island of Fake and Cape Butakova. In the summer, high waves form due to southeast offshores.
  3. Spot Shamora in the bay of Lazurnaya. The properties of waves are affected by a river flowing into the Ussuri Bay of the Sea of ​​Japan.
  4. Gulf East. There are great waves after the weather or in the early morning.
  5. Ermine Bay. Not a very safe place, so beginners should not ride here.
  6. Patroclus Bay. Decent waves form here.
Catch a wave in Vladivostok

From the beginning of spring to mid-autumn, you can safely search and catch your wave.

Arctic Ocean

This place is definitely not for the faint of heart or beginners. The waves here, of course, are very good, still the ocean. But there are so many dangers and difficulties that not every very experienced surfer will want to ride in Murmansk. Not only is it terribly cold, it’s also very difficult to find a good spot. There are no places for spending the night, there are no conditions for a comfortable stay even for a couple of days either. Stones, wind, snow - all this must be overcome in order to catch the very wave.

Arctic surfing

It was here, in the village of Teriberka, that the Surf in Siberia (Surfing in Siberia) project was filmed. Its definitely worth a look. The guys, participants in the project, showed the conditions in which they were there and rode. Truly they are real extremes! Compared to those conditions, everyone else seems like a real paradise.

Kurile Islands

The Kuril Islands and the Pacific Ocean are definitely not beaches in Bali. The waves are abruptly Kamchatka, but there are many difficulties. Take the same project Surf in Siberia, where the guys removed everything and described it step by step. It is incomprehensible to the mind: to be among the bears, hide from typhoons, meet in the water with fur seals and see all this beauty! For some, this is an overwhelming burden, and for someone - a real northern paradise. Again, for beginners, it’s better not to climb here.

Kurile Islands

If you are a surfer and your soul requires extreme sports, welcome to Iturup Island.

Sakhalin - Sea of ​​Okhotsk

On the island, this sport is not very common. In fact, despite the fact that there is water around, it is not possible to catch successful waves infrequently. Basically, they appear only after a storm. In winter, everything around turns into solid ice. Therefore, the season as such lasts only from the beginning of April to November.

However, even in summer, the water is not particularly warm, and therefore in these months you have to ride in equipment. The most that surfers can decide is to take off their boots and gloves.

It cannot be said that there are many who want to catch the wave, but those who are are real extremes. Beginners here will have a hard time.

Of the spots, you can select the "Thorn". It is located in the area of ​​Apple Village.

How classic surfing is developing off the coast of Russia

This is not to say that in Russia this sport is as popular as anywhere else in the tropics, Australia or America. Despite the fact that, as it turned out, in Russia there are good places for surfers, almost everything rests on sheer enthusiasm.

The main cradle was Vladivostok and Kamchatka. Many surfers gather in Sochi and St. Petersburg. The rest of the places are just for an amateur.

The Russian Federation of Surfing itself was founded only in 2008. But she has already achieved a lot. Championships are held, their champions appeared. But here you can not do without sponsors. And, unfortunately, in Russia there are almost none. While in America, for example, Samsung became a major sponsor, in Russia it is Onego and Alexander Roslyakov. Thanks to them, financial support was provided to those stages of the championship that were held in St. Petersburg. They also gave the Russian team the opportunity to take part in the ISA World Surfing Games in 2017.

In addition, for the full development of surfing in Russia, the participation of the media is important. And surfers hope that someday this sport will reach a new level and become Olympic, as happened with snowboarding.

Well, with the help of the Internet, the idea has already reached the mass of people that surfing in Russia is possible in the same way as anywhere in the world.


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