Chia seeds: how to use, useful properties. Chia seeds: benefits and harms

Chia or Spanish sage - a plant brought from South America, inherited from an Indian civilization. The exact time of appearance is unknown, but for the first time the ancient Aztecs began to eat it, highly appreciating its nutritional properties. Previously, it was believed that this is a religious plant that gives strength to anyone who eats it. Seeds are popular today among lovers of a healthy diet and those who want to lose weight.

Pierre Ducane - A Modern Chia Promoter

Chia seeds: how to use?
The first nutritionist to recommend chia for weight loss was the notorious Pierre Ducane, author of the eponymous diet. Seeds are included in the list of allowed menu products, starting with the “Alternation” stage (as you know, Pierre Ducane’s diet consists of several different stages, at which certain products are allowed and prohibited). In the USA, chia is so popular that they are added to flour products: bread, sweets, as well as energy bars.

What are the benefits of chia seeds?

1. They contain substances similar to medical antibiotics. But the advantage is that, unlike chemical analogues, seeds do not have a destructive effect on the liver, improving health, destroying pathogenic flora and activating healing processes.

2. Strengthen immunity, help prevent colds and flu. People who eat them regularly, get sick less and are practically not prone to seasonal diseases.

3. The beneficial properties of chia seeds are to improve the intestinal microflora - they revive beneficial bacteria, destroying harmful ones. If you take them, then the likelihood of infections in the digestive tract is reduced.

4. It is a reliable prophylactic that prevents cholesterol. It can also stop the development of atherosclerosis.

5. Can relieve allergic reactions due to the presence of antioxidants and help strengthen the body. Their anti-aging properties are known.

6. Often included in the composition of vegetarian food as a source of omega-3 and omega-6 acids.

Thus, chia seeds, the benefits of which are confirmed by the experience of many people, can improve your well-being, improve your health and adjust your figure. But only if you take them in accordance with certain rules.

Chia - A Rich Source Of Omega-3 Acids

The beneficial properties of chia seeds
The plant contains about 40% of healthy fats, most of which are omega-3. In chia, these substances 100% retain useful qualities and are absorbed by the body, unlike other sources. Omega-3 acids remain even after heat treatment, which is very good for those who cannot eat raw seeds. Partly they are protected by the thick shell that covers the chia seeds. How to use them - raw or cooked? The question is purely individual, it all depends on your taste.

Recall that omega-3 acids play an important role in the digestion process: with their help, the process of getting rid of unnecessary fat is accelerated, so you lose weight much faster. In addition, these substances help improve brain function, strengthen immunity, and are especially beneficial for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Useful properties of chia seeds, their harm

You can eat a handful of "seeds" and stock up on energy for the whole day - there will be no feeling of hunger! This is a great tool for those who suffer from craving for food. In South America, the plant was appreciated for its high nutritional properties: the Indians took chia seeds with them on long trips. How to use them, they knew almost from birth, and the question of what to take on the road did not arise. Since the seeds were weighed a little, it was just a great food option.

One adult man could eat only a handful. This is quite normal, because, like all seeds, chia is quite nutritious. They contain vegetable protein, fiber, many vitamins and minerals. Before eating chia, keep in mind that their calorie content is 486 kcal, which is almost a third of the daily diet of a losing weight woman, so it is appropriate to use them not only as a snack, but also as a full meal.

Anti-inflammatory theory

How to use chia?
It is believed that seeds can facilitate the course of inflammatory processes that occur in the human body. There is an assumption that diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, cancer and many other diseases arise precisely because of hidden inflammatory processes that slowly suppress the immune system.

Theorists are sure that various pathologies arise due to malnutrition, and more precisely, due to the transition of people to foods rich in sugar, wheat gluten, lactose. This top three modern nutritionists blame for most diseases.

Anti-inflammatory theory has not yet been proven by scientists. But she has plenty of supporters. That is why anti-inflammatory foods, one of which is chia seeds, are widely used in diets and in creating a healthy diet menu.

Chia Seed Facts

• Contain 20% protein and 34% various fats, including healthy omega-3s and omega-6s.

• Rich in calcium. In chia, this substance is 5 times more than in milk.

• Potassium is contained, in its seeds 2 times more than in bananas.

• The amount of magnesium is 15 times greater than in broccoli.

• Iron content is 3 times higher than in spinach.

• Rich in fiber, which helps to better digest food.

• A lot of antioxidants, so chia in winter can replace blueberries and blueberries.

• Useful properties are equal to several fruits at once.

Chia seeds - a sure means for weight loss

How to eat chia seeds?
They are similar in shape to sesame seeds - they are also small and oval, however, their color is dark. Smooth, pleasant to the touch, the smell resembles linseed oil - all this is about chia seeds. How to use them? Eat them both raw and as an adjunct to cooked foods. They have a rather pleasant, slightly spicy taste.

If you are trying the product for the first time and still do not know how to take chia seeds for weight loss, then the most important thing to consider: when added to food, they swell and become like a jelly-like mass. In addition, they increase in size up to 12 times. It is important to note that the same thing happens in the stomach if consumed raw.

The ability to absorb a large amount of liquid and explains their benefits for weight loss. Seeds give a feeling of satiety - you no longer want to snack. The presence of antioxidants guarantees the elimination of excess calories, and the abundance of fiber - the proper functioning of the digestive system.

Chia - a spicy food supplement

Feel free to season with them any porridge, yoghurts, vegetable salads, meat dishes, juices, smoothies - in general, anything. Baking is especially good with them. No dish will be spoiled if you add chia seeds there. How to use them if you did not like the taste? It's simple - eat them separately from the rest of the food.

The dosage may be different and is determined by your diet. In any case, do not overdo it and consume more than 2 teaspoons. For example, Pierre Ducane recommended eating 1 tsp. in a day. Admission in excess of the diet can cause the opposite effect - slowing down weight loss.

So, how to eat chia seeds? There is no definite answer. It is important to remember that Spanish sage is not a medicine, but a food supplement, so there are no strict restrictions and instructions. We recommend that you follow the instructions of Pierre Ducant.

Chia seeds: benefits, uses, contraindications

Useful properties of chia seeds, their harm

1. Refuse to take seeds for any irregularities in the digestive tract. If you have diarrhea, immediately exclude them from the diet.

2. Contraindicated in food poisoning, allergic reactions, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

3. Consult a doctor before introducing the product into your diet. There may be limitations that only your healthcare provider knows about.

4. Use should be started with small doses, gradually increasing to normal. Reception can last 12 weeks, since their effect has not yet been studied with prolonged use.

5. In case of danger of getting prostate cancer or in the presence of this disease it is also not recommended to eat seeds. This is due to the content of alpha-linolenic acid, which can provoke an ailment or complicate its course.

6. There are many triglycerides in the composition, therefore, with an increased content of them in the blood, you should stop taking it or not start it at all. In this case, eating chia salba seeds is recommended. They do not increase triglycerides.

Thus, chia seeds, the benefits of which, of course, have been proven, should be taken with caution, and then everything will be in order.

Chia Seed Recipes

It may be that the food you eat will be not only nutritious, but also conducive to losing weight. Many people ask: "How to use chia seeds every day without harm to the body?" We offer several recipes that will help you get enough without gaining weight.

Chia seeds: benefits, uses, contraindications
1. Raw food crackers . In taste, they are similar to bread, but with a rich taste of basil and tomatoes. Ingredients : chia seeds - 1 cup, basil - 20 g, tomatoes (they must first be dried) - ½ cup, lime juice - 2 tbsp. l., honey - 1 tbsp. l., salt - a pinch. Preparation : leave chia in plenty of water (at least 2 times more than seeds) overnight. After you see that they are very swollen, proceed directly to cooking. Place the seeds in the mixer and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Put the mixture on a tray and dry it for about a day. To soften crackers, add olive oil to them.

2. Lemon cocktail . It will take 2 tbsp. l chia, the same amount of lemon juice, 4 tbsp. l honey, 2 glasses of water. Pour chia with plenty of water (minimum proportions 1 to 2), leave for 8-10 hours. Mix all the ingredients in a blender, adding additional ingredients to taste (dried fruits, berries are good).

3. Pudding with chocolate . Mix half a glass of almonds, 1 glass of water, a third of a glass of raspberries, 3 tbsp. l honey, cocoa - 1 tbsp. l., a pinch of vanilla. Grind in a blender until smooth. Inject seeds only after the rest of the ingredients have been mixed. When added, vigorously stir the mass with a spoon.

How to choose a quality product?

Chia Seeds: Benefits
• Before consuming chia seeds, pay attention to their country of origin. It is not recommended to buy chia from China, since the level of ecology is low there, so the food products coming from there are not always of high quality. And your health depends on it.

• Good seeds must have appropriate certificates. For chia, this is a certificate of quality and organic control.

• Pay attention to the cost. Before you buy chia, compare prices on several sites or in several companies. Due to the rush demand for the product, the cost can be several times overstated. If the price is very low, then this should also be cause for concern.


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