How to earn money for ad views

At all times of the existence of commercial relations, advertising has been the engine of trade. You can earn on it, you can buy or sell it; You can make ads for free and at the same time worth big money. It was always believed that those who buy it (the owner of the product or product, the seller), as well as those who sell it (the owner of the advertising platform or the one who manages the advertising resources) earn it. In this sense, the modern model has changed somewhat - and now everyone can make money on advertising.

The value of each user

money for ad views

Previously, it really might have seemed something strange and absurd: how can someone else make money from advertising relationships? How does it “fit” into the chain that exists between the advertiser and the buyer of advertising? We answer: this happened due to new technologies, namely, due to the advent of the Internet and mobile devices.

The global web has done what previously seemed impossible. In it, on the one hand, all users are the mass - the majority. This happens in real life, for example, in the relationship established between governments and the people. However, unlike real life, everyone’s voice is considered on the Internet. Here it is much easier to “reach out” to each individual, to find out his opinion, to automate the data collection process.

In a sense, this is exactly what a person who needs advertising does: he contacts individually with each representative of his audience. And if he pays money for the placement and impressions to the owner of the site, then why not directly transfer money for viewing advertising to each of the users? The only complexity of such a model may be, perhaps, the technical complexity of the distribution organization - but otherwise, such a model bears solid “advantages”. Indeed, in the end, this is how a person becomes interested in the material that is offered to him (with the right presentation, of course).

Therefore, a model has taken root on the Internet that provides viewing ads for money. This is now actively used by advertisers: those who produce and sell any product or service pay people to study information about them.

viewing ads for money

Mobile Ads

There are various types of materials that bring money for viewing ads. First of all, they are determined by the goals pursued by the advertiser, as well as by the platform where they are placed. Here are some examples. They all create a model such as viewing ads for money.

We take, as an example, mobile platforms. Initially, banners were used inside applications that led to a click and, thus, transferred the user to the site of interest to him or to another application. Since such banners, as a rule, are hardly noticeable, that's why advertising networks started working with other, more interesting projects. In particular, they came up with such a format as full-screen advertising.

Some applications pay money for viewing adverts. Participants are registered in a special network that distributes to all “employees” (and this, in essence, is also work) a reward for performing actions. It turns out that you are watching an advertisement (in the format of a banner, a full-screen image or a video), after which you earn some kind of payment. In the case of mobile platforms, PrimeApp, various AppCoin and others offer such earnings. True, the disadvantage of this work is the need to install applications on your device.

Advertising Sites

make money by watching ads

A completely different category in which you can earn money for viewing ads is the so-called “click” or “postal” sponsors. They pay less, but the work is simpler and many times more. Such sites are called “buch” or “mailer”. The procedure is this: you register here, start watching ads (most often, it is visiting websites and reading advertising letters), and then you get a certain amount of money into your account. As a rule, these are tenths of a cent. The main “plus” of such earnings is that there are really a lot of such sites, including old and stable ones, which have been working for several years. With them you can earn money by viewing ads on the Internet without any special skills and labor costs, say, after work. To replenish a mobile account or pay for Internet services should be enough.

Sign up for several mailers (for example, WmZona, VipIp, WmMail, SeoSpint, etc.) By participating in several of these systems, you will increase your earnings. In addition, these platforms make it possible to participate in various tasks, contests and promotions - thus, there there will be several different areas in which to really earn.

We can separately mention the developed referral systems in such structures: thus, if you attract a friend as a user of such a site, you will additionally be charged a certain percentage of the funds earned by him.

Video ad

viewing ads for money on the Internet

Another interesting area is advertising in videos. You just need to watch videos shot about a particular project, product and product in order to earn some share of cents. Again, due to the growing popularity of such services, users have a unique opportunity to participate in several projects in order to increase revenue. An example is VkTarget, VideoSped, Vizona and others.

The user's task is no different from those models with axle boxes and mobile applications that were described above: you need to watch advertising materials, simulate interest in them (you may be asked to take tests after), communicate with representatives of the advertising company and answer their questions. You will simply be given a link to several videos shot about a particular product / product. You must view the full duration of the video, without scrolling and reloading it. As already noted above, test tasks and questions can be given to control your attention to this content.


making money for viewing ads

As we noted above, in fact, for each unit of advertising viewed (and depending on where and who pays you money for viewing ads, there are different options for measuring your work - in the number of downloaded applications, open links, uploaded videos and so on) you get paid relatively little. It could be a couple of cents, maybe a tenth of a cent. The user's benefit is determined by quantity. If you manage to watch a hundred clips for 30-40 seconds, you can actually get something about 1-2 dollars in an hour of “work” (although you don’t take any active actions).

Such a result, of course, cannot be called desirable, however, in parallel you can, for example, read a book or play some kind of puzzles. A significant advantage that viewing ads for money on the Internet has is that it is a passive income; a person who wants to receive this money does not need to do anything except a simple “presence” in front of the screen. Therefore, this type of work can even be combined with other types of online earnings in order to maximize your final profit.

Variety in the market

Again, I’m happy with the number of offers about advertising for which they pay. You can, for example, simultaneously watch advertising videos and visit sites for which some cents also pay for viewing. In the end, it turns out that you will earn a total of some pretty considerable amount, given the minimum effort.

Industry development

make money by watching online ads

Another factor is the upward trend. A couple of years ago, there were much less programs and campaigns that pay for viewing advertising materials. Today, there are more resources where you can start working. Above, in each of the categories, we presented several possible options. Of course, there are a lot more of them on the market - there is no way to list them all. Moreover, some projects make it possible to work according to a hybrid model, offering money making for viewing ads combined with paid downloads or installation fees. This needs to be learned specifically, considering a particular service.

Supply and demand

Again, do not forget that there isn’t enough advertising for everyone. Advertisers are interested in showing their product to the widest possible range of people. But at the same time, their budget is limited - and work on the Internet (viewing ads for money) is in demand by many users. As a result, often you may not have time to participate in one or another profitable advertising campaign, since other participants will already exhaust its limit. For this reason, you should always try to find out about everything as quickly as possible, register on different sites and subscribe to possible updates.

viewing ads for money reviews

Foreign resources

Sometimes such earnings on the Internet (viewing ads for money) can be purely regional in nature - when an advertiser needs users from a specific country (for example, from the USA). In this case, of course, you will not be able to apply for a job, because you have a Russian location.

On the other hand, there are lots of proposals in which people from all over the world can participate, including those from the Russian Federation. Just the difficulty of finding them is that they are all in English. Therefore, in search of more profitable offers, we advise you to look for foreign projects. This can be done with the help of a translator if you do not have the required level of knowledge of the language. In this case, you could receive money through the popular PayPal system in Western countries.

Why not try

You may have read this material and decided to try it because you are interested in information regarding one of the items. However, it may be, and vice versa - you simply don’t know whether you will be able to earn money by viewing ads, whether the advertiser will pay, and so on. On this occasion, I want to say that in reality few people can judge anything without trying it on their own experience. Suddenly, you really will like to watch ads for money and, in addition, will you also pay for it? This, in many senses of the word, is “easy money”, which is not used only by those who do not know and have never heard of it. Since you read this note, you can say that you are knowledgeable enough to take action. What are you waiting for?


So, to summarize the small results. Indeed, the Internet pays for you (as a representative of the target audience) to watch their ads. Its formats can be completely different - it can be either a regular site or a mobile application or video. Which option to choose depends entirely on your personal preferences.

In most cases, having found a project dedicated to earning money by viewing ads, you should create an unaccounted entry and enter your data. Next, you need to “work” a little bit (actually, start watching ads for money) - reviews show that this is enough to gain a certain level of a minimum amount. Most often, such projects put a couple of dollars as a “threshold” for withdrawal. Having received your money, you will be convinced that everything is real and will be more confident in your actions. Good luck


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