Paraffin candles: manufacturing technology

Paraffin candles can be found on sale today at any hardware store. Of course, products of this type of household purpose are not so popular as in past centuries. However, sometimes they are still bought in case of a power outage. Decorative candles are sold simply in huge quantities. This product option can be used to create a romantic atmosphere in the room, to decorate cakes, holiday tables, etc.

paraffin candles

A bit of history

Where they started to make candles is not known for certain. It is believed that the first such products were made in Egypt. At that time they were made from the core of the chinton. The first official mention of candles dates back to the 10th century. BC e. Some ancient sources have information about products of this kind, which were containers with a wick inserted into them, filled with a special solution. Solid candles, remotely similar to modern ones, were invented by the Romans. They rolled papyrus into a tube and dipped it in fat.

For centuries, candles have remained the most common way to illuminate rooms. Often they were used in various kinds of religious rites. By the 13th century whole guilds of candle masters appeared in Europe.

household paraffin candle

Types of candles

Modern industry produces candles:

  1. Household . Made from unpainted paraffin. A household paraffin candle usually has a white translucent color.

  2. Canteens . Such candles can be twisted, aromatic or classic.

  3. Hemp . Also have a beautiful appearance. From dining rooms they differ only in large diameter.

  4. Church They can be made from both paraffin and wax.

  5. Decorative . Such candles are made from colored paraffin and usually have some unusual shape.

  6. Candles on the cake. They differ from ordinary ones in that they have a long and thin shape.

  7. Tea lights. Available in tablet form.

paraffin candle manufacturers

What equipment is used for production

Paraffin candles can be made both manually and on the machine. In the first case, special molds are used. They can be made of metal, silicone or plastic. With a manual production method, it is also used:

  1. A special container for melting paraffin, designed on the principle of a water bath.

  2. Scales for weighing ingredients.

  3. Capacity for water. Used to cool finished products.

With a procedure such as the production of paraffin candles, stearin can be used as an additional material. Also, owners of small workshops acquire wicks wound in coils. In the manufacture of decorative paraffin candles, various kinds of beautiful trinkets can also be used: beads, shells, dried flowers, etc.

paraffin candles Moscow

The design of a machine designed for the production of candles includes a frame on which wicks are hung. Candles are obtained after repeatedly dipping the latter in paraffin or wax.

How are cast products made?

According to this technology, paraffin candles are made as follows:

  • The wick is pulled through the hole in the mold. A small part of it (about 5 cm) is brought out. In order to install the wick in the center, you can use a match or a paper clip.

  • The mold is installed in a container with 2-3 cm layer of water poured into it. This is necessary to prevent leakage of contents.

  • Molten paraffin is poured into the mold. Droplets that get on the working surface are wiped with a rag.

  • A hardened candle is pierced around the filter with a sharp object. This avoids deformation.

  • After solidification, the candle is removed from the mold. This is not too difficult to do. In the process of solidification, the candle is slightly reduced in size.

production of paraffin candles

Features of casting technology

The manufacture of paraffin candles always starts with lubricating the mold with oil. This operation is performed with both silicone and metal equipment. Instead of oil, special silicone grease can be used . After melting paraffin, various dyes and aromatic additives can be added to it. No solid objects (sparkles, etc.) can be laid in a candle, of course,. In the process of using the latter, they will light up. Stearin is usually added to paraffin in a ratio of 1x4.

Sometimes it happens that the candle "does not want" to get out of shape. In this case, they act simply. The form with a candle is placed in the freezer for several minutes.

Technology for the manufacture of carved products

In this case, the traditional method of casting candles is somewhat modified. In the manufacture of carved products, paraffin of one color or several can be used. In the latter case, it is pre-melted, dyes are added to it, and then poured into separate containers. Next, the master dips the candle blank in the first of these bowls, holding it by the filter, and holds for several seconds. Then the candle is pulled out and lowered into cold water. After that, the workpiece is placed in the next container, etc. As a result of all these manipulations, a very beautiful decorative candle is obtained. The desired shape is given to her with a cutter.

Domestic candle market

In Russia, there are two main types of such products - church and decorative. Candles of both types, as already mentioned, are often made of paraffin. In our country there is also a household segment of such products, but not too large. This group includes household and tea tablet candles.

making paraffin candles

From the category of decorative candles, one can distinguish a separate variety - gift. Such products are specially prepared for the gift process and colorfully decorated. Decorative candles also include interior candles, sculptural and souvenir. In addition, collectible expensive items can also be singled out separately.

Top manufacturers

Many workshops produce candles from paraffin today. Such small enterprises can engage in mass production of similar products of the same design, as well as performing exclusive custom-made works. Workshops of this specialization are available in every region of our country. In Moscow, for example, there are such manufacturers of paraffin candles as the company “Aroma of Fire” and the company “Candle Yard”.

Price categories

Among other things, the Russian candle market can be divided into price segments. The budget class includes products with a cost of 10-30 rubles apiece. Such paraffin candles in bulk from the manufacturer are purchased very often. Usually these are household or tea options. Products of the middle price category include products costing from 30 to 200 rubles. It can be gift, interior or souvenir candles. There are also expensive products from 200 to 500 rubles. These are usually sculptured candles made by hand using a cutter.

paraffin candles wholesale from the manufacturer

Products worth more than 500 rubles are usually made only to order. For example, the company "Candle Yard" produces such paraffin candles as well. Moscow, therefore, is a city whose residents can easily order such a cute exclusive trinket.


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