Denis Kolodin. Biography and club career of a football player

Denis Aleseevich Kolodin is a Russian footballer. The position in which he plays is the defender. In the best years of his career, the player was able to achieve fairly good results. Twice became the bronze champion of Russia. At Euro 2008, together with the national team, he took third place. In recent seasons, the footballer has been lost in the lower leagues, and fans are increasingly interested in the question of where Denis Kolodin plays. At the beginning of 2016, the player signed a contract with Kazakhstan's Altai.

Denis Kholov

Family and youth of a football player

The birthplace of Kolodin is a small town in the Volgograd region, Kamyshin. The footballer was born on January 11, 1982. Kolodin has a younger brother. The football player’s mother is from Belarus. In Russia, she worked as a saleswoman. Denis never saw his father. Together with his family, a young football player lived in a hostel. Denis Kolodin began to get involved in this sport from early childhood. From the first class I began to study in the section along with several classmates.

When the boy was twelve years old, he and several teammates noticed the leadership of the Olympia from Volgograd. Denis did not want to leave his hometown. Leonid Slutsky, who served as a coach at Olympia, was able to persuade him. At first, the player began to act in the attack and showed himself well, regularly distinguishing himself in goals. A change in position was caused by a knee injury. He simply could not cope with the pace of the game, and the coach determined to him first a place in the midfield, and then completely on the defensive.


Denis Kolodin signed a contract for a professional player in 2000. Speaking for the club, he secured his place at the base and appeared on the field in almost every match. In addition, the football player was often distinguished by goals scored. For two years in the team, he was able to score fourteen goals.

Denis Pahin footballer

Soon the player and his teammates, thanks to excellent performance, began to observe the Austrian “Austria”, but the transition did not take place.


In 2002, Leonid Slutsky went to train doubles of the Elistin club, and soon invited Kolodin to watch. The leadership of the team liked the game of Denis, and soon a contract was signed with him.

Thanks to excellent performances, Denis Kolodin was able to move to the main team. The first season in the team turned out to be successful, the football player appeared on the field twenty-two times. Soon, many teams of the Russian championship wanted to get a defender. However, the player’s transitions were constantly disrupted.

"Wings of Soviets"

The season 2004, the player began as part of the Samara team. Denis Kolodin demonstrated an excellent game, helping out the team in the most difficult moments. Thanks to excellent performances in August, the player was invited to the Russian team.

In 2005, “Wings of the Soviets” began financial problems, and it became clear that the team needed to part with some players. Dynamo Moscow was interested in the services of a football player and soon signed a contract with him. Later, Denis Kolodin said that he would hardly have left the Samara club if it were not for problems with finances.


In the capital's club, the player quickly managed to gain a foothold in the base and began to appear in almost every match. With Dynamo, he managed to win bronze medals in 2008. Denis Kolodin is a football player who was able to show his worth at Euro 2008 and grow in price by one million euros. In the fall of the same year, he received serious ankle damage and even thought about ending his career. The player had a difficult operation and had to recover for a long period.

where denis kholov plays

In 2011, the player was injured again, and his place on the field was taken by Vladimir Granat, who subsequently put Kolodin on the bench. Soon, information began to appear about the player’s transfer to another club.

Rent in "Rostov" and transfer to "Volga"

In the winter of 2012, Kolodin was rented by the Rostov team. Thanks to this club, Denis was able to get the long-awaited gaming practice. For the “Rostov” defender played eight matches and returned to Dynamo.

Despite the management’s promises about the player’s appearance on the field, Kolodin came out only once during the season.

In the summer of 2013, the player left the capital's club and, as a free agent, signed a contract with Volga. Throughout the season, the football player showed a fairly good game, but because of financial problems at the club he was forced to sign a contract with Falcon.

In early January 2016, information appeared that the defender had become part of the Kazakhstani Altai.


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