Inner Authority: The Emotional Center in Human Design

Human Design is a recent practice of gaining knowledge of self. The science of its differentiation or uniqueness. They come and turn to her in different ways. Someone leads to the desire to succeed, to become unsurpassed in certain areas. Someone searches and finds answers to questions: who am I, what am I for, why does everything turn out this way, and not otherwise.

The science of differentiation or uniqueness of man

The system of cognition, the integral science of limitations, differentiation, uniqueness of a person. A science that tries to explain human secrets in a language that everyone can understand. Secrets of birth, love, relationships with the outside world ... So supporters of Human Design (hereinafter referred to as DC) argue. Opponents, on the contrary, consider this a false doctrine, a sect. Both sides give reasonably good arguments in their favor. To take sides, you need to look into the future. Only there, in the future, it will become clear who is right.


This knowledge appeared relatively recently, at the end of the last century. Its founder Robert Alan Krackover had to endure the revelation that the Voice conveyed to him. In this message, information was received about the foundations of the universe, about how the work of the universe works, about the hitherto unknown system of Human Design.

centers in human design

PM Basics

The design of Man as a science is based on the foundations of physics, quantum physics, astronomy, genetics, biochemistry, and philosophy. As knowledge, the doctrine is on the foundation of ancient, mystical teachings: Kabbalah, astrology, i-ching, m-theory, the chakra system of Buddhism.

How the science of differentiating PM explains the individuality of each person with a specific code. It is programmed in DNA using a myriad of neutrinos, constantly passing through each material and transmitting "stellar" information. Thus, if neutrinos that have reached man have passed the path from the Sun through Mars and Venus and other objects of the Universe, then they leave a piece of this information in the body. This process does not stop. Specialists of the DC call it the conditioning of the planets.

neutrino science

PM tools

At the time of the birth of a child, the total energy of the cosmos with the help of a neutrino is captured forever in its energy matrix. The main tool of the PM - bodygraph helps to visualize this information.

To compile it, you need to know the exact time and place of birth. Thanks to the use of information technology, programs have been created that automatically create a map of your microcosm. The main characteristic is type. There are four of them:

  • Generator;
  • Projector;
  • The manifesto;
  • Reflector.

Then the type is considered from the point of view of certain (colored) and indefinite (colorless) centers. A total of nine centers are considered, interconnected by channels:

  • Head;
  • Ajna;
  • Throat;
  • Gee;
  • Cordial;
  • Solar plexus;
  • Sacral
  • Spleen;
  • Root.
human bodygraph

Internal Authority

Fundamental, along with the Strategy, is the importance of Internal Authority. This is a kind of internal coordinator. It is he who is responsible for making decisions.

Most of the inhabitants of the planet are holders of Emotional Inner authority. There are more than fifty percent of them. For people whose center of emotions is defined, peculiar ups and downs are characteristic. As on a wave, a sharp emotional lift, and then the same sharp decline in mood. The constant cyclic process.

If your Inner Authority is Emotional, then you should not be surprised at the constant changes in mood. Today you do not leave the feeling as if you got up from the wrong foot. And yesterday, it seemed that some unknown forces filled the whole being, giving the body a feeling of lightness, flight. And so on and on ... For those with a defined Emotional Internal Authority, Human Design has developed recommendations and rules that should help to understand and accept oneself.

Defined emotional center

If a person’s bodygraph shows a certain emotional center, then Internal Authority is Emotional. In the hierarchy of all existing centers, he takes first place. Physiologically, specialists in the PM associate it with the abdominal brain and enteric nervous system. The center produces substances that affect internal processes.

It manifests itself on the surface as feelings, emotions, mood swings. Those with Emotional Inner Authority are natures who enjoy music, creativity, good cuisine, sensual relationships, etc.

the appearance of life


Outwardly, people with Emotional Inner Authority look calm and balanced. They are in no hurry to make decisions; they prefer not to waste their energy. Understanding and accepting one’s nature will help the release of creative energy, will change the angle of view, the depth of perception, the emergence of qualitatively new sensations. Their main motto is "Wait for clarity!"

neutrino flux

Internal Authority Emotional: vectors

In the knowledge of PM there is an understanding of the difference between the ascending vectors of the human path. From matter to spirit. When the personal remains on the sidelines, and man, as it were, allows the universe to act for him. And downstream. When a person defined at the time of birth lives on his own. He finds support, the purpose of which is to live his life.

It is important to understand where a person is at a particular moment. The emotional who makes the decision from the point of the downward wave finds it right; he is filled with optimism and self-satisfaction. Making a decision from the point of wave rise, when moving down, he can be nervous and doubtful. In people with a certain Internal Authority, Emotional, the strategy is to respond to emotions from the outside. The feeling of external energy gives an intuitive understanding that the emotional is at the point necessary for this period of time. This is necessary to determine the optimal moment for action. The most important skill for him is the trust of the time. If an emotional learns to give himself time, he is destined to become a master of his life.

Making decisions

How often do we make decisions, regardless of the social foundations and rules. We follow internal motives or look around in the hope of gaining approval. How does the fact that a person has a certain Emotional Internal Authority affect the ability to decide and act, starting from his own desires or needs? In the DC, peculiar strategies and rules are defined, proceeding from the analysis of Internal Authority conducted by the bodygraph. Practical recommendations that are advised to master.

If a bodygraph defines a person as a Generator with Emotional Internal Authority, this means that decision-making takes place at the point of a downward wave. This allows a person to correctly find both the moment itself for making the right decision and its interpretation. It is a powerful engine that carries the potential for emotional awareness.


This is how the world works. We all consist of the same elements of the brilliant periodic table. Our organs are easy to see with modern devices. The same machines can even analyze the work of the most mysterious human organ - the brain. However, in this unity, which we are essentially, we are all very different from each other. Someone sings, someone dances ... Differentiation is present everywhere and in everything. Why? Human Design seeks and finds answers to many questions. And these answers can help someone not to get lost in our huge mysterious world.


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