Mordovian balm: features of use and composition

Mordovian balm is a unique national drink of the Republic of Mordovia, which includes almost 40 ingredients, more than half of which are medicinal herbs, as well as a unique element - propolis. In addition to its special composition, the elixir has a high strength - 45 degrees instead of the usual 40. From the article you can find out about the beneficial properties and composition of Mordovian balm, as well as read reviews about the drink.

Where is it made?

The drink, which will be discussed later, is made in the capital of the Republic of Mordovia, at the Saransk distillery. The history of the plant dates back to 1903. To date, the company is one of the most tested and sought-after among the distilleries of Russia.

Emblem of the manufacturing plant


Despite the more than a century-old history of the Saransk distillery, the Mordovian balm began to be produced not so long ago. However, the subtleties of its creation go deep into the history of Mordovian peoples.

Even before the first pharmacies first appeared on these lands (namely, balms were previously sold there), local doctors and healers made infusions from a large number of herbs and berries, sometimes with the addition of honey or propolis. Such elixirs, although they did not have such an exquisite taste as modern manufacturers seek, but on the day they put a sick person on their feet, and in general contributed to the longevity of local residents.

The recipes of these infusions, carefully passed from generation to generation by the Mokshans and Erzyans, just formed the basis of the Mordovian balsam.

Antique Balms


As mentioned above, the balm includes almost 30 ingredients, which can be divided into four categories:

  • The first includes the alcoholic basis of the drink - drinking water, ethyl alcohol of the "Lux" class and brandy for at least three years of aging. In the same category, you can include sugar color, due to which the taste of the balm has a pleasant caramel shade, and syrup, dulling the grass bitterness.
Healing herbs
  • The second category is alcoholized juices and fruit drinks. These include apple, blueberry, sea buckthorn, as well as the juice of red mountain ash, rose hips, milk thistle and juniper berries. This is a taste stronghold that gives the elixir a flavor with dessert notes, but it is also useful.
  • The apogee of benefit can be called a magnificent ensemble of plants, roots and herbs, including St. John's wort, lime blossom, pine and birch buds, peppers (fragrant and black), lemon balm, Rhodiola rosea, yarrow, sweet clover, galangal, thyme, mint, angelica, wormwood, hops and cubeba.
  • The decoration of this bouquet, giving the balm a unique uniqueness, becomes the fourth, "honey" category. It includes natural honey and propolis extract.
Propolis, part of

Beneficial features

Even just by reading the composition, you can understand that such a drink is very healthy. But what specific benefit does the Mordovian balm have on the body? First of all, it can be taken for the prevention and treatment of colds, as well as an expectorant for cough and sore throat.

This therapeutic effect is facilitated by the composition of lime, buds of pine and birch, peppers, melilot, mint, thyme (aka thyme). Peppers, mint and thyme, St. John's wort, lemon balm, Rhodiola rosea, yarrow, angelica and hops favorably affect the nervous system, help relieve fatigue, eliminate heart pain, and overcome depression.

For pains in the stomach and loss of appetite, the “Mordovian” balm will also have to be in place. Linden blossom, galangal, wormwood and thyme will take care of the normalization of the digestive tract. The drink helps with diseases and bleeding gums (thanks to allspice and cubeb pepper).

Bottle of "Mordovian" balm

But do not forget that this elixir (like any herbal infusion) can be very harmful. It should be taken with extreme caution to allergy sufferers. Read the composition carefully. If there is at least one element in it that is doubtful, it is better not to risk it. With a high probability, everyone suffering from allergies to weeds or flowering plants, Mordovian balm will be contraindicated.


Given the different goals and methods of application, Saransk balm "Mordovian" is available in three volumes. This is a classic bottle of narrow elongated shape with a volume of 0.5 liters, a flat flask ("check") with a volume of 0.25 liters and a 100-gram "test" bottle repeating the shape of "check".

"Mordovian" balm - volumes

Medicinal use

For those who want to improve their health with the help of this drink, there is only one advice - to know the measure. For the prevention of the diseases described above, 1-2 teaspoons a day or one small glass a couple of times a week is enough. A tablespoon diluted in a glass of water and drunk at night will help normalize sleep and relax. As an expectorant for bronchitis and colds, you can drink an infusion of a teaspoon in the morning and in the evening, drinking plenty of warm water or tea. But if the disease is accompanied by fever, be treated with balm with caution or refrain altogether. The drink is alcoholic and has a high strength, fever after consumption may increase.

Drinking as an Alcoholic Drink

The use of Mordovian balm, like any balm in general, should be accompanied by an understanding that initially it is still a medicine, and a large number of herbs with heavy use can cause the effect of an “overdose” - nausea, headaches and dizziness.

It is best to use a similar elixir as a dessert supplement to other drinks, rather than as an independent product. For example, you can add balm to tea or coffee, and for real gourmets there is even a recipe for "Mordovian coffee" (of course, using the "Mordovian" balm).

Making & quot; Mordovian coffee & quot;

For its preparation it is necessary to take natural ground coffee of the Arabica variety of medium or high level of roasting.

First, coffee, poured with a small amount of water, is heated on fire for a couple of minutes. Then it should be cooled by adding a couple of teaspoons of balm to the Turk and the remaining amount of water needed for a classic serving of coffee.

Together with the balsam, coffee should be boiled to a state close to boiling, cool and boil again.

If you don’t like the taste of black coffee, you can add a little milk to the finished drink, but it will most likely dull the rich herbal taste of the balm used.

Coffee with Balsam

According to the same principle, you can make tea "in Mordovian", brewing the leaves of black or green tea in boiling water with the addition of tincture. You can mix balm with other alcoholic drinks - in a small amount, he can brighten up the taste of vodka, moonshine or even brut champagne.

Reviews about the balm "Mordovian"

In general, consumer reviews about this drink are positive. They praise a balanced taste, because many manufacturers of balsams, carried away by the useful component, forget about the taste, and the finished drink is either bitter or sour. Here, the percentage of healing components was selected in terms of taste. In addition to tastes and benefits, customers praise the elixir for its “national flavor”.

It is pleasant to bring a bottle of "Mordovian" of any volume or send it by mail as a gift to friends and acquaintances as a local souvenir.

Balm Label

Even the appearance of the bottle itself is like by customers. An elegant faceted vessel attracts attention, I want to hold it in my hands, it's nice to look at it. Those who care about aesthetics will also appreciate the beautiful design.

But the most positive reaction among buyers is caused by the ratio of price and quality of the drink - a half-liter bottle will cost consumers in the amount of 350 to 500 rubles, depending on the region of purchase.

There are also negative reviews, but their analysis shows that a bad reaction is caused by the illiteracy of specific buyers. Someone drank a 45-degree herbal balm in undiluted form as an independent drink, and then complained of an intolerable headache. Someone did not read the composition and complained of allergic rashes. For those who are just about to try the Mordovian balm, such criticism should not be an obstacle, and this article, I would like to think, will help to avoid undesirable consequences.


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