Computer security: what is a rootkit?

It was good to the first users of computers and the Internet. They did not know about the meaning of the words virus, trojan, spy, worm, rootkit, etc. More precisely, they knew such words, but not in relation to computers. Now everything has changed, and this is only the tip of the iceberg of dangers that await us and our devices. A significant part of the problems for computer security, about 50% in the corporate sector, is created by rootkits. Let's try to figure out what a rootkit is and how to deal with it.

what is a rootkit
Of course, if your computer is installed at home and works only to satisfy personal needs, then the likelihood that it will interest intruders and they want to install any spyware module on it is very small. But today, many users use their personal devices as a financial tool: to manage bank accounts, electronic money and money transfer. Therefore, the danger increases, and the rootkit virus plays an important role in it.

But what is a rootkit? The word itself comes from the English expression root kit, meaning "a set of tools for obtaining administrator privileges." Each more or less advanced computer user knows that any operating system delimits the ability to access its various components. And he can use and change only directories and files that do not affect the operation of the entire system. The administrator has full authority over the OS. Based on this, it becomes clear that ordinary users are not interested in attackers. They are interested in administrator rights and they do everything in order to get hold of them.

rootkit remove
In addition, we and software manufacturers often contribute to this. Most programs can be installed only with administrator rights, which is what "bad" people use, placing malicious code in the software, the same rootkits. Once in the system, they easily intercept its functions, mask. Their activities look like the simple work of various services. Remaining invisible, they install their drivers, other elements, completely seize power over the system and deploy subversive activities. So we figured out what a rootkit is.

You can detect a rootkit virus, you can remove it, but for this it is advisable to use specialized software, since although many well-known antiviruses have a module for catching these malware, it is not always possible.

rootkit virus
Many computer security experts offer the free Sophos Anti-Rootkit software developed by Sophos for this purpose. It is intended for high-quality trapping of these malicious code carriers. After installing it, we launch and conduct an initial full scan of all directories, so that there is no doubt about the presence / absence of pests in the system. It is recommended to do this regularly. When rootkits are detected, the Cleanup checked items button appears, with which we destroy the enemy. Like any similar software, this program does not give a 100% guarantee, but in combination with other anti-virus software provides fairly reliable protection of computer equipment.

Having determined what a rootkit is, we also figured out one way to deal with this infection. If desired, you can find other programs, both paid and free. But the main thing - you need to be careful when traveling around the Internet!


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