What is suspiciousness and how to deal with it? Description of the concept, methods of disposal, advice from psychologists

Suspicion is a rather heavy burden for its owner, which can haunt all his life. Sometimes, negative thoughts just take hold of us and reach global proportions, and as a result become an integral part of life. Such a condition is reflected in the psychological and physical state of a person, which prevents him from developing and feeling completely happy. In this article, we will talk about what constitutes suspiciousness, how to deal with it.

What is suspiciousness?

Suspiciousness is a heterogeneous concept. In some cases, it is expressed as a character trait, and in others it is associated with mental disorders, for example, with a neurosis of obsessive states, hypochondria, pathological jealousy, delusions of persecution. Doubtful people tend to show an increased tendency to anxious fears on various occasions. As a rule, they are tormented by a variety of anxieties that interfere with a full life.


Doubtful people are usually so obsessed with themselves and their problems that they sometimes do not notice the surrounding reality. We propose to consider in more detail the main symptoms of suspiciousness.


The main symptom of suspiciousness is anxiety. Such people are constantly disturbed by thoughts about their health and loved ones, they are tormented by various emotions of a negative nature. Such conditions as anxiety and suspiciousness are interconnected and adversely affect the general mental, and subsequently physical state.

An suspicious person gives the impression that he expects only troubles from life, and betrayal from his relatives. Usually he has few friends, because he does not tend to share due to distrust of others to share the most secret.

Focus on the problem

Decisive people tend to pay too much attention to their problems. From the outside, it looks as if they are all the time just sorting out their fears in their heads. They are so concentrated on any difficulties that they completely do not notice the joys of life. Constant experience exhausts that thins internal resources. Such a prolonged state contributes to apathy. Staying in such an atmosphere, a person becomes indifferent to everything that happens, it becomes difficult for him to perceive the surrounding reality.

Feeling of fear

Suspicion is a disease

As a rule, a feeling of fear accompanies a suspicious person constantly. It is because of him that the individual is not able to fully develop and gain new experience. Fears and suspiciousness constrain and limit actions, which subsequently leads to the destruction of the inner world of a person, while making him even more vulnerable.


As a rule, a doubtful person is often haunted by doubts about his own strengths and capabilities. It is difficult for him to believe in himself and that he is capable of achieving significant results. Any Doubt blocks various undertakings and prevents him from trying his strength in any direction. Constant suspiciousness makes you listen to the voice of your own fears. He doesn’t really believe that something good can happen in his life, so a suspicious person is not looking for ways to deal with suspiciousness and fears and the opportunity to change his life for the better.

Causes of occurrence

According to experts, the causes of suspiciousness are usually associated with negative childhood impressions and experiences, which subsequently grow into neurotic complexes. This condition can occur due to low self-esteem and self-doubt. To find ways to deal with suspiciousness and anxiety, first you need to identify the causes of this condition.


Unsure man

Self-doubt often suppresses and hinders the internal formation of personality. Constant doubts about your character, appearance, and health lead to suspiciousness. Such people are looking for a dirty trick from others, they plague themselves and others with constant fluctuations in their mood.

Psychological trauma

A strong impact on the psyche has any negative experience. After which the person becomes nervous, uncontrollable and irritable, thereby destroying his inner world. This condition contributes to the formation of suspiciousness. As a rule, she acts as a self-defense against negative events. A person who has experienced a negative experience, at a subconscious level, wants to fence himself off from a similar one, therefore it is typical for him to attack and aggression sometimes without significant reason. This condition drives into an even larger framework, from which it is not so easy to get out.

Protracted disease

A serious and long-term illness depletes the human body and its energy. In this state, hands involuntarily drop, the desire to develop and move on disappears. Due to a protracted illness, a person is deprived of internal resources, and at the same time, confidence in the future is leaving. In this regard, the habit of constantly listening to your body develops and doubts creep in that the body can fail at any moment.


Most often, suspiciousness appears even in childhood, when the child was not given proper education. Also, life difficulties and adversities, which had to be faced earlier, can become the reason. Often, the syndrome occurs due to existing mental disorders.

Invented diagnoses

Hypochondria - a disease that must be treated

Some suspicious people tend to come up with new diseases each time. And that is the scientific term - hypochondria. A person in this state is concentrated only on his health and, as a rule, is always in search of diseases. Such people need to deal with suspiciousness. Hypochondriacs, as a rule, take care of their health in a special way. They follow periodic medical magazines, watch television shows on the topic of health, and often visit doctors and take various medications. And every day the thought that they are terminally ill overcomes them more and more. With such people who are only interested in their own health, it becomes uninteresting to maintain contact. And if they do not want to be alone, they need to struggle with suspiciousness. And pay less attention to your health.

The danger of suspiciousness

As a rule, suspiciousness is present in each of us. Only in some people the situation does not reach a critical point, while in others this syndrome develops into a pathological form. Any person is susceptible, regardless of age, race or gender. But not everyone can survive such stress.

When a person is in a similar state for a long time, he becomes emotional, receptive and touchy. Such people become notorious with the baggage of their fears and anxieties. As a rule, they mistakenly believe that everyone desires evil and only wants to harm them. Very often, this syndrome leads people to isolation, loss of loved ones and friends. A person, being in a similar state, needs to consult a psychologist and find out how to deal with suspiciousness and anxiety.

In the absence of treatment for this condition, it develops into a full-fledged disease, which in the future can lead to persecution mania and paranoia.

Psychology of suspiciousness: how to deal with it

Ways to get rid of suspiciousness

With a protracted syndrome, the help of specialists is required: psychotherapists, psychoanalysts and psychologists. If the form of suspiciousness is easy, then you can use a number of methods that will help to eliminate the feeling of anxiety on various occasions independently.


The presence of a beloved affair gives a huge charge of energy, helps to feel self-sufficient and happy. A hobby helps not get hung up on problems, distract from many negative thoughts, and also gives strength to live and move on.


Various fears and doubts that sometimes lurk in our head must be written down in a notebook and analyzed. It is important to be able to stop the internal panic in time and explain to yourself why this situation could arise and what it could threaten. This method will help to avoid uncontrolled fear and high emotional tension. Consciously thinking over each step, it becomes clear how to proceed further.

Lifestyle change

Exiting the comfort zone can help you get up and look at any situation from a different angle. To do this, you need to change only your habits. For example, start listening to the radio in the morning or change the route to work. Even a minor trifle will help to adjust to the possibility of deeper and more serious changes in your attitude to life.


Reflexotherapy - a method to combat suspiciousness

What is suspiciousness and how to deal with it, psychologists know. and it is recommended that you contact them first. In the fight against increased anxiety and suspiciousness, experts advise using reflexology. This method consists in the simplest massage of certain parts of the body. For example, to activate brain activity in critical minutes, you need to make weak tapping on the back of the head. Such a massage stimulates and excites the nervous system, pulls to the surface, unwanted subconscious programs and deep emotions.

Studying what suspiciousness is and how to deal with it, psychologists came to the conclusion that the method of tapping works with various manifestations of emotional stress. Thus, reflexology can eliminate anxiety, fears, dangerous addictions, guilt, negative beliefs that limit success and prosperity.

Also, to reduce the feeling of panic, click on two points, one of which is located in the middle of the lobe, and the other inside the auricle, in the upper part of the ear.

Get rid of empathy

There are times when a person tries to live a life for everyone and even for the whole country. Excessive feelings and excessive negative emotions lower self-esteem, add uncertainty and cause guilt. As a rule, without noticing it, such people in the role of sufferer and victim need love, attention, acceptance. To solve the problem, you need to get rid of loneliness and accept yourself. Then healing from painful emotions will happen by itself. With increased suspiciousness, it is necessary:

  • refuse to watch news and TV in general.
  • to realize that there are factors that, with all desire, cannot be influenced, because, for example, if you are not subject to weather changes, then what unnecessary experiences.
  • Create your own world, concentrate on yourself and your inner circle.

Self love

Self-love is a way to combat suspiciousness

Many people concentrate on their negative (sometimes imaginary) qualities. To always be in a good psychological state, you need to highlight your positive and strengths that distinguish you from others.

Do not talk about yourself in a negative way, even as a joke. Think and highlight ten of your positive qualities right now, it can be either professional, personal or business. Now carefully review this list. Yes, it's you. Never forget that you are unique even when you fall into the trap of suspiciousness - re-read this list. It will serve as a guide to happiness. Love yourself as you are and smile as often as possible, such an easy way will help you feel much better.

There is an answer to the question of how to deal with suspiciousness, and in Orthodoxy. So, it is said that you need to love yourself and your inner circle as they are. Only then will the mind and heart open for love of God.

Learning to resist manipulation

Usually suspicious people are highly suggestible. To combat suspiciousness, it is important to recognize and confront manipulations. This skill will be a new step in the development of personality. If you look around, you can see how much unnecessary and dubious information is circling around you.

Thus, you can identify the problem and the causes of suspiciousness, and then decide which components you need to get rid of. It:

  • bad habits;
  • jealousy;
  • emotions
  • excessive credulity;
  • anxiety
  • fears and more.
  • etc.

Further, either contact a specialist to solve problems, or try to deal with them yourself.

We write down our fears

Write down your fears

When we transfer our thoughts to a piece of paper, in this way we put them "on the shelves" and relieve ourselves of psychological responsibility. If something bothers you, write it in a notebook or notepad. Periodically reviewing this entry, you will no longer see the problem so serious and insoluble.


The rhythm of life of a modern person leads to an inexplicable hustle and bustle, during which frequent breakdowns, frustrations, excitements, nervous tensions occur, including suspiciousness. How to deal with it with the help of essential oils? In fact, back in ancient times, they began to use the aromas of medicinal plants to treat mental disorders.

Today, aromatherapy has become widely popular. The use of soothing essential oils contributes to a positive effect on the nervous system.

To combat suspiciousness, nervousness, increased emotional excitability, you can use essential oils prepared on the basis of:

  • thyme;
  • rosemary;
  • bergamot;
  • vanilla
  • daisies;
  • lavender;
  • geraniums;
  • sage;
  • peppermint;
  • citrus fruits;
  • jasmine
  • cypress;
  • lemon balm.

These components have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of children and adults. Many of them can be mixed with each other, getting new aromas that can have a calming, stimulating and sedative effect on the body. For example, to relieve anxiety and shyness, try dripping a few drops of vanilla and rosemary essential oil on a handkerchief.

Art therapy

To get rid of suspiciousness and various anxieties, sometimes you need to get distracted and give in to creativity. This can help art therapy. You can try moving on a piece of paper with watercolors or colored pencils all that you feel inside. Depict all your anxieties and fears in the form of ridiculous and funny drawings.


Autotraining - a way to combat suspiciousness

The settings programmed in our head can work wonders. A positive attitude is the key to a calm and happy life. Therefore, it is important to set myself on the right course daily with such phrases: “Throughout the day I will be a cheerful and joyful person!”, “I will definitely live this day brightly and intensively with the belief that my success is inevitable.”

It is human nature to behave as they say about him. Therefore, what are your opinions about yourself, and in this way correspond. Try to tell yourself as often as possible "I am strong", "I can handle it."

Such a training on self-hypnosis should be carried out before bedtime at the time of altered consciousness. To do this, you need to take a comfortable position, close your eyes, inhale and exhale about ten and say yourself inspirational phrases. For example, the text may read as follows: “I am a powerful creator of my life. The quality of days lived depends on me. I choose active actions and positive thinking. I am smart, successful, strong and resourceful. There are no unsolvable problems for me. I have enough skills to cope with everything that gets in my way. "

A monologue can be of any content, the most important thing is to feel it and believe in the power of your words. In order for a positive shift, it is necessary to perform this exercise daily.

How to help a loved one?

To help a person suffering from suspiciousness, first of all, his desire is necessary. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the following methods that will tell you how to deal with suspiciousness and fears:

  1. Do not discuss negative news with this person, focus only on the positive points.
  2. Show attention and understanding to the suspiciousness of a loved one. Please note that he requires support and acceptance from you.
  3. By a personal example, show the solvability and frivolity of any problems. .
  4. . , , .
  5. . , .
  6. , .
  7. Do not get yourself anxious.

And yet, is it a disease or not?

Negative emotions

Each person has internal anxieties, but only a suspicious person has a rather high level of anxiety.

Suspicion in the social sphere can reach paranoia. In this state, a person tends to disengage from people, as well as to be hostile.

In a pathological form, suspiciousness manifests itself in the form of fear of not achieving a better result, leading a person to procrastination - the constant delay in making important decisions, putting off important things “for tomorrow”.

So, is suspiciousness a disease or a character? Due to the suspicious state, a kind of “vicious circle” can form in a person: anxiety - suspiciousness - paranoia - perfectionism - procrastination - anxiety.

If it is not possible to eliminate this condition on your own, then in this case it develops into a disease in which a consultation with a psychologist is required.

If you manage to master these steps and understand how much in life you have lost because of your suspiciousness.

Thus, in order to know how to get rid of suspiciousness, you must first of all act. Do not get hung up on your problems, no matter how terrible and insoluble they may seem. First you need to understand the causes of what is happening, and then look for solutions to overcome the destructive state. If you can master the proposed steps and add your own to them, then gradually thinking will change and life will sparkle with new colors.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3833/

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