Is podshofe a good mood or a loss of vigilance?

France gave the world not only fashion, fine wines and unforgettable aromas of perfumes. From here came gourmet cuisine, balloons, canned foods. Of course, one cannot fail to say how beautiful French is - the language of love. Due to its elegance, it has long been a priority in Russia. To this day, some expressions have remained in the French language, which have taken root well and continue to be actively used in modern society. So, let’s look at what “podshofe” means.

podshof or under the shafe

The meaning and origin of the word

Note that the word came from the French word echauffe, which means "excited, heated." But you should know that in France the use of this word has another meaning. So they say when there is a glut or overeating. This is the direct meaning of the word. In the figurative meaning of the word, they say so about a slightly drunk person.

At the time of Pushkin and Dostoevsky, alterations of French, German and Russian words were in fashion in a noble environment. Often such speech turns were attributed to specific authors. And the “sub-issue” is not an exception in this case. But the celebrities of that time only recorded such phrases and, as they say, gave them life in their midst. The formation of such word forms (for example, “podshoff”) is the result of their “embedding” in the speech of certain literary characters by those who were significant and famous. In their midst, Russian nobles, using this kind of alteration, understood each other perfectly, but representatives of other classes perceived such words as new. The use of it in speech by a simple and illiterate person gave this expression a special “sweet” irony. It is worth noting that the use of the preposition, originally in French, is, of course, absent.

what does podshof mean


In this case, the image of the word causes many options. In many sources, the writing of the expression of interest to us is discordant. And as soon as they don't write it! "Podshof" or "under the shaf"? Sometimes you can see the "padshafe"! You can find the spelling of this word through a hyphen. If in French the rules for writing this word are clear and understandable, then writing in Russian causes some bewilderment. So, the following should be made clear: the “sub-issue” is always, in all cases, without exception, spelled together and only through the letter “o”.

fuck it up

What's happening

It should be noted that the word "podshoff" is used exclusively in colloquial speech. In literary use, this expression is quite rare. The record holder for the use of the expression “sub-chorus” is, perhaps, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. He not only used it in his works. Quite often, this phrase can be met in the personal correspondence of the writer.

Each of us understands that this easy stage of intoxication is not at all dangerous for people around us. The person who is "foolish" does not cause disgust. Like, for example, the one who got drunk, as they say, "in the insole" or "in the board." A mild degree of intoxication or “foolishness” is, first of all, high spirits, which is characterized by excessive talkativeness, decreased self-criticism, unstable attention, and impatience. A person strives for communication, he becomes complacent, loses orientation in time and space.


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