Drying for fruits and vegetables: reviews. How to choose a dryer for vegetables and fruits

With the onset of the season of fruits and vegetables, the owners of summer cottages begin hard work. Twist, roll, dry, pickle, freeze and much more. But there comes a time when the pantry is full, and the hand is mercilessly hurt from the sealed key. At the same time, the freezer is packed to capacity, and all possible capacities are in various pickles. And the garden is still bursting with the gifts of nature! The question arises: "What to do next?".

drying fruits and vegetables reviews

Technologies come to the rescue, namely, an excellent device for any housewife - drying for vegetables and fruits. The reviews are quite diverse, but in general positive, since sometimes she really acts as a savior during the kitchen gardens. Of course, they used to dry in the natural way, but some products are rather difficult to dry, and they take up a lot of space. With the help of electric drying, the process has become very easy, and you can dry not only vegetables and fruits, but also mushrooms, meat, fish, greens, marshmallows, marmalade and all that is enough for your imagination.

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Use in the city - is there a need?

But not only the owners of land glance in the direction of electric dryers. Residents of megacities are increasingly starting to purchase this product for preparing dried fruits at home. It seems to be unnecessary, because in the city you can buy them at every step, but often the quality and purity of the products sold are doubtful. Therefore, people who monitor their health, and especially the mothers of young children, increasingly prefer self-drying.

Short overview

What kind of animal is this - drying for vegetables and fruits? Reviews of manufacturers position each of their products as the best, with unique capabilities, which is not surprising. But you can describe several common features that are characteristic of almost every quality drying.

The undoubted advantage of the devices is their compact design, lightness and at the same time high ergonomics - the presence of several trays allows you to simultaneously dry a large number of different products. The ease of technology is due to the fact that almost all of it is made of special eco-friendly plastic, which is used even for children's dishes. After all, the products in the dryer for a long time lend themselves to high temperatures, so ordinary materials are not suitable, the same plastic does not emit harmful toxic substances. Although there are metal models, they are much heavier and get very hot during operation.

Drying is characterized by low power consumption, they work sometimes up to 24 hours, so this is a pretty significant indicator. The control system is electronic or manual, allows you to select a mode and set the operating time. Some models have an auto power off system and a thermostat.

fruit and vegetable dryer saturn 8505 reviews


According to the principle of action of the device, there are convection and infrared. Infrared drying of fruits and vegetables works with the help of infrared radiation, which is absorbed by moisture inside the product and allows it to evaporate at a low temperature. Thanks to this, fruits and vegetables retain more beneficial vitamins and look more natural. After soaking in water, such dried fruits take the form of fresh, only chopped. The only negative of infrared drying is its rather high price.

Convection drying has become more widespread among buyers, precisely because of its relatively low cost and rather good performance. The principle of operation is much simpler - hot air circulates inside the device and evaporates moisture from the surface of the products. Their appearance changes and vice versa, even after soaking, it is not restored. The drying process in convection ovens takes much longer.

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Drying is distinguished by the number and height of the trays. The indicator at first seems unimportant, but the more trays, the more products you can load at the same time, which, accordingly, reduces time and energy consumption. And trays with high walls allow you to place larger products, for example, halves of pears, apples, plums, etc. For trays with low walls, products will have to be finely chopped. Be sure to complete a complete sheet in any drying equipment - a tray for the production of pastille and marmalade.

Trays come with transparent and opaque walls. If you select the first option, you can control the cooking process without opening the dryer.

And yet, which manufacturer to prefer, which model? What is the best drying for fruits and vegetables? The reviews are different, let's try to put them together and consider some of the most popular models today.

fruit and vegetable dryer saturn st fp8504 reviews


The Saturn company has long been actively sold in the CIS, positioning itself as an inexpensive manufacturer with quite acceptable quality and a large assortment of goods. They also offer a pretty good selection of models for such an electric appliance as Saturn fruit and vegetable dryer. Reviews about the manufacturer are rather mixed, there are also negative ones, but despite this, the company has its regular customers, as it is aimed at the middle class and offers a good price-quality ratio.


Consider two models from this manufacturer. So, drying for vegetables and fruits "Saturn 8505". The reviews are rather good, it has a fairly compact size, an interesting design, made of beige food grade plastic. One of the advantages is the presence of a thermostat, that is, you yourself set the required temperature inside the dryer, auto shut off when overheating, but there is no shutdown at the end of work. Power is good, but it works quite quietly, easy to manage.

For all the positive aspects, there are also not very pleasant ones - it consumes a lot of electricity, hot air is distributed unevenly inside, which is why products are dried on the lower pallets much faster than on the upper pallets, so you need to constantly monitor the process. Not airtight - during operation, the smell of products spreads quite strongly around, which is not scary if fruits are cooked, but can be unpleasant when drying fish. So it has the disadvantages of drying for vegetables and fruits "Saturn 8505". The reviews about the trays are as follows: rather capacious, with high walls, 5 pieces are available, opaque, the total capacity is 5 kg - one kg per tray.

infrared drying of fruits and vegetables


The next model is Saturn st fp8504 fruit and vegetable dryer. The reviews are also pretty good, in its functions it almost repeats 8505. Lightweight and compact, has a modern design that differs from the previous model. The main difference is that the trays are transparent, you can control the entire cooking process without opening the dryer and without releasing hot air. Of the minuses of this model is called too short a cord, limiting the location of the equipment.

Saturn provides two years of warranty for all of its fruit and vegetable dryers.

fruit and vegetable dryer zelmer fd1002 reviews

Elenberg by 1102

Dryer for fruits and vegetables Elenberg by 1102 reviews is quite mixed. Some consumers claim that the machine does not dry well, while others are absolutely happy with it.

The main disadvantage of this model is called a fairly fragile plastic, which begins to crack after some time of use. Despite the fact that drying also has 5 transparent trays, they are quite small in height and capacity. This can not be clearly called a minus, because such a model may be more suitable for a housewife who does not need to dry food in large volumes, but they will have to be chopped quite finely.

Moreover, the undoubted advantages of drying "Elenberg" can be considered a fairly low price compared to peers and low energy consumption. So she always finds her buyer.

Zelmer fd1002

Another good foreign model is the Zelmer fd1002 fruit and vegetable dryer. Reviews are good, more modern design with a digital display, electronic control, auto-off according to timer, 2-stage drying system. There are only 4 transparent trays, but they are quite capacious and allow you to load up to 6 kg of products at a time. Manufacturer's warranty - 2 years.

Shivaki sdh 5101

Also a good option is a Shivaki sdh 5101 fruit and vegetable dryer. The manufacturer reviews are impressive, as the company is quite famous and tries to adhere to high quality standards. Drying has a classic configuration - 5 transparent trays, a mechanical control mode, protection against overheating, auto power off, and a light indicator of work. In principle, it doesn’t differ much from its colleagues, but wins due to the name of the manufacturer.

drying fruits and vegetables reviews

Drying for vegetables and fruits "Miracle": reviews of fans at home

Making a comparative analysis of dryers of foreign companies, we do not forget about our manufacturers. They are quite successful in this market.

Dryer for fruits and vegetables "Rotor - Miracle" reviews has probably some of the best among domestic models. Some consumers rate it even higher than many foreign colleagues. Moreover, it is one of the hundred best goods in Russia, has many awards for quality and is exported.

There are also 5 opaque trays in the kit, but due to the large capacity and height, you can load up to 6.5 kg of products that are not necessary to grind. This model contains all the necessary functions: manual drying mode, temperature control, temperature support, overheating protection, thermal switch, good power.

In general, domestic drying for vegetables and fruits is in no way inferior to foreign counterparts . Kharkov gives positive reviews, Kiev too. Minsk, Bryansk, Moscow and other cities of the CIS countries - all speak well of this model. Manufacturer - Altai Instrument-Making Plant "ROTOR", Barnaul, Russia. Warranty - 1 year. Of the minuses, consumers name only one - a large, not very convenient, size compared to foreign goods.

Ukraine also does not lag behind and produces pretty good equipment. They are made in several cities: an electric dryer made in Vinnitsa ("Sadochok"), a dryer for vegetables and fruits "Kharkiv". Reviews about the dryers of Kharkov and Vinnitsa production are good, but the design is not always modern. The Kharkov dryer "SPECTRUM TKU-3000" ("EuroKhohlushka") is popular, however, for industrial production.

drying fruits and vegetables reviews

Undoubtedly, this technique is very convenient and useful - drying for fruits and vegetables. Customer reviews of various brands help determine what exactly you need. After all, the principle of action is very similar for them, only a few details differ, but for someone they will become decisive in their choice.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38371/

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