Work in the United Arab Emirates: search methods, options and other nuances

The next economic crisis, American and Western European sanctions have become the reason that talk of emigration from Russia again clearly sounded. But Russians and citizens of neighboring countries are already leaving to work in Europe and America less, making sure that there is not everything as smooth as it might seem at first glance. Today, many are attracted to work in the United Arab Emirates.

work in the arab emirates

Safety, stability and unique conditions for business development - this is what distinguishes the UAE. And in this amazing country, low unemployment and most of the population are foreigners. This determines the demand for foreign specialists in the UAE and the fact that employers will not relate to citizens from Russia and neighboring countries as they relate to migrants, for example, in Moscow.

Immigration law

To legally enter the United Arab Emirates, you must apply for a visa. In order to “scout the situation”, you can get a tourist visa - you cannot get a job using it, but you can find a place to live and take a resume to potential employers. A tourist visa is issued for 30 days with the possibility of renewal. There is still a guest visa, which also can not work. Violation of this requirement may threaten deportation from the Emirates.

If the employer has already been found or a firm decision has been made to immediately get a job, you need to get another, work visa, the so-called resident. Work in the United Arab Emirates for Russians is available only after passing this stage.

The document can be obtained quite easily, and prolonging is not difficult. In this regard, the United Arab Emirates is more loyal than European countries, and even more so, the United States of America. A resident visa is issued for a period of up to three years. According to it, you can find a job, start your own business and enjoy almost all the advantages of legal residence in the United Arab Emirates.

However, under any circumstances it will not be possible to obtain UAE citizenship, since it is transmitted “by inheritance”. Citizens of the Emirates can become only children born from citizens of this country. In addition, there is no intermediate stage between visa and citizenship, such as a residence permit.

work in the UAE for Russians

A business owner or employee can open a resident visa to both himself and his family. But there are a number of nuances. Since the Arab Emirates is a Muslim country, only the head of the family, which, according to local traditions, can be exclusively a man, has the right to draw up a permit.

Ways to look for work in the UAE

Work in the United Arab Emirates can be found independently or through an intermediary. The second option is much simpler, in addition, you do not have to worry about other important points: arranging a flight, applying for a visa and many other documents, finding a place to live, and so on. The services of such firms cost from 500 to 1000 dollars, and sometimes more, depending on what exactly is included in a particular proposal. But some of these intermediary firms are scammers, so be sure to carefully review the reviews before contacting consultants.

It is more difficult for Russians to find work in the United Arab Emirates on their own, and even without knowledge of English is almost impossible. You can search on specialized job sites, on the web resources of hotels and hotels - from time to time they publish a list of available jobs. Another way that is much more effective than the ones listed above is to personally submit the resume to the offices of interest. This approach is actively used in the United Arab Emirates and brings good results. But if you just send a resume in electronic form, it is not a fact that a suitable place will be found even in the coming year.

pilot work in the UAE

Requirements for Foreign Workers

Foreigners with high qualifications and work experience at home or abroad are more likely to offer jobs to the United Arab Emirates. Demand for professionals remains consistently high, but without knowledge of the English language and education, it will only be possible to get a low-paid position. With language and without education and experience it is easier - you can take specialized courses and get a job where there will be career growth.

The requirements for foreigners who are sent to work in the United Arab Emirates are as follows:

  1. Age from 18 to 30 years, for those who are aiming for leadership positions - up to 35 years.
  2. Fluency in English. Knowledge of other languages ​​will be an additional advantage in employment.
  3. Attractive appearance. Many migrants find work in luxury hotels in the United Arab Emirates or in restaurants, and in the service sector, appearance is important.
  4. Seriousness. Contracts are concluded for one to two years, so work in the United Arab Emirates is not for those who are looking for seasonal earnings. But for migrants aiming for a long stay, it’s easier here - the whole system is set up to find a job for a long time.

Features of labor law

Most of the population of the United Arab Emirates are migrant workers, therefore the government continually facilitates migration and labor legislation to protect and comfort foreign citizens in the country.

For example, if a foreigner is not sent to the United Arab Emirates with the aim of finding a job, but already has an employer, all the bureaucratic concerns fall on the latter. In addition, working in other companies (except the one that initially accepted the migrant) is prohibited; when changing the place of employment, it is necessary to apply for a new visa. The employer provides the employees of the migration department who issue the documents with a detailed contract with foreign workers.

work as a doctor in the UAE

Instead of the usual 40, 48 hours work in the United Arab Emirates . Overtime, which is not uncommon, is paid extra and often at a double rate. Some large companies pay foreign employees accommodation, meals, plane tickets (round-trip at the end of the contract) and a medical policy. Paid leave is 28-30 days, paid sick leave - up to 90 days a year.

Pensions are not provided to migrants who worked in the Emirates, but the government is now considering this issue. However, it is still worth getting an individual retirement account with a bank immediately upon arrival in the United Arab Emirates.

The punishment in the form of a ban on labor in the United Arab Emirates is imposed for early termination of the employment contract. If the employee also violated the provisions of the contract, the ban is extended for another six months. Lifelong prohibition as a punishment measure is applied in very rare cases.

Labor market demand

The main work in the United Arab Emirates for Belarusians, Russians and Ukrainians is the service sector. It is in restaurants and hotels that the majority of migrants work. They also work as bartenders, parking attendants, maids, animators, consultants in stores (minimum knowledge of English is necessary), hostesses, waiters or security guards.

Work in the United Arab Emirates for Russians (vacancies can be found on the websites of universities that support exchange programs) students, young scientists and teachers are also there. Young people can take training courses and find a good place. For example, a stewardess is a good job for a woman in the United Arab Emirates. A girl can take courses after college and immediately get a free seat. Teachers and young scientists most often enter the country through exchange programs between universities.

work in luxury hotels in the UAE

Needs a manpower and construction area. True, the Russians are in no hurry to build. As a rule, migrants from India, Pakistan or Iraq get jobs in such places. Women from these countries are more likely to find dishwashers, cleaning ladies, maids, or prostitutes.

You should not dream of working in government positions. These places are available only to citizens of the country. It is very difficult, but with sufficient desire, you can get a job as a pilot in the United Arab Emirates. To do this, you must have a diploma of higher education in this field, work experience, excellent knowledge of English, in addition, you will definitely need to pass an exam.

In total, about 100 thousand Russians are employed in the UAE. The average salary of compatriots in this Muslim country is almost 3 thousand dollars, so it is not at all surprising that many want to leave their homeland in search of a better life.

Internship in hotels and restaurants

Today, many universities offer students and graduates to undergo internships or internships abroad, including in the United Arab Emirates. Such programs are completely identical to regular employment in the service sector. To get a good position, you need to have a diploma of higher education in the hotel or restaurant business, or be a student of these specialties and have an adequate knowledge of English.

During the practice or internship, a scholarship must be paid, sufficient for a comfortable stay in the country. After finishing work, you can stay in the Emirates for a permanent job, get good recommendations and an unforgettable experience.

work for a woman in the UAE

Health Care Jobs

It is no coincidence that Russian doctors and medical personnel massively travel abroad, including to the UAE. Working as a doctor in the United Arab Emirates is a prestigious, highly paid, but hard work. Strict requirements are put forward for medical personnel:

  1. Good knowledge of English and Russian languages ​​(including, of course, professional vocabulary).
  2. High qualification. This fact is confirmed by a special exam. You need to retake the exam twice a year.

If the specialist has a license, you can open your own clinic, cosmetic or dental office. True, this option requires really significant financial investment.

Positive aspects of work in the UAE

The benefits of leaving for work in the United Arab Emirates are as follows:

  1. Invaluable experience of interaction with foreign colleagues and the employer.
  2. Getting good recommendations at the end of the contract. With such a letter of recommendation, a foreigner has access to many large companies both at home and abroad.
  3. High salary, which remains almost completely with the employee. And all thanks to a very loyal tax system.
  4. Full social package. Employers are interested in highly qualified employees, so they provide a foreigner with housing, food, medical insurance and so on.
  5. The UAE government (through the Wage Protection System program) guarantees the payment of wages even if the employer is dishonest.

Negative aspects of employment

Of course, there are also negative aspects of employment in the United Arab Emirates:

  1. Hot climate. In the summer in the UAE, the temperature keeps even above 50 degrees Celsius, the rest of the time - 25-35 degrees. It rains only a few days a year.
  2. The option is not suitable for those who are looking for temporary earnings and seasonal employment. All contracts with foreigners are concluded for one to two years, and upon early termination, the migrant faces a ban on entry or further employment in the country.
  3. Muslim traditions. Islam is literally everywhere, you can get used to it, but at first it can be difficult to observe all the traditions of the local population, and this is necessary.

work in the UAE for Belarus

Organization of life in the Emirates

Moving to the United Arab Emirates is not only employment. You also need to find housing, as well as take care of many other household nuances. As for the cost of housing, renting in the capital of the UAE is expensive, especially when it comes to central areas. Visitors note that the cost of the products is acceptable, gasoline is cheap, cars are half the price than in Russia, but the prices for entertainment and alcohol are very high.

Possibility of moving with family

To move to the UAE with your family, you need to apply for a head of family. According to local traditions, it can only be a man. He must find a well-paid job (salary should be at least 10 thousand dirhams), purchase a home (worth at least 270 thousand dollars) or open his own business.

There are two more nuances:

  • firstly, women do not have the right to sponsor a husband or minor children, so real estate and a company will have to be issued for a man;
  • secondly, the fair sex should work and apply for a separate visa if the husband's salary is less than 10 thousand dirhams.


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