Who is fucin? Meaning of the word and its synonyms

About who Fucin is, few people know. And this is due to the fact that the word has meanings related to slang and jargon. In addition, he has a number of other interpretations. More about who Fucin is will be described in the article.

In speaking

Fuqing as a criminal element

Here, several meanings of the word "fucin" are meant. These include the following:

  1. In thieves' jargon, this token is interpreted in several ways. It can be both a novice thief and the most authoritative "side-man" of the prison cell. But at the same time, this term refers to the potential victim of a robbery. Such conflicting interpretations are explained by the large territory of our country.
  2. Even before the collapse of the Soviet Union, Odessa began to call dysfunctional young people that way. In other regions, they were similarly called gopniks, for example, in Leningrad. And in Moscow they got the nickname "urla".
  3. In a teenage environment, this word is used in relation to peers who stand out from the crowd. So can be called and excellent students, and mentally retarded children or adolescents, just losers, naive people. Or those who are too self-confident, like to splurge.

To answer the question of who Fucin is, definitely will not work. For a better understanding, we will study the lexemes close to it.


The word "fucin" is the following words:

  • show off;
  • Ponte lover;
  • newbie
  • the leader;
  • disrespectful person;
  • absurd;
  • stupid;
  • gopnik;
  • a scoundrel;
  • shokha;
  • naive;
  • simpleton;
  • sucker.

Consider one of the synonyms in more detail. Who is a sucker? In one of the meanings, this is a slang expression, which denotes a simpleton, allowing you to deceive yourself. He is a potential victim for scammers. But this token has other meanings. For instance:

  • genus of shrubs and trees;
  • male salmon, the appearance of which is changed during the mating season;
  • in ancient armies - a unit of infantry;
  • name of freshwater lake and sea bay in Ireland and Scotland;
  • village in the Saratov region, in the Novoburas district.

Next, we will consider who fucin is in navigation.

In the maritime industry

Recruiting Futsins to the Navy

In Western Europe in the 16th century, the development of the fleet proceeded at a rapid pace, which was related to both merchant and military ships. In this regard, there was an acute question of staffing teams, because the maritime profession is one of the most dangerous. The wreck of the ship in the open sea promised its representatives certain death, and when the ship was captured by pirates, it fell into slavery.

The formation of teams came from three categories:

  1. Sons of sailors. From childhood, he was traced a path: to follow in the footsteps of their fathers.
  2. Volunteers. These were men who lived in cities remote from the sea, but infected with romance under the influence of adventure stories.
  3. Futsins. This category became popular during the period of hostilities. Special units of the Royal Navy raided the taverns. The idle poor people, people for whom there was no one to intercede, as well as fugitive criminals, were taken to the service.

It is likely that it was from here that a dismissive and even contemptuous tone was formed, which is embedded in some meanings of the word today.

The lexeme under study has other interpretations that are not only related to people.

Chinese city and nuclear power plant

Fuqing NPP

Not far from the city of Fuqing (southeast of China) is the nuclear power plant of the same name. It is operational, but today its construction continues. Consider its distinguishing features.

The first is increased structural safety. To minimize the occurrence of accidents allows the presence of multi-level reactor protection. Blocks of nuclear power plants are closed using special towers. The latter have the ability to withstand the fall of a small plane on them.

The second is the uniqueness of design and construction, which makes the atom "peaceful", safe for people and the environment. Thus, for the most part, the problems of emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere are solved.

In conclusion, it should be noted that this is not all interpretations of the studied token. So, for example, it also means the following:

Chinese triad of gods
  1. In Chinese mythology, it is a deity from a triad of stellar spirits called San Qin, the god of happiness Fu Qing.
  2. In Scandinavian mythology, this is a man who was elected to conduct certain magical rites associated with a character such as the evil spirit of the Askefroi tree.
  3. In Russia, this is a territorial unit like the current urban district. It consisted of the settlement itself and the territories adjacent to it.

Here is such an interesting and polysemous word "Futsin."

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38375/

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