Silicone lace - a fashionable and practical accessory

Silicone lace is a modern fashion accessory designed not only to decorate and make our shoes unique, but also to make life easier, eliminating a lot of problems and hassle. If you are tired of daily tying and untying ordinary shoelaces, it is worth buying silicone.

silicone lace

What are silicone shoelaces

As you can imagine, the silicone lace is designed to fix the shoes on the foot in the same way as a regular one. But the similarity, perhaps, ends here, since fashion accessories look quite unusual. They look more like a bright bracelet with a plastic clasp than a usual long lace for us. And in one sneaker several of them are thrust at once.

To do this, simply thread the cord into the opposite holes and close the clasp. That's all! No tedious weaving, alignment of the ends and knitting on a bow (which you simply don’t know where to put it later).

By the way, in order to make the shoes look especially bright and unique, sets of laces of different colors are sold. They can decorate your sneakers or moccasins in a way that tells you the taste and mood.

About the benefits of silicone shoelaces

In how convenient and practical silicone shoelaces, customer reviews convince very quickly. Indeed, it is very convenient to use them, because they do not require constant tying.

  • Due to their elasticity, these accessories can stretch without interfering with the process of putting on or taking off shoes.
  • When buying, there is no need to worry about the length of the lace - they are all universal, which means they will not be too long, constantly loosening and hanging out when walking, or, conversely, short, making the tying process turn into flour.
  • In addition, the silicone lace reliably fixes shoes, but does not squeeze the leg, disrupting blood circulation. Agree that with prolonged walking, such an advantage can be important.

And finally, they are very practical, since they do not fade in the sun, do not get wet in the rain, do not stretch from long wear and do not require special care. It is enough to wipe them with a damp cloth as they become dirty.

By the way, they can even be used as a bracelet or keychain.

silicone shoelaces reviews

Varieties of Silicone Laces

Silicone lace is available in a wide range of colors, allowing you to choose the right colors for any fashionista or fashionista. On sale there are even fluorescent products that can glow in the dark and produce a lasting impression on others.

Hilaces shoelaces are considered to be the most famous among us, they are distinguished by high quality and durability. Numerous Chinese fakes can disappoint buyers, as they quickly lose their shape and even color.

Another company - ClamPic classic - also produces silicone laces, but they look like ordinary ones, differing only in material.


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