Gutkina N. I., the "House" methodology: description, analysis of results, conclusions

In this article, we will find out what corrective techniques, pattern recognition, N.I. Gutkina's ā€œHouseā€ and other nuances used by psychologists to determine the level of development of the child are.

One of the most relevant and well-known tasks of psychologists in the education system is the diagnosis of the preparation of children for schooling. Today, there are a huge number of testing methods in this area. Among them is the ā€œExpert Program Determining the Psychological Preparedness of Toddlers 6-7 Years to School,ā€ N. Gutkina, who is considered theoretically the most justified. By the way, methodologically, it is considered the most consistent tool.

Advantages of the technique

The undoubted advantage of this technique lies in the principle of correctiveness, which is embedded in it. Using the program, you can not only establish the distinctive features of development and predict the success of enlightenment of the baby, but also draw up a corrective-improving adequate system. I worked for a long time on my theory, N. I. Gutkina. The ā€œHouseā€ technique is her best work, which is included in this program.

Gutkina N and the house technique

The project is designed to test children 6-7 years old. With the help of it, their psychological readiness for schoolwork is clarified and the dynamics of the mental development of babies in the developing groups is controlled. In the latter case, the project is used from 5.5 to 8 years.

In general, this program is used to study the development of intellectual, need-affective, arbitrary, speech spheres.


The techniques that make up the project are not tests. Thanks to them, you can qualitatively characterize the readiness of the baby for schooling.

The diagnostic project consists of seven techniques, six of which are original copyright developments:

  • A method for determining the dominance of game or cognitive motives in the need-affective sphere of the baby.
  • Kern-Jirasek school maturity test (orientation).
  • An experimental conversation revealing the "inner position of the student."
  • Technology "Yes and No" (the ability to work on a template).
  • The ā€œHouseā€ technique (fine motor skills of the hands, randomness of attention, sensorimotor organization, the ability to navigate the sample).
  • Reception "Boots" (study of learning).
  • Method "Sound hide and seek" (phoneme hearing).
  • Technology "Continuity of events" (development of speech, ability to generalize, logical thinking).

In order to conduct an effective examination, the cabinet is made out in accordance with the upcoming tests: all the necessary materials should be at hand of a psychologist and teacher. Bright objects and toys that may distract the child are also excluded from the setting.

Parents may be present at the follow-up interview, but their presence near the baby during the ā€œDetermining the dominance of motivesā€ and ā€œHouseā€ technologies is undesirable.

Objective of the project

Thanks to this project, you can:

  1. Find out the motivational readiness of the child for schoolwork, as well as the features of his learning ability.
  2. Determine the development of a preschooler in arbitrary, motivational, speech, intellectual spheres.
  3. Apply for many years the same incentive source that does not need correction.
  4. Find the nuances that impede the development of babies from the age of 5.5 years. To start working with them according to the developing exclusive methodology of the ā€œDevelopment Groupā€, which N. I. Gutkina described in her book ā€œPsychological Preparedness for Schoolā€.

Technology "House"

What is N.I. Gutkinaā€™s ā€œHouseā€ Methodology? The child is invited to draw a picture depicting a house, the individual elements of which look like details of capital letters. This technology can be used to determine the readiness of children 5-10 years old for schoolwork.

technique n and gutkinā€™s house

The purpose of the test is to determine the ability of a preschooler to copy a complex model.

Thanks to the task, the childā€™s ability to navigate the model and accurately reproduce it is revealed. You can also determine the features of the development of visual perception, laid-back attention, fine motor skills and sensorimotor coordination of the hands of a preschooler.

Materials and equipment here are a sample drawing, a simple pencil and a sheet of paper.

Examination procedure

How is the method of N. I. Gutkina's ā€œHouseā€ applied in practice? Before the exercise, the baby is informed of the following instructions: ā€œIn front of you are a pencil and a sheet of paper. I ask you to depict on the sheet the same drawing as on this sample (the child is given a picture with a painted house). Take your time, be careful and try so that your drawing does not differ from the sample. If you draw something wrong, you donā€™t need to wash it with a finger or an eraser (you need to make sure that the baby does not have an elastic band). Just on top of the wrong details or next to you can draw correctly. Do you understand the task? Then start doing it. ā€

the technique of house n and gutkina analysis of the results

Quest progress

You must admit that a great specialist N. Gutkina. The ā€œHouseā€ technique works wonders! So, what needs to be fixed in the course of the assignment? The psychologist must find out whether the baby is drawing with his left or right hand. The specialist is obliged to follow how the subject works: does he often look at the sample drawing, does he draw over it air lines repeating the outline of the picture. Or maybe he draws from memory, glancing briefly at the sample?

Also, the teacher should pay attention to the following nuances: slowly or quickly, the child draws lines, is distracted or works hard, whether after completing work he checks his drawing with the model.

technique house n and gutkina interpretation

When the child announces the completion of the exercise, he should be asked to check his own creation on his own. If he finds errors in it, then he can correct them, but the experimenter must fix these actions.

Results Processing

So, we found out what the "House" technique is. N. I. Gutkina proposes an analysis of the results as follows: the processing of materials must be performed by summing up the points that are awarded for errors. And the errors are as follows:

  1. More than double the magnification of individual image elements. The size of the whole picture in this case corresponds to the sample (3 points for each enlarged link).
  2. The absence of any element of the picture (4 points). The image may be missing smoke, a fence (two halves or one), a roof, a pipe, a hatch on the roof, a line indicating the base of the house, a window.
  3. Incorrectly executed picture element (3 points). With errors can be drawn smoke rings, hatching on the roof, fence, pipe, window. By the way, if the hedge boards are incorrectly depicted, then 2 points are awarded not for each incorrectly drawn board, but for the entire left or right part of the hedge. The same rule applies to the ringlets of smoke emerging from the chimney, and to the hatching of the house. Further, the left and right parts of the fence are considered separately: so, if the right part is incorrectly sketched, and the left has no errors (or vice versa), then the baby gets 4 points. If part of the left (right) side of the hedge is drawn correctly, and part with errors, then the distorted side is evaluated with one point. Roof hatching and smoke rings also qualify. If only some elements of the smoke rings are copied correctly, the baby gets one point, if a hatch is drawn on the roof with errors, one point is put. The incorrectly displayed number of parts in the picture elements is not considered an error. It does not matter how many lines there will be in the hatching of the roof, smoke rings or planks in the fence.
  4. Incorrect placement of components in the image space (1 point). Errors of this type include the placement of the fence above the line of the base of the house (the house seems to hover in the air) or below it (the fence should be on the line with the base of the house). A mistake is a significant shift of the window to the right or left of the center. If the smoke deviates more than thirty degrees from the horizontal line, this is also an error. A mistake is also considered if the size of the base of the roof corresponds to the foundation of the house, but does not exceed it (the roof on the sample hangs over the house).
  5. What further recommends performing Gutkina N.I.? The ā€œHouseā€ technique is a complex technology. A mistake is the deviation of straight lines from a given direction by more than thirty degrees (1 point): the skew of horizontal and vertical lines that make up the roof and the house. The kid is forbidden to change the angle of inclination of the side lines of the roof, to ā€œfill upā€ (by more than thirty degrees) the sticks of the fence, to deviate from the horizontal straight line of the base of the fence (by more than thirty degrees).
  6. Gaps between the lines where they should be connected (1 point for each gap). If the lines of hatching on the roof do not touch the line of the roof, 1 point is put for the whole hatching, and not for each of its incorrect lines.
  7. Overlapping lines on top of each other (1 point for each overlay). If the hatching lines of the roof extend beyond its contours, the entire hatching, and not each of its incorrect lines, is evaluated with one point.

For good performance exercises are awarded 0 points. In fact, the worse the kid drew the picture, the higher the total rating of his work.

recognition techniques figures house N and Gutkina

Agree, quite an interesting technique "House" (N. I. Gutkina). Interpretation of the results of this experiment is always carried out taking into account the age of the future student.

It is known that children of five years very rarely get zero points due to the incomplete maturity of brain regions that control sensorimotor organization. And what about the work of a baby of ten years, which is rated one point or more? Such a result indicates an unfavorable development of one or several psychological areas verified by the methodology.

Results Analysis

How does Gutkina N. I. propose to analyze the completed exercise? The ā€œHouseā€ technique is a very complex system. The specialist should focus on the nature of the lines: ā€œshaggyā€ or too bold lines can indicate, according to the sources available on this issue, the state of anxiety of the preschooler. But such a conclusion cannot be drawn under any circumstances, relying on only one drawing. The emerging suspicion must be checked by special experimental methods.

technique house n and gutkina processing


So, with what does the ā€œHouseā€ technique compare (N. I. Gutkina)? The conclusions that it allows us to draw help to assess the child's readiness for school work. Many people consider this technology as an analogue of II and III exercises of the Kern-Jirasek test, namely: copying written letters (II lesson) and copying a group of points (III lesson).

technique house n and gutkina conclusions

Comparing the results of the indicated schemes, the experts came to the conclusion that the "House" technology reveals the same psychological qualities in the development of the baby as the II and III lessons of the Kern-Jirasek test.

In fact, we found out what the ā€œHouseā€ technique is (N. I. Gutkina). Processing a completed task takes a little time. The results are scored in order to track changes in the sensorimotor evolution of the same child at different ages.

By the way, experimenting in this way with myopic babies is prohibited.


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