Cinnamon for lightening hair: reviews of specialists, mask composition, instructions, photos before and after

How to lighten your curls using natural products? This question worries many women who want to make their own image bright without harming the hair structure. There are a large number of different folk recipes with which you can dye or lighten the hair with natural substances that are contained in plants. For this purpose, cosmetologists often use lemon, kefir, chamomile.

Another very safe excellent way is cinnamon to lighten hair, reviews of which we will consider in this article. What are the positive and negative aspects of this method? How to lighten your curls with this product? You can find answers to these questions in our article.

cinnamon powder


Before considering reviews of cinnamon for lightening hair, it is necessary to study in detail the benefits and harms of this product. Cinnamon has an unusual aroma, and as part of it contains a large number of minerals, vitamins, so it is widely used in cosmetology. This popular spice is rich in the following vitamins: A, C, PP. In addition, zinc, iron, magnesium are present in the composition, which is why masks have a therapeutic effect. The specific substances that are present in the composition of the spice endow it with properties that can change the shade of your hair.

Many women are wondering if cinnamon is effective for lightening hair. Reviews from cosmetologists suggest that the product has this property.

Effect of use

A special composition with cinnamon for curls can give you the following cosmetic and healing effect:

  1. Spice has a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp, nourishes the roots with useful substances and elements. All this happens due to the warming effect formed by the brown mask, which improves blood circulation on the scalp. As a result of all this, a greater amount of nutrients comes to the roots of the hairs.
  2. Cinnamon masks are able to strengthen the roots, which will prevent hair loss.
  3. The strands acquire a pleasant aroma and beautiful shine.
  4. Cinnamon masks have the ability to lighten your hair.
cinnamon for curls


Also, reviews of cinnamon for lightening hair indicate that the use of this product has some negative aspects. If you want to achieve the desired result by making your locks a couple of tones lighter, then you will have to carry out such procedures at least 5-6 times.

An unpleasant side effect when lightening with such a spice is tingling or burning. That is why you should not use cinnamon to lighten those women who have too sensitive scalp. Girls who are prone to allergies should fear that cinnamon can cause redness or irritation on the scalp. Masks for clarification must be kept for several hours, which is not always convenient.

Reviews about lightening hair with cinnamon with a photo

Masks containing fragrant spice can make natural strands lighter. But will it be possible to lighten dyed hair with this method? If you use cinnamon on your strands that have been dyed, then as a result you will only wash off the paint or tonic. And from the use of cinnamon, the hair color will become less saturated. Experts attribute this ability to the fact that cinnamon is a natural peroxide agent. Many women were convinced of this in practice.

cinnamon lightening result

A chestnut tone on black dyed hair can be easily obtained if you mix henna with cinnamon, and then apply the mixture to your curls. In this case, the spice will interrupt the smell of the main ingredient, after which it will leave an exciting pleasant aroma on the head. In addition, a cinnamon remedy is great for removing yellowness from hair, for example, after a failed stain. This method has been successfully used by many women.

What else are the reviews of the fair sex talking about? If you want to achieve clarification with cinnamon, then you need to carry out the staining procedure with this tool more than 5 times. The effect of using masks with spice will also depend on the original shade, hair structure and type of curls. For example, in some girls, melanin, which gives the hair a natural color, is easily destroyed by the mixture, while in others it is resistant to cinnamon.

cinnamon hair lightening reviews

How to make a mask with cinnamon to lighten hair?

Reviews from the fair sex indicate that the process of lightening hair with this product at home is quite simple. There are several ways to lighten your hair. These methods are ideal for girls with dark and black strands. But for blondes it is better to refuse such lightening, as this can provoke the appearance of a red tint on the hair. If you want to use a composition with cinnamon, then first purchase the necessary ingredients before making the mass.

cinnamon and honey for hair

So, to make a brightening mixture, take three tablespoons of cinnamon. This amount is for medium length hair. If you want to lighten long strands, then spices will need 2 times more. Do not make the mixture in a metal bowl, as this will lead to oxidation. As a result, you get a disgusting greenish tint. After cooking, the mixture should be infused for 1 hour.

Before brightening your curls, it is necessary to conduct a test to exclude an allergic reaction. To do this, a small amount of the mixture is applied to the bend of the elbow or behind the ear, after which it is left for 30 minutes. If after this time itching and redness did not occur on the skin, then the resulting mask can be applied to the hair.

Mask recipe

All recipes for masks with cinnamon must contain honey in their composition. This product acts on the hair like hydrogen peroxide. Cinnamon, as well as olive oil in mixtures play the role of an accelerator. Lightening agents must be applied once a week. Such procedures are performed for 3-10 weeks, depending on the desired result. So, we will consider the most effective recipes for mixtures to lighten hair with cinnamon. Reviews about these compounds in most cases are positive, they prove their effectiveness.

With lemon and butter

First you need to pour cinnamon powder in the amount of 3 tablespoons into a glass or plastic container, add three tablespoons of honey, which is previously diluted in 6 tablespoons of distilled water. Then in the resulting mixture is added lemon juice in the amount of 2 tablespoons. It is also necessary to add 100 ml of olive oil and hair conditioner. All ingredients are mixed, after which the mixture is applied to the head for 3-8 hours. The composition is washed off with a simple shampoo.

mask result with cinnamon

Reviews about lightening dark hair with cinnamon suggest that this remedy fulfills its role through 5-6 procedures.

With honey and balm

To prepare this mixture, melt 70 g of honey in a water bath or in the microwave until warm. In no case should be overheated beekeeping product, as it will lose its beneficial properties. Next, three tablespoons of cinnamon in powder form are added to the heated honey, the ingredients are mixed until smooth. After that, you need to add three tablespoons of hair balm there. The finished mask is used according to the instructions below.

How to apply a mask?

Lightening hair with cinnamon, a photo of the results of which you can see in our article, will not require much effort.

To do this, wash your hair, then use a hairdryer or towel to dry the curls so that they remain moist, but so that water does not drip from them. Then you need to comb the strands with a wooden comb with rare cloves.

lightening hair with cinnamon

Using a brush for coloring, the resulting mass is applied evenly over the entire length of the hair. The mixture also needs to be applied to the roots, but it does not need to be rubbed into the skin, as it is harmful, leads to irritation, burns, scratches. After applying the mask to the head, the strands must be collected in a bundle. A plastic cap is put on top, which must be removed after 40 minutes. The mask must be kept on the head for 3-8 hours. The product is washed off with shampoo. In conclusion, the head is rinsed with chamomile broth. After clarification with cinnamon, the hair should be dried naturally.


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