Pollution of oceans: the importance of the problem, the main factors and ways to overcome

If you look at a photograph of our planet taken from space, it becomes unclear why it was called "Earth". More than 70% of its entire surface is covered with water, which is 2.5 times the total land area. At first glance, it seems unbelievable that pollution of the world's oceans can be so significant that this problem will require the attention of all mankind. However, the figures and facts make us seriously think and begin to take measures to not only save and support the ecology of the Earth, but also to ensure the survival of mankind.

global oceans pollution

Main sources and factors

The problem of pollution of the oceans every year causes increasing concern. Harmful substances enter it mainly from rivers, the waters of which each year bring to the cradle of mankind over 320 million tons of various salts of iron, more than 6 million tons of phosphorus, not to mention thousands of other chemical compounds. In addition, pollution of the world's oceans also occurs from the atmosphere: 5 thousand tons of mercury, 1 million tons of hydrocarbons, 200 thousand tons of lead. About one third of all mineral fertilizers used in agriculture fall into their waters, with about 62 million tons of phosphorus and nitrogen alone annually. As a result of this, some unicellular algae are booming , forming places on the surface of the ocean huge "blankets" with an area of ​​whole square kilometers and a thickness of more than 1.5 meters.

oceans pollution problem
Acting like a press, they slowly strangle all life in the seas. Their rotting absorbs oxygen from the water, which contributes to the death of bottom organisms. And of course, pollution of the world's oceans is directly related to the use of oil and oil products by mankind. When they are extracted from offshore fields, as well as as a result of coastal runoff and tanker accidents, 5 to 10 million tons are poured annually. The oil film that forms on the surface of the water blocks the vital activity of phytoplankton, which is one of the main producers of atmospheric oxygen, disrupts moisture and heat exchange between the atmosphere and the ocean, and kills fish fry and other marine organisms. More than 20 million tons of solid household and industrial waste and a huge amount of radioactive substances (1.5-109 Ci) fell into the bottomless depths of the cradle of mankind. The largest pollution of the world's oceans occurs in the shallow coastal zone, i.e. offshore. It is here that the vital activity of most marine organisms proceeds.
oceans pollution

Ways to overcome

Currently, the problem of protecting the world's oceans has become so urgent that it concerns even those states that do not have direct access to its border. Thanks to the UN, a number of important agreements are currently in force related to the regulation of fisheries, shipping, mining from the deep sea, etc. The most famous among them is the "Charter of the Seas", signed in 1982 by most countries around the world. In developed countries, a system of prohibitive and permissive economic measures is in place to help prevent pollution. The state of the earth's atmosphere is monitored by numerous "green" societies. Enlightening and educational work is of great importance , the result of which is perfectly visible on the example of the same Switzerland, where children perceive the love for the nature of their country with their mother’s milk! It is not surprising that after they grow up, the very idea of ​​encroaching on the purity and beauty of this beautiful country looks blasphemy. There are other technological and organizational means of struggle aimed at preventing further pollution of the world's oceans. The main task for each of us is not to be indifferent and strive in every way to make our planet look like a real paradise, which it was originally from.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C38386/

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