Applicant - who is it? We reveal the concept

How many of us at least once in our lives have not been puzzled by a job search? This topic is as old as the world. In everyday life of employees of employment centers two concepts appear: the employer and the applicant. Who is it? What qualities does an ideal candidate have?

general information

job seeker who is it
So, the applicant. Who is it is not difficult to guess. A person applying for a vacant position is called that way. Unfortunately, employers note that often the applicant does his best to put himself in the best light and ascribe qualities that are not inherent in him. That is why the employer in making the decision should rely not only on the assurances and recommendations, but also on his own opinion.

As a rule, an applicant for a position in an existing specialty applies to a recruiting agency to find a suitable option. The job of a recruiter is not easy. And all because he has to constantly deal with a large number of people. Not all of them differ in decency. Consider what requirements for the applicant are experienced professionals.

The most anticipated qualities

The ideal job seeker - who is it? A person who has knowledge, experience and skills in a particular field has a higher specialized education. Versatility is very much appreciated, for example, a financial director with knowledge of accounting. The employer will surely like specific proposals to increase the company's profits. In addition, keep in mind that at present, without computer skills, it is unlikely to be able to take a prestigious position. Undoubtedly, the applicant for a vacant place should be distinguished by sociability and initiative. In the process of climbing the career ladder, diligence, the ability to think analytically, self-control, decency and perseverance will help.

Naturally, all of the above qualities are unlikely to be inherent in one person. However, one must strive to possess at least half of them.

job seeker who is it


A credible job seeker - who is it? Sociologists note that among successful people, the majority are well-groomed, pretty, and well-built individuals. As a rule, correct posture and even complexion are associated with good health and performance. The secret is simple: it seems to others that a person who carefully monitors his appearance is better organized and disciplined, easier to tolerate physical and psychological overload. However, as elsewhere, a measure is important in this matter. Too bright and excessively sleek appearance will cause a backlash.

job seeker

Way to success

Applicant - who is it? A person who takes active steps to find a job. In order not to waste time in vain, study the situation on the modern labor market and find out which specialties are in demand, an overabundance of which offers is visible even with the naked eye.

In the absence of connections and necessary acquaintances, you can contact your local employment service or recruitment agencies. Keep in mind that the second option can hurt your wallet.

Action algorithm

Who is the job seeker? First of all, this is the person who has already decided in which specific area he wants to develop professionally. Moreover, ideas like “I want to work with papers in the office” are worthless.

Further it is necessary to decide for what purpose you are trying to find a job. Self-realization, enrichment or gaining the respect of others can be at the forefront.

It is important to outline the range of vacancies that you consider acceptable to yourself. Among them may be the work that you have already done, and those that you would gladly undertake.

job seeker is who

Preparing for an important conversation

Suppose you received an invitation to an interview. Remember that in the presence of a vacant position, the manager is in search of the most suitable candidate. You need to convince the potential employer that you are the very option.

Important rules:

- Do not come for an interview much earlier than scheduled or too late: in either case, you will not show your best side.

“The first thing you should do is smile.”

- Do not sit down until the head himself proposes this to you.

- Try to take as natural a pose as possible. Do not fall apart on a chair and do not keep your back tense.

- Do not make excuses about lack of experience or inappropriate age.

- Keep your distance. Familiarity will unpleasantly surprise potential bosses.

- In any case, thank the manager for your attention.

- If you are not informed about the results of the interview within the agreed time frame, take the initiative: call and remind yourself.

job requirements

If you are an employer

We list the most common methods for finding applicants:

1. Internal reserves. The result may be a review of employees working in the company.

2. Recommendations. This option, as a rule, is not welcomed by the majority of managers, since employment by acquaintance promotes the development of nepotism.

3. Ads in newspapers, on the radio, on specialized Internet resources. Of course, you will have a lot of competitors, but you should always try.

4. Recruiting agencies. Professionals take a lot of money to search for suitable candidates, but this is the surest way to find the one that suits you.

job seeker


Regardless of whether you are an employer or a job seeker, be polite, truthful and objective. Clearly set goals will help to achieve the desired as soon as possible.


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